Too many Black Lion skins
Why include skins in kitten expansion when you can make players buy them in addition to paying for the expansion.
I’m convinced the lack of new armor and weapon skins in HoT is meant to drive gem sales.
No armorset for raids…. just the first part of a precursor collection…. and more outfits…. and more outfits…. Idk what to play for anymore…
I learnt to ignore those skins if i don’t get ticket from free BL keys that I loot. Just ignore them. If enough people start ignoring them, maybe they will do something about it.
God, it’s so depressing going through wardrobe looking at all these dank af skins and realizing you’re too poor to get them. FeelsBadMan
I’m convinced the lack of new armor and weapon skins in HoT is meant to drive gem sales.
The amount of gem store and BL skins released since HoT dropped seems cagey as hell. A lot of games are copping flack for such business practise #cough# Battlefront #cough#.
Seems awfully convenient that HoT was released with a serious lack of aesthetic options…nek minnut…new BL and gem store skins every week.
what is even more annoying is that these sets are all fecking OUTFITS
one-piece sets that you can’t mix and match.
do you want to pay real money to be an unimaginative clone?
yes its insulting that since the $50 3-armour expansion Anet have managed to pump out something like SIX outfits.
but it wouldn’t be quite as bad if these outfits were armour skins.
i would pay for armour skins….
i will never buy a one-piece cashgrab.
every dam week, new outfit, new outfit, new outfit…
but hey, expecting anet to get a clue is a bit ambitious.
More like not enough bl skins! We need more that actually have effects. They’re 60g kitten just get the gold and buy it.
I think that the standard of the black lions skins is getting lower. Since heart of thorns we have been seeing a lot of weapon and armour skins that are basically the level of lootable skins, like those bizarre improvised ones. Similarly the plasma weapon set really didn’t work and could have been much improved (eg the greatsword isn’t hollow in its icon and is implied to be like the shield).
Fewer and better is a good idea, otherwise we get the situation we have now where the wintersday weapons are two tickets and yet can still be bought for less on the trading house because so few people wanted them the first time… entire year ago.
No armorset for raids…. just the first part of a precursor collection…. and more outfits…. and more outfits…. Idk what to play for anymore…
Also only 3 sets per weight class and a 4th for heavy in a 50 bucks expansion.. thats another thing you must not forget. Also outfits\gliders\minipets that should be meta rewards and raid rewards in form of skins on the gem store…lets not forget about that either. Not a fan…
every dam week, new outfit, new outfit, new outfit…
but hey, expecting anet to get a clue is a bit ambitious.
And the reason we don’t get any (from what I have heard repeatedly) is because players complained about armor skins being sold in the gem store.
every dam week, new outfit, new outfit, new outfit…
but hey, expecting anet to get a clue is a bit ambitious.And the reason we don’t get any (from what I have heard repeatedly) is because players complained about armor skins being sold in the gem store.
People complained about them being sold in the gem store instead of being obtainable by playing the game. I don’t think anyone could have known that ANET was going to stop creating armor sets entirely, or be so very stingy with adding any cosmetics to their $50 expansion pack.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
every dam week, new outfit, new outfit, new outfit…
but hey, expecting anet to get a clue is a bit ambitious.And the reason we don’t get any (from what I have heard repeatedly) is because players complained about armor skins being sold in the gem store.
People complained about them being sold in the gem store instead of being obtainable by playing the game. I don’t think anyone could have known that ANET was going to stop creating armor sets entirely, or be so very stingy with adding any cosmetics to their $50 expansion pack.
…yeh.. specially after starving the game out with skins for a year and then pushing out the x-pac and selling 5 outfits from the release day till the latest patch…. AND then having the audacity to even sell stuff that technically belongs into raid rewards on the gem store…looking at the bandit sniper bundle that contains an outfit that would make amazing medium armor and especially the glider and also the mini of the raid boss (even if i personally dont like minis..but that went too far). Also the exalted glider… The hell a-net? Why isnt that one where it actually belongs? The map meta rewards..
Its definably very dodgy to release so many skins to the gemstore, but release HoT with only a lackluster amount of skins. It does not even come close to half of what was available in GW2.
