Tonic's table.

Tonic's table.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kabuto.1853


One day i was sorting out my inventory and noticed that tonics take up a lot of space. Like a lot of you guys, I have a number of endless tonics and common ones, and even if I don’t use them often, I just don’t want to throw them into my bank to forget about them (they are fun and stuff, you know). So here is my suggestion to solve this problem – new table for tonics in hero’s panel.

Anet has already improved many times item sorting – first, they added a wallet where we can hold all our currency, so badges and others collectibles wouldn’t waste a space in bank anymore. Then the table for minis was introduced, so all our little friends can be easy accessible. So why not go even further?

1. New table will be located in equipment section, alongside with outfit, wardrobe etc. In this table you can see ALL acquired and accessible tonics you can find in Tyria. I’d suggest to divide tonics in endless and potion kind, so it would be easier to navigate (special option in drop-down menu is fine).

2. By clicking on one of the tonics, your character preview window will transform to selected “thing”, but in game you will stay in original form, same as current wardrobe/mini selection menu. To confirm the transformation you should click twice/right click on tonic and/or choose an option/use a confirmation button (which one do you like more?). For tonics providing more than 1 form (like Fractal’s one) there would be the icons on preview screen so you can see all possible variants.

3. Another feature that might be useful in my opinion – a quick info where (or how) you can acquire one or the other tonic. It could be done in the same way as for minis – just point your cursor on the tonic and read about it. Besides, there should be an option to redirect players right to the tonic’s page in tp/gem store (if it’s possible).

So, this is my vision of improving GuildWars2 collectible side. All of us (well, most of us) like to transform into magical beasts, strange creatures, mighty quaggans and all other mysterious beings, but wasting your bag space on items you don’t use often is really annoying. Furthermore, I don’t think it would be all that complicated for Anet to implement this system as they already have the similar experience.

Feel free to comment and improve my idea!
(yes, i know, my English is far from perfect, but i tried my best to explain things as clear as possible)

Tonic's table.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Johnbowman.1483


I’d support this idea, if all of the old Town-Clothes-Turned-Tonics were converted into armor pieces for their respective slots >.>

Tonic's table.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaaba.5672


It’s a good idea, and one that has been brought up several times. I will support it 100% each and every time I see it being brought up. I never have the tonics on me that I want in the moment.

And I support town clothes being an outfit as well.

Tonic's table.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Johnbowman.1483


Oh god, please don’t let the former town clothes that are now tonics become outfits. Just make them individual skins for the slots they used to fill.