Fort Aspenwood
Town clothes refund request rejected
Fort Aspenwood
Why did they do this?! do they not want people to buy town clothes anymore?
Why did they do this?! do they not want people to buy town clothes anymore?
They already took your money.
No one is going to buy town clothes tonics anymore.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
They haven’t responded to my request yet.
Well that stinks. Anyone else have any luck, wanna share some tips?
I’m curious as to your exact circumstances, which might help the rest of us get a sense for what might get rejected.
What piece(s) did you try to refund? (Items converted to armor isn’t eligible for refund.)
Did you buy the items with gems yourself, or receive them as a gift? (Or buy up cheap tonics on the trading post, which I totally did, despite my gripes about the tonics. I’m not trying to refund them, though. ;P )
Did they give any explanation?
(edited by Redenaz.8631)
What exactly did CS say…what was the reason for the decline of the request?
One refund can’t be rejected if you purchased one cloth item from the gem store that is now one outfit or tonic.
Reject such would be against what they say in the FAQ itself, so you had to request one refund for something that doesn’t qualify for one.
Asura thing.
Every poor sucker that bought any form of town clothing should get refunded in gems. Since they’ve taken the liberty of totally f’ing up the ability to mix and match tops with legs, boots and hats. We spent money on that crap that is now just useless!
One refund can’t be rejected if you purchased one cloth item from the gem store that is now one outfit or tonic.
does this means they could refund witch costume?
Its so awful now i asked but still waiting
P.S. also while we are here…is there any other costume without “the bald” effect?
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I had this marvelous oversized wizard hat equipped on my asura as town clothing. Was hoping it would be converted into the piece of armor so I could run around like little black mage. Sadly it would never happen.
I had this marvelous oversized wizard hat equipped on my asura as town clothing. Was hoping it would be converted into the piece of armor so I could run around like little black mage. Sadly it would never happen.
That is what happens to the wizard hat (and a couple other stand-alone hats), just talk to the black lion armor guy and light, medium, and heavy versions will be unlocked in the wardrobe.
I had this marvelous oversized wizard hat equipped on my asura as town clothing. Was hoping it would be converted into the piece of armor so I could run around like little black mage. Sadly it would never happen.
uhhh.. yes it did.
One refund can’t be rejected if you purchased one cloth item from the gem store that is now one outfit or tonic.
does this means they could refund witch costume?
Its so awful nowi asked but still waiting
P.S. also while we are here…is there any other costume without “the bald” effect?
I believe yes, and Mad King, Winter’s, Cooks…. As after the community pressure they decided to expand refunds to outfits.
I am also sad with Mad King set, i was suprised by only 4 colors for the whole set from the piece-per-piece customization.
Asura thing.
Weird. They gave me every gem back. Plus some extra for the second fused dagger I had (I requested, but said I understand if they can’t do anything). 4100 gems. 3 costumes (outfits) 4 khaki shorts and some duplicate gem weapons and the like.
I hope they figure it out for you.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I’m guessing there is some circumstances that the OP is not sharing with us as I have heard nothing but praise for how quickly and fairly Support is handling the refund requests. Sure, not everyone is going to be happy, but they seem to be doing everything they can to make this situation smooth if not painless.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
One refund can’t be rejected if you purchased one cloth item from the gem store that is now one outfit or tonic.
does this means they could refund witch costume?
Its so awful nowi asked but still waiting
P.S. also while we are here…is there any other costume without “the bald” effect?
You guys, you can still turn off the hats on the town clothes outfits like the witch and cook.
I bought double draconic armor and tons of now-tonic town clothes
i sent a ticket, they gave me the " I am transferring your ticket to our Game Support Team", well every single time when i receive that, it means i won’t be getting a response anymore.