The original GW campaigns or EotN xpac added loads of armours. Just to repeat a post I made in another thread about this to illustrate this.
In GW1 each new campaign added some 6 armour sets per profession per gender. Thats 120 (6×10×2) new armour sets by the time they got to Elona. Sure, some where reskins, but that is no different in GW2.
In GW2 the armour sets for Sylvari, Human and Norn are shared (Scaled). Charr seems to be scaled as wel, but perhaps with more clipping issues so lets count that one as well. Then they need to adjust for the Asura. But even then the base design is already in place, so making the models is what remains. So thats 3 armours to design.
Then they have armour classes, so each of the three armour class professions share the new skins. This means per class you only need one set, reducing the amount of work.So that means that one armour set (bladed for example) needs 3x design for armour classes, 3x design for races, 2x for gender, but only for 1/3x professions. That means that one design set for a complete line requires 3 × 3 × 2 × 1/3 = 6 sets to design for 9 professions. Thats 1.5 per profession, as a comperative metric.
With the current 4 unique sets (correct me if I missed one) that translates to 6 designs added in terms of workload from Anet. For all genders, races and professions.
Now i get that having multiple races introduced issues with clipping and the complexity has increased as well compared to GW1.
But even then, 6 design workload as part on an ‘expansion’ is rather thin. The original launched with dozens of armours to choose from. Dungeon sets, karma sets, crafted sets, racial sets etc etc.. Sure that took time to make as well, but comparativly…So, Tl:dr: Comparitively very few new armours for the expansion.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for more free skins to choose from. Fashion Wars can be fun. But seriously, the game already had tons of free (or easy to obtain) skin options, more than most games. So what’s the problem?
As for Black Lion skins, I have no problem with them. Why? ….because you DON’T need them. Anet is a business, and as such they have to make money some how. I would rather they pack the gem store with cosmetic stuff than something necessary like an ascended mat and turn this into a pay-to-win game like most “free-to-play” games. Players should be praising Anet for this not QQ’ing. Too many black lion skins is only an issue for those that are easily distracted by…
….oh look, something shiny!!
I’m convinced the lack of new armor and weapon skins in HoT is meant to drive gem sales.
The amount of gem store and BL skins released since HoT dropped seems cagey as hell. A lot of games are copping flack for such business practise #cough# Battlefront #cough#.
Seems awfully convenient that HoT was released with a serious lack of aesthetic options…nek minnut…new BL and gem store skins every week.
Now if the skins where what I called nice, maybe I’d care, as it stands, they are all quite ugly. So I’m quite happy with all the skins I have, I’ve used a total of 2 weapon skins and the 5 easy to get mistward armor for my Rev. Yeah, HoT skins are not really my cup of tea. Nor have any of the BLC skins or outfits that can been brought out in the last month, glad I got my 10K though, nice free exalted glider skin.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I’m convinced the lack of new armor and weapon skins in HoT is meant to drive gem sales.
The amount of gem store and BL skins released since HoT dropped seems cagey as hell. A lot of games are copping flack for such business practise #cough# Battlefront #cough#.
Seems awfully convenient that HoT was released with a serious lack of aesthetic options…nek minnut…new BL and gem store skins every week.
Now if the skins where what I called nice, maybe I’d care, as it stands, they are all quite ugly. So I’m quite happy with all the skins I have, I’ve used a total of 2 weapon skins and the 5 easy to get mistward armor for my Rev. Yeah, HoT skins are not really my cup of tea. Nor have any of the BLC skins or outfits that can been brought out in the last month, glad I got my 10K though, nice free exalted glider skin.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for more free skins to choose from. Fashion Wars can be fun. But seriously, the game already had tons of free (or easy to obtain) skin options, more than most games. So what’s the problem?
As for Black Lion skins, I have no problem with them. Why? ….because you DON’T need them. Anet is a business, and as such they have to make money some how. I would rather they pack the gem store with cosmetic stuff than something necessary like an ascended mat and turn this into a pay-to-win game like most “free-to-play” games. Players should be praising Anet for this not QQ’ing. Too many black lion skins is only an issue for those that are easily distracted by…
….oh look, something shiny!!
