Toxicity in game modes
PvP? Because Arenanet turned it into a PvE fest for zergs? Or because nobody ever plays the classes they like but the classes that are most op at them time? Like which clothes are the most trendy? I could go on like this forever and then people still wondered why PvP lovers are getting salty.
sPvP certainly.
What’s really funny is how many players become toxic in hot-join matches. I mean, they’ll complain about the smallest things, or rage about being ganked, yet they’re the ones who decided to play in the most unbalanced game mode of all, where you’re lucky if both teams even have five players at any given time. XD
Do the forums count? Just curious? lol
SPvP has to be the worst.
Definitely PvP. Not to defend it, but it’s understandable.
PvP involves high competition (jerks are more likely to throw themselves at others) and team participation (no one wants to “carry” a “bad” player). Basically, it’s the same problem that League of Legends and other MOBAs have.
Dungeons are also pretty bad. Or anywhere that some people feel entitled to quick loot. But yeah, dungeons. Stale, well-rehearsed content that carries a decent financial reward. It’s a problem that would be solved easily by players clearly showing their LFG requirements and sticking to them. Don’t hop in a speed run if you’re not geared/knowledgeable, and don’t hop into other groups and be a kitten about speedrunning if the group isn’t specific to it.
Beyond that, GW2 has one of the better communities I’ve been in for an MMO. FF14 raced quickly to the bottom at end-game, but.. eh. Yet another reason I’m here. :P
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
People pug/hot-join sPvP in online mode with chat on?No thanks.
As such I’ve found PvE to be worse off in regards to toxicity, especially the general attitude towards helping new players from many veterans or the attitude shown towards obviously newer or casual players to the game and franchise, more so since F2P.
In saying the games mechanics have a lot to answer for. Vets should be encouraged and rewarded to help newer players with the shinies that this game seems to now revolve around.
This game is just so fixated on reward and profit now. Hindrance to that breeds toxicity.
sPvP has the most salt. Although it’s still not nearly as kittenome other games
cough Tera cough cough
Just 5 minutes after reading this I had a guy on my sPvP team talk kitten about me for losing a 1 v 3. And I don’t mean the usual some guy killed me and started talking kitten I mean my teammate started talking kitten to me because I got jumped by 3 people at a point and lost it. Apparently I should have run away from a mesmer, a ranger and a warrior. Anyway, PvP definitely has the most toxic community.
The most “toxic” is PvP. WvW is most elitist and PvE is most ignorant.
Aww, well that’s disappointing to hear (re: PvP). I was under the impression that this game was better than mobas since you still earn seemingly decent reward track xp with losing. (I’ve pvped enough to get like one and a half reward tracks and that’s about it), and the highest level of toxicity I’ve come across has been when one player affects a certain kind of other player’s gold per minute ratio.
People pug/hot-join sPvP in online mode with chat on?No thanks.
As such I’ve found PvE to be worse off in regards to toxicity, especially the general attitude towards helping new players from many veterans or the attitude shown towards obviously newer or casual players to the game and franchise, more so since F2P.
In saying the games mechanics have a lot to answer for. Vets should be encouraged and rewarded to help newer players with the shinies that this game seems to now revolve around.
This game is just so fixated on reward and profit now. Hindrance to that breeds toxicity.
I’m really sorry (sympathy, not apology) you’ve had that experience. I’ve had quite the opposite. Yes, occasionally I will run into jerks in PvE, but the vast majority of my experiences and observations, especially in regard to the new players, have been welcoming, cooperative, and helpful.
In regard to your comment about rewarding more helpful interactions, that will be happening when HoT launches, in the form of the Pact Commander Mastery line.
PvP easy the worst. If you win many time get some toxic chat and yell about cheese build or lucky or some thing like that. If you lose many time get some toxic chat and yell l2p noob. Almost any thing you do in PvP good or bad will see some toxic player often.
PvP always brings out the petty name-calling, no matter what. And that’s no different here. The pve and wvw communities are generally pleasant.
PvP easy the worst. If you win many time get some toxic chat and yell about cheese build or lucky or some thing like that. If you lose many time get some toxic chat and yell l2p noob. Almost any thing you do in PvP good or bad will see some toxic player often.
