Tonic Storage
Add it to the Wardrobe tabs?
That is actually a fantastic Idea! +1 for you sir!
I also agree with this as the fact that later on as the game adds more and more tonics to the game if they do not implement this then it will just force players to have to have a bank tab specifically for tonics. That is both gimmicky and bothersome as it forces players to buy tabs just to keep the tonics for personal or bragging use.
Well I say Hero tab because like mini it isn’t exactly a piece of equipment, Wardrobe is reserved specifically equipment, tonics are not equipment so should have their own storage tab
Agreed. I’ve been hoping for something like an Endless Tonic cabinet. Hopefully, and soon, they’ll add this.
Well I say Hero tab because like mini it isn’t exactly a piece of equipment, Wardrobe is reserved specifically equipment, tonics are not equipment so should have their own storage tab
Meant Hero, but it’s late and I’m multitasking right now with something completely unrelated.
Another thing a guildie pointed out to me, tonics could also follow a finisher format, basically non endless tonics would add charges to the tonic in storage, while endless tonics would work like a permanent finisher as previously stated, that would allow non endless tonics, for example, dungeon tonics to still be useful while taking up less sapce in your inventory
Yeah. I requested this when they released the wardrobe system. Hopefully now it’ll gain more traction as we’re getting so many more tonics.