Thing is… ppl kinda paid for the expansion. Adding new gearsets seems kinda appropriate…. I don’t think people would be hating on all the new cash shop stuff if the expansion had not been so lackluster in the fashion department…..
Instead you get a FREE summonable merchant, 1 transmutation charge, 1 XP booster. All of which are useless to 99% of people.
I’m convinced the lack of new armor and weapon skins in HoT is meant to drive gem sales.
It is my opinion that anywhere from 65-85% of all actions taken by Anet are meant to drive gem sales. This includes adjustments to drop rates, contents of bags, boss rewards, lack of new armors, foe population, node placement and count…
That leaves 35-15% of their effort to provide an enjoyable game. I’m of a mind that perhaps I’d rather play a good game with a sub fee. It seems every time I turn around I’m getting pushed toward the Gem Store. It has soured me on the game.
You know what sucks?
Pact weapons would’ve been perfect for the expansion
Mordem weapons would’ve been perfect for the expansion
Improvised weapons would’ve been perfect for the expansion
Ley line weapons would’ve been perfect for the expansion
But no, poor little arena net needs to make money and can’t add free skins in a game that is all about cosmetics.
One black lion set every 2 weeks is an insult. The old rate of 4-6 week for a new set was more than enough. Add to the insult that most sets would make perfect sense to be ingame rewards.
Mini Sabetha in gem shop is an insult, too.
Every black lion weapon set is obtainable through the trading post; there’s no need at all to gamble for them using the BL chest lotto. Further, the expansion added all sorts of skins that can be obtained without the TP.
It’s fine to say one prefers the BL skins over the free ones, but let’s try not to exaggerate the situation.
tl;dr gems aren’t required to purchase BL skins and there are ‘free’ skins added with the expansion.
(However, I agree that it’s s a bit weird to hype the challenge of raids and the exclusivity of rewards …and then offer a raid memorial via the gem shop. Still, that’s not anything that they haven’t done before.)
(However, I agree that it’s s a bit weird to hype the challenge of raids and the exclusivity of rewards …and then offer a raid memorial via the gem shop. Still, that’s not anything that they haven’t done before.)
I question your logic. If you kissed your sister in the past, so might as well continue?
One black lion set every 2 weeks is an insult. The old rate of 4-6 week for a new set was more than enough. Add to the insult that most sets would make perfect sense to be ingame rewards.
Mini Sabetha in gem shop is an insult, too.
Its actually more like a new BL weapon set every 10 days – with Gem outfits/bundles etc as much as twice a week -
If that isn’t a Company changing the business model whilst still conveniently charging players for the old system ( B2P) at the same time I don’t know what is.
You cant fleece people with TWO forms of financial penalty for one product without eventually kittening off a whole load of them – I already feel bitter about buying HoT because of this blatant money grab.
what is even more annoying is that these sets are all fecking OUTFITS
one-piece sets that you can’t mix and match.
do you want to pay real money to be an unimaginative clone?OUTFITS SUCK ANET.
yes its insulting that since the $50 3-armour expansion Anet have managed to pump out something like SIX outfits.
but it wouldn’t be quite as bad if these outfits were armour skins.i would pay for armour skins….
i will never buy a one-piece cashgrab.
every dam week, new outfit, new outfit, new outfit…
but hey, expecting anet to get a clue is a bit ambitious.
They’re useful for levelling.
But, yeah, in general, what we need is more armour skins…
…and not just any old armour skins – armour skins that are relatively sleek and unfussy in design, so they can be mixed and matched with each other easily.
Even the armour they have added to the game, from what I have seen anyway, is mostly very distinct and/or oddly bulky and/or very complex in design and/or involves coats/skirts.
Meaning that it probably doesn’t even really add many additional options…
…and armour sets that don’t add (m)any additional mix and match options and can only really be worn as a set successfully, almost might as well be outfits, really.
One black lion set every 2 weeks is an insult. The old rate of 4-6 week for a new set was more than enough. Add to the insult that most sets would make perfect sense to be ingame rewards.
