Too much AOE
You can set your shaders and post-processing to off or low, that should help with the bloom at least.
Personally, I love the effects and how they create a sort of “conflagration” effect when you have 20 people hitting a single target.
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken
helped a little, but still many effects
It would help in some situations while making some tactics obsolete, like lobbing cow carcasses to obscure the enemy’s vision.
I love the AOE effects personally.
You can turn off the animations to minimize them too.
I find the AOE effects really awesome. It make a player feel like that he “actually” dealt damage to a lot of people compared to the aoe spells of other mmos.
sure they are awesome, but i just think there is too much of it. A option in graphics setting would be nice.
I would love a feature that heavily reduced spell effects other than yours.
As ranged, it looks awesome.
It’s not so fun as melee.
I find when arah getts attacked and 100 people are casting spells on the boss that it gets to a be a bit much for me >.> but I love it
I don’t really have any issue seeing the important attacks, Best to just concentrate on seeing through the cloud.
Channel your inner shaolin monk.
im playing a warrior and it really sucks, that i cant see what im doing.
thats ok you dont need to. let the real classes deal with the enemy
then what is a “real class”?
It might be fine when you’re shooting from a safe distance like a pansy but, not so great when in melee range where the real pro’s hang out. All those spell effects clutter the screen and we have a hard time seeing NPC’s telegraph thier attacks; thus reducing our abilitiy to dodge at the right time.
then what is a “real class”?
His class, silly.
I like seeing the effects of my abilities too—it’s awesome. The problem comes with having a screen full of players all with their awesome effects. Often large parts of the screen are simply obscured and often I can’t even find my own cursor. It would be nice to have the cursor made more visible in combat and for there to be a toning down of the overall effect of the effects.
Just think pinata and you got a blindfold on.
I ran CoE the other day with five elementalists (went really well too), with just that alone it was near impossible to tell what the bosses were doing in order to dodge most of their attacks. I can’t imagine what would happen if you got fifty elementalists in a WvW zerg or fighting Priest of Melandru, it would look like a fireworks show, a lagging fireworks show.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
There needs to be a reduced spell effect option since the game uses visuals cues to show an upcoming ability needs to be dodged. It gets stupid sometimes.
Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng
At least a modification would help.
Dragon in zone if yes everyone only sees their own casts my comp isnt great but it manages most things in game, dragon event its 1fps and pray nothing is hitting me.