Top signs the population of player is low ..
Cleverly designed i quit thread can i have your stuff?
1 – Could be a fresh map. Also zero tags are better than 1 in the CP. You will need 3+ (6 pref) to coordinate a gold victory.
5 – True. Especially after a new patch
6 – Meh, I don’t believe them. They can send me their fortune to show me they quit
7 – wha?
8 – Lots of factors here. Server match ups, 2v1s
Berserker = Skilled http://i.imgur.com/g1rkIub.jpg
Never forget – http://i.imgur.com/Oxra9sj.jpg
Send me your extra resources.
Yeaaaaaah if you’re quitting, can I have your stuff pl0x
Hello quit thread #223468 written in the same way about the same stuff as every MMO ever.
I’m making Frostfang, can I have your stuff or precursors? Game’s dying afterall, so it ain’t worth much.
6.. when you see players quitting on the forum
Have you ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophesy? No, well lets say that you’re comment falls somewhere on the irony spectrum. You see, because you’re quitting because you say people are quitting. Get it? No? That’s ok I guess.
Cleverly designed i quit thread
can i have your stuff?
Oh me too, me too. Simple gold is fine by me, that way you don’t have to worry about giving me stuff I can’t use
If u have many stuff, i could use some shinies too !
How did you miss the obvious sign of the decreasing Western ( EU ) population?
The creation of the Megaserver.
Enough said.
1.. when you found no Commander tags and 3 players in the “Crown Pavillion”
2.. when your zerg has a size less than 30 in Eternal Battle ground
3.. when you could not find a zerg in Orr
4.. when you could not find a tag in Lion’s Arch
5.. when you only see two guildee’s online
6.. when you see players quitting on the forum
7.. when you could not gain an skill point after hours online
8.. when you see unbalanced WvW scores
9.. when you spend more time on the forum than in the game10.. when you uninstall the game
1.) Everytime I go into the pavilion, it’s packed. People aren’t understanding the concept though.
2.) I’m on Ehmry Bay, one of the smallest servers. We always have zergs going in every zone.
3.) Orr is always packed.
4.) Why is a tag needed in LA?
5.) My guild is growing – what is yours doing? Better leadership maybe?
6.) Happens in every MMO.
7.) How in gods name are you not gaining skill points after hours online?
8.) lol at every WvW week?
9.) That’s your own problem.
10.) Why would you uninstall a free game?
1.. when you found no Commander tags and 3 players in the “Crown Pavillion”
2.. when your zerg has a size less than 30 in Eternal Battle ground
3.. when you could not find a zerg in Orr
4.. when you could not find a tag in Lion’s Arch
5.. when you only see two guildee’s online
6.. when you see players quitting on the forum
7.. when you could not gain an skill point after hours online
8.. when you see unbalanced WvW scores
9.. when you spend more time on the forum than in the game10.. when you uninstall the game
1) Never seen 3 players in Crown Pavillon. For the numbers of Tags, i usually don’t tag up in the crown because if I do and i’m alone all pugs will group up on me, which is bad.
2) Depend on server (pretty standard on low population server or PvE server to have not that many ppl in EBG. Also coverage is important. A server can queue EBG during prime time Europe and North America, but have only 10-20 ppl during Oceanic.
3) Couldn’t say, i didn’t go at Orr for several months exempt for temple from time to time.
4) Well, I don’t like to tag up in Vigil keep or L.A. since its seem to me that doing that would only be to show off or so people could see that you have a tag. So I don’t see why that would be an issue if nobody tag up in L.A.
5) Suck to be in your guild. Last year we had the same problem in mine during the summer. Now we have plenty of people online each day. People go and come in the game all the time, if you don’t recruit the number of guildmate online could only drop over time.
6) Players quit the forums couple hours after the launch of the game.
7) Suck to be you. Do you know you have to do stuff to gain xp?
8) That’s a core problem of WvW and don’t have anything to do with the total number of players. WvW is unbalanced by nature. You dominate a lower tier, go higher and then get dominated, drop in lower tier and dominate, rinse and repeat.
9) Personal choice? Weird personal choice but still.
1.. when you found no Commander tags and 3 players in the “Crown Pavillion”
2.. when your zerg has a size less than 30 in Eternal Battle ground
3.. when you could not find a zerg in Orr
4.. when you could not find a tag in Lion’s Arch
5.. when you only see two guildee’s online
6.. when you see players quitting on the forum
7.. when you could not gain an skill point after hours online
8.. when you see unbalanced WvW scores
9.. when you spend more time on the forum than in the game10.. when you uninstall the game
1.) Everytime I go into the pavilion, it’s packed. People aren’t understanding the concept though.
2.) I’m on Ehmry Bay, one of the smallest servers. We always have zergs going in every zone.
3.) Orr is always packed.
4.) Why is a tag needed in LA?
5.) My guild is growing – what is yours doing? Better leadership maybe?
6.) Happens in every MMO.
7.) How in gods name are you not gaining skill points after hours online?
8.) lol at every WvW week?
9.) That’s your own problem.
10.) Why would you uninstall a free game?/owned
I love that Tony Stark is apparently on the forums.
I could not send my stuffs because the game is uninstalled.
The best part about a reinstall is that it takes hours to download and reinstall so I have more time to do other things.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
Thank you for research my posting history.
Yeah. I wanted to quit last year and has been back and forth about quitting it.
I found I play too much and if I logon online and often I did not get enough sleep that night.
It is a hard game to quit but I am absolute sure it a right thing for me to do.
I never regretted missing any time that I was not playing it.
I actually enjoyed the time online and I am pretty good at it. Like last night it was fun to charge into a zerg in near SMC and see their surprises, dealt damages and came out alive. But then it lasted longer than I expected I have went to bed at 1:30 am.
So I uninstalled it.
There are others things I enjoy and I would appreciated afterward but playing a game with so much of my time is vain.
Look, just don’t make a big deal out of it. I’m not playing as much as I used to and there are some things that bother me or I think could be done better and I will bring them up if the topic comes up, but I’m not going to post about how I didn’t play last month or how I had more desire to fire up Skyrim or mock up a list just to say I uninstalled a game because I’m oh so disappointed or maybe because my hard drive isn’t big enough. I’ve uninstalled even free games out of principle, no biggie, but I never went onto the forum and said “nanana I uninstalled this”.
Say your goodbyes in PM’s, or bring up constructive points to fire up a conversation.
That is “the same old song”, thank you for reminding me of that great song, I hope you liked it as well. Level long and play prosper.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”