Mini Sabetha in gem shop is an insult, too.Its actually more like a new BL weapon set every 10 days – with Gem outfits/bundles etc as much as twice a week -
If that isn’t a Company changing the business model whilst still conveniently charging players for the old system ( B2P) at the same time I don’t know what is.
You cant fleece people with TWO forms of financial penalty for one product without eventually kittening off a whole load of them – I already feel bitter about buying HoT because of this blatant money grab.
Well, you can.
Blizzard charge for xpacs and a sub.
But, the difference is that they do generally add plenty of new armour into the game for that – excluding their monumental f-up with the LFR rewards, in WoD. ><
Also, everyone pays the same.
So, you’re not left with a situation of a few people buying everything with real money, because they care about aesthetics and there’s so little available in the game itself.
While the rest of the playerbase gets to play for years, for virtually nothing, just because they don’t care about aesthetics and/or buy everything with the gold they made from flipping the TP.
If people are, genuinely, very poor IRL, that is one thing – but, that isn’t always the case, obviously.
One black lion set every 2 weeks is an insult. The old rate of 4-6 week for a new set was more than enough. Add to the insult that most sets would make perfect sense to be ingame rewards.
Mini Sabetha in gem shop is an insult, too.
Thing is, if you want all, or even most of, your rewards to be in-game, you need to play a sub game.
That way, you have paid (and continue to pay) to obtain access to them, via the content that drops them.
Not only that, but if you want them to all drop from raid bosses, on harder difficulties (as opposed to being a random drop, from anywhere, or from easy and fun content), you also need to play a sub game where either no one notices, or no one minds, that they are paying a sub for virtually nothing, if they don’t real raid…
Whereas, in this game, with your initial purchase, you are not really paying for much in-game stuff, at all.
You are only really paying for access to content, which then provides a certain amount of gold (normally, not much…), so you can eventually save for the rewards, if you want them.
Or, obviously, give-in and buy them with real money immediately/sooner.
See the problem with all this?
Casuals (i.e. the majority of players) are not going to want to pay a sub, if they can’t ever hope to get the rewards, by playing the content they enjoy/are able to do and almost no one is going to pay for stuff from a gemstore, to help fund a non-sub game, if they can get a decent number of items easily and for free (or included in initial purchase) in-game.
So, unless you’re really careful and clever, you end up with two blatantly bad/pointless situations:
1. The unfair situation of casuals and other indignant customers feeling forced to leave a sub game, like WoW, due to Blizzard feeling the need to pander, almost exclusively, to the preferences of a few hardcore players.
2. The ridiculous situation of being expected to buy stuff to wear/use, in a game that drops next-to-nothing, including gold; unless you enjoy playing a very basic form of a stock market simulator.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
So can expect more ‘content’ in the gemstore tomorrow, or will you actually put some into the game?
As much as I’m looking forward to having more craftable armor sets, I’d honestly also like to see more outfits as well. But they need to look good. Haven’t liked many of the current ones (not all bad), but the recent slayer outfit absolutely astonished me – I was expecting something less… average. Is the designer getting paid or working on a voluntary basis?
Ehmry Bay Guardian
(However, I agree that it’s s a bit weird to hype the challenge of raids and the exclusivity of rewards …and then offer a raid memorial via the gem shop. Still, that’s not anything that they haven’t done before.)
I question your logic. If you kissed your sister in the past, so might as well continue?
I am saying it’s consistent behavior on the part of ANet. They have always offered things in the gem shop that “celebrated” new content and not maintained a strict separation across content. For example, even if you don’t own HoT, you can buy HoT-themed skins from the gem shop (or on the TP).
I would prefer if they had more rewards exclusive to skill, to time & place, or to specific content. I can’t fault them though for wanting the gem shop to have attractive items from all aspects of the game.
Or to follow the analogy above: if you come from a country where it’s normal for second cousins to date, of course you would continue it even if your judgmental friend from New York said it was a sin.
tl;dr there’s nothing wrong with ANet offering up such items in the gem shop, even if personally I find it weird.
There is A LOT wrong, if they offer very little elsewhere.
Another week, another gemstore update with nothing in game. This expansion is seriously disappointing