Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akhellan.4180


So let me get this straight… your saying you realise that different folks need different strokes, yet your complaining about that very thing, that the game is trying to become relevant to hardcore players as much as casual????

Anyways, while i boggle my brain on what your trying to say… Remember that these event scaling changes are just being tested at the minute. Its very likely to change again before they implement it globally. If they even do to the lower zones. Id assume they are looking at either leaving the scaling in lowbie zones or perhaps using a less harsh scaling curve. After all it would be silly to have an event thats next to impossible in a lvl 1-15 zone. But its equally as silly having bosses and/or mobs that dont even last long enough for me to target and damage with a massive grp in higher levelled areas.

If a challenge and difficulty wasnt your cup of tea, then im sorry for that but unfortunately, we cant have everything. My suggestion is dont play high level zones and meta events when the change is introduced globally. Itd be the same as hardcore players saying the whole game needs to be 10 times as difficult all round. Id say that argument was equally as ridiculous as this one for the same reason you have admitted yourself. Different strokes for different folks.

It would seem you didn’t actually read what I wrote. Or my language skills in English are worse than I thought.

Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


So let me get this straight… your saying you realise that different folks need different strokes, yet your complaining about that very thing, that the game is trying to become relevant to hardcore players as much as casual????

Anyways, while i boggle my brain on what your trying to say… Remember that these event scaling changes are just being tested at the minute. Its very likely to change again before they implement it globally. If they even do to the lower zones. Id assume they are looking at either leaving the scaling in lowbie zones or perhaps using a less harsh scaling curve. After all it would be silly to have an event thats next to impossible in a lvl 1-15 zone. But its equally as silly having bosses and/or mobs that dont even last long enough for me to target and damage with a massive grp in higher levelled areas.

If a challenge and difficulty wasnt your cup of tea, then im sorry for that but unfortunately, we cant have everything. My suggestion is dont play high level zones and meta events when the change is introduced globally. Itd be the same as hardcore players saying the whole game needs to be 10 times as difficult all round. Id say that argument was equally as ridiculous as this one for the same reason you have admitted yourself. Different strokes for different folks.

It would seem you didn’t actually read what I wrote. Or my language skills in English are worse than I thought.

Oh apoligies, i actually didnt read your post to the end. I thought this was a complaining thread, rather than a opinion and discussion one. As you can prob see we get far too much of the former in these forums. Kind of sticks me on auto-pilot when i reply.

Anyways, it is a good discussion. I will stick to my points though as i feel its something all gamers need to learn.
There are also other options though. the change doesnt have to be global when its introduced and there could easily be a middle-ground that anet is going for.
Like the dungeons, they said they brought the difficulty down in some and up in others to balance them in the long term. You need data to make changes after all and that data needs benchmarks to adjust the game further down the road.
This is why only two events have been affected. There will be developers currently pouring through this new data, seeing how many people succeed or fail etc. There will be new adjustments in accordance to this new data. The beautiful thing about MMOs is nothing is set in stone.

Also, the fact that they can seem to apply different systems of scaling to different events is looking very hopeful for everyone generally. With different systems for scale you can create different difficulties very easily. As we have seen. This is great as better rewarding or harder to find events could be very challenging – which would match up with he kind of people playing those events , similar to this you could have all non chained events and smaller ones to be more easy. Catering for casual players. Could even go as far as gathering data on casual players and there popular zones or events to play and adjust the difficulty in accordance to that.
Anet haver stated multiple times that they want to cater for every type of player. I wouldnt lose faith in this so easy when were seeing changes that live up to this statement entirely.

EDIT. One last thing, i think its important to remember that games usually do have to be challenging at some point. As much as i respect your playstyle (as i have plenty of casual gamer moments) you are the minority. Alot of gamers think facerolling content is a bad thing because whats the point of playing the game if it doesnt challenge you at all? In hardcore gamers minds, they can just watch tv or play some music or even have a bath. As those things tend to be more designed towards relaxation.

A quote that is quite pointant and revelant to the topic (cannot remember who it is originally from though!);

‘Life, like a good game, should get increasingly harder as it goes along’
Or as a funny alternative;
‘Life is like the early video games, it just get harder and harder until you die’

(edited by Parlourbeatflex.5970)

Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akhellan.4180


So let me get this straight… your saying you realise that different folks need different strokes, yet your complaining about that very thing, that the game is trying to become relevant to hardcore players as much as casual????

Anyways, while i boggle my brain on what your trying to say… Remember that these event scaling changes are just being tested at the minute. Its very likely to change again before they implement it globally. If they even do to the lower zones. Id assume they are looking at either leaving the scaling in lowbie zones or perhaps using a less harsh scaling curve. After all it would be silly to have an event thats next to impossible in a lvl 1-15 zone. But its equally as silly having bosses and/or mobs that dont even last long enough for me to target and damage with a massive grp in higher levelled areas.

If a challenge and difficulty wasnt your cup of tea, then im sorry for that but unfortunately, we cant have everything. My suggestion is dont play high level zones and meta events when the change is introduced globally. Itd be the same as hardcore players saying the whole game needs to be 10 times as difficult all round. Id say that argument was equally as ridiculous as this one for the same reason you have admitted yourself. Different strokes for different folks.

It would seem you didn’t actually read what I wrote. Or my language skills in English are worse than I thought.

Oh apoligies, i actually didnt read your post to the end. I thought this was a complaining thread, rather than a opinion and discussion one. As you can prob see we get far too much of the former in these forums. Kind of sticks me on auto-pilot when i reply.

Anyways, it is a good discussion. I will stick to my points though as i feel its something all gamers need to learn.
There are also other options though. the change doesnt have to be global when its introduced and there could easily be a middle-ground that anet is going for.
Like the dungeons, they said they brought the difficulty down in some and up in others to balance them in the long term. You need data to make changes after all and that data needs benchmarks to adjust the game further down the road.
This is why only two events have been affected. There will be developers currently pouring through this new data, seeing how many people succeed or fail etc. There will be new adjustments in accordance to this new data. The beautiful thing about MMOs is nothing is set in stone.

Also, the fact that they can seem to apply different systems of scaling to different events is looking very hopeful for everyone generally. With different systems for scale you can create different difficulties very easily. As we have seen. This is great as better rewarding or harder to find events could be very challenging – which would match up with he kind of people playing those events , similar to this you could have all non chained events and smaller, unpopular events be more easy. Catering for casual players.
Anert haver stated multiple times that they want to cater for every type of player. I wouldnt lose faith in this so easy when were seeing changes that live up to this statement entirely.

Not a problem — I suppose part of the misunderstanding is due to the fact I couldn’t quite figure out how to create a title for the thread that would fit within the character limits. The title it now has is actually supposed to have had a question mark at the end but it disappeared somehow.

I really am new to this forum thing.

In any case thank you for your comments. I am finding the discussion it has generated fascinating.

Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


I really am new to this forum thing.

In any case thank you for your comments. I am finding the discussion it has generated fascinating.

No worries, i like people who are new to forums. It means they usually still have innocence. xD

Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akhellan.4180


I really am new to this forum thing.

In any case thank you for your comments. I am finding the discussion it has generated fascinating.

No worries, i like people who are new to forums. It means they usually still have innocence. xD

I’m an older person and as such it has been a very long time since anyone accused me of “innocence”.

As for the quote you added to your edit of your post… I am thoroughly enjoying the irony of the fact that real life becoming harder is what finally got me to try computer games in the first place. Well, that and a li’l nephew who worried about his homebound uncle’s sanity I suppose. XD

Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


I think the issue here is (because I suffer from it myself) the OP appears to solo the game and roam. After 6 months of trying myself I don’t think the game was designed to be played like this. I bet those who say this game is too easy don’t play solo and/or don’t care if they die here and there (how many of them would have a zero death count?).

Let me clarify my point of view though, I only PvE as a hardcore/permadeath style player, so when I am insta-killed by random mobs it kinda hurts (del toon start again…).

My suggestion for the OP (and me sadly T.T) is try to stay around other players, they game IS easy when playing in a group of 3+ in my experience (but this is very difficult for anti socials like myself to come to terms with). The only other option is to go back to some other single player game which is designed for this sort of roaming play-style (e.g. Skyrim and the like).

Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uncle Salty.6342

Uncle Salty.6342

I’ll openly admit this.

I have only read the title of your thread. I have not read the contents nor replies thus this post will be short.

Status Quo:

Brain dead dragon/boss open world events. Loot chest = profit.

OP: Tougher content plox.

So here’s the thing.

Tougher event = more rewards.

More rewards = More people

Now. The practical question is. With that much lag going on, how are people going to function in the finer moments of a ‘tougher’ fight.

If, it isn’t about loot then, tougher content with no redeeming rewards would just lead to more QQ.

That’s my 2 cents.

Tougher open world NPCs=change of dev focus?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akhellan.4180


I think the issue here is (because I suffer from it myself) the OP appears to solo the game and roam. After 6 months of trying myself I don’t think the game was designed to be played like this. I bet those who say this game is too easy don’t play solo and/or don’t care if they die here and there (how many of them would have a zero death count?).

Your impression is correct — I operate primarily as a lone wolf. I only group on a casual basis with individuals I’ll come across as I roam. I prefer not to join a party for the most part, although I will sometimes do so briefly to assist other players having difficulty with skillpoints or vistas and whatnot.

I only rarely participate in large scale events as they are not something I care to do more than once or twice.

I seek immersion in my gameplay so I keep all NPC names off. I engage in combat only when necessary to get to where I’m going or fill an objective.

So yes, I agree that I’m most probably playing the game in a pretty peculiar fashion and this accounts for my point of view.

Hence why I detest “cheap-shot” mechanics and AI “cheating”.

And yet, I feel like I’ve found a niche in this game – perhaps not one the devs intended but there nonetheless.