I have only gone into PvP once and this was my reaction too. Even the lobby is generally full of so much ego and hot air that if it were to be released into the real world it would melt the ice caps. I myself am waiting for tracts to be added to WvW (praying), which although not perfect is my preferred game mode due to the camaraderie with my guildies.
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
PvP always brings out the petty name-calling, no matter what. And that’s no different here. The pve and wvw communities are generally pleasant.
Not that I have great amounts of WvW experience, but socially, I never found much salt there. The worst may have been an overbearing commander or two, but they knew what they were doing.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
If you lose many time get some toxic chat and yell l2p noob.
If it helps, whenever anyone uses “l2p” I always enjoy thinking they’re calling someone by their Mexican wrestler name, “El Toupee”.
WvW is most elitist and PvE is most ignorant.
In what ways is WvW elitist and PvE ignorant??
The most “toxic” is PvP. WvW is most elitist and PvE is most ignorant.
I tough the most elitist was PVE.
But yeah pvp is starting to become like LoL, very soon. soooon.
The most “toxic” is PvP. WvW is most elitist and PvE is most ignorant.
I thought the most elitist was PVE.
But yeah pvp is starting to become like LoL, very soon. soooon.
Yeeeah. >_> PvE is chock to the brim with people who think they should dictate how others play. The number of “l2p” and “git gud” posts I’ve seen on the general forums in relation to PvE content is just.. irritating.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
sPvP has the most salt. Although it’s still not nearly as kittenome other games
cough Tera cough cough
Hehe. I agree with you, there. Tera has one of the most…colorful PvP communities of the games I’ve tried recently…
Actually, I have no complaints about the PvP community here. I’ve had people say please and thank you in PvP matches…so…maybe I don’t play at the right times. Or with the right people? I have no complaints.
WvW is most elitist and PvE is most ignorant.
In what ways is WvW elitist and PvE ignorant??
Just join any serious wvw only guild that does regular raids. “9000k ap zerk” are definition of freedom and friendliness compared to them. It is just pvp on a bigger scale after all.
As for PvE you can just check reddit or forums or even mapchat to see what is wrong with it.
sPvP certainly.
What’s really funny is how many players become toxic in hot-join matches. I mean, they’ll complain about the smallest things, or rage about being ganked, yet they’re the ones who decided to play in the most unbalanced game mode of all, where you’re lucky if both teams even have five players at any given time. XD
I am not a good player but I’ve never had anyone be ugly to me in PvP. Ever.
Sorrows Furnace
Do the forums count? Just curious? lol
SPvP has to be the worst.
I PvE and WvW, and the worst I’ve seen in either is some mild comments from people doing the old QDale Train and one WvW roamer sitting on dead players’ heads. In the forums, I see insults that ANet seems to think are acceptable like “white knight,” “whining,” etc. most days.
PVP – Most toxic.
WvW – Less Toxic, potential to be toxic
PVE – Sunshine and Rainbows.
Generally speaking, the more people’s success depends on walking on someone else, the more toxic they become, on any game.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
I’ve had two experiences particularly memorable due to their negativity: one in PvP and one in Fractals (just one player each time).
Most friendliest is definitely WvW.
I’ve had two experiences particularly memorable due to their negativity: one in PvP and one in Fractals (just one player each time).
Most friendliest is definitely WvW.
Would agree, PvP is generally straight up toxic and there is no getting around that. PvE you run into some jerks but I’m not sure how much overlap there is in PvE and PvP. Had a guy go off on me in PvE because I made a small offhand comment about rangers pushing away a boss from my AoE attack so that I missed getting credit (It wasn’t a big deal I was more of just “ranger why pls ):”) He straight up hates on my class just because I happened to be on my Ele at the time, accused me of apparently using icebow(I wasn’t and it is PvE, who gives a crap in SW? let people use what they want), then went so far as to PM me trashtalking the water attunement because of druid lol. He blocked me afterwards so he couldn’t get any back talk XD.
WvW is by far the friendliest of the game modes imo just because you are usually running with friends, you don’t have to deal with salty drama from the other server because it is anonymous. Only time you will is if you actually search out people on the other servers on the forums or something. And of course if you join a half decent guild they won’t treat their own players badly and require too much out of you. Just last night my guild had a Ranger only night in WvW, I had to skip because I don’t play ranger but it sounded super fun. And if you are in a bad guild? Just leave, go find another one since nobody has time to be in a guild which is terrible to their players.
PVE community is the most toxic. You either have people insisting you meta or people who are mad that you meta. It’s about speed clears or casual clears and there’s no medium ground. I’m always happier to duo or trio any pve content with my friends. We keep things fun and friendly! ^.^
PVP you have a few guys who like to think they are “the best” whether it be on your own team or a guy on the other using map chat to talk crap. But overall it’s fun. I’ve had much more enjoyable experiences in my spvp matches for sure!
I tend to like the PVP crowd better. You never find them tooting their own horn talking about “if I see (insert class) using (insert skill or weapon) I lawl kick” Eesh. Gets under my skin. Yucky behavior really.
WvW though. It varies. You get those guys who use emotes when they zerged you down when you were solo. spamming /laugh because they pressed 1 a few times. But most of the time the people on your team are great folks to play with so it’s hard to complain.
Overall though the community (outside of the forums) is pretty nice. It’s not so negative minus a few hiccups. Best I’ve been apart of in any game!
honestly… the aspect is “social interaction” the game mode is “any form of chat”
No one ever played PvE during the new shiny events? It is toxic as kitten and surpass PvP in any aspect. So my vote goes for that.
No one remembers the Scarlet’s Toxic Alliance Invasion maps? Or even the Marionette? The last one was the stage of several abuses and grieving. Let’s not remember SW Breach not long ago. Players pointing fingers and talking kitten in map chat for several hours no end.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
This is ridiculous and I don’t see how this thread was ever intended to be constructive, but I have a question. What is the definition of this ‘toxicity’ I keep hearing about? I’ve played since launch in every game mode (mostly Dungeon Speedclears and PvP), somewhat intensely, and have never ran into anything I’d consider ‘toxic’. Is this all sheer hyperbole? Seems more like someone got called a “doodyhead” two years ago and has stewed about it since.
No one ever played PvE during the new shiny events? It is toxic as kitten and surpass PvP in any aspect. So my vote goes for that.
No one remembers the Scarlet’s Toxic Alliance Invasion maps? Or even the Marionette? The last one was the stage of several abuses and grieving. Let’s not remember SW Breach not long ago. Players pointing fingers and talking kitten in map chat for several hours no end.
Yeah, any time ‘rewards’ are involved, PvE can get salty. Speedrunners, champ bag farmers, maize balm farmers… it’s a pretty cantankerous list.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
PvP for sure. everyone thinks they’re the latest and greatest thing and no one is better than them (in anyway). The chat makes me feel like no one grew up or was raised with any discipline or direction in their lives. As for WvW people like to be organized. That’s all. I don’t really see much harshness in there. But, there’s some. PvE, ya you’ll have your Elitist once a while but I see more please and thank yous than I’ve every seen in a game before. People have more patience and are willing to help others out instead of “get gud” or “scrub” that you get from other modes. I think it’s because there’s a lot more older mature adults and starting players that are into PvE. And hanging out in LA listening to people chat is not PvE. That’s loitering.
No one ever played PvE during the new shiny events? It is toxic as kitten and surpass PvP in any aspect. So my vote goes for that.
They’re only temporary though.
pvp is salt year-round.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
PvE without a doubt…
So many players like to force their own play style onto you and if you don’t conform then you cop a tonne of PM abuse for it, it’s worse in a dungeon… Can’t even post for Casual run for dungeons without someone getting mad because you stacked on the left pillar instead of the middle one.. Don’t have zerker gear in your own dungeon casual group? You’re kicked from your own party.
….. And Elementalist.
This is ridiculous and I don’t see how this thread was ever intended to be constructive, but I have a question. What is the definition of this ‘toxicity’ I keep hearing about? I’ve played since launch in every game mode (mostly Dungeon Speedclears and PvP), somewhat intensely, and have never ran into anything I’d consider ‘toxic’. Is this all sheer hyperbole? Seems more like someone got called a “doodyhead” two years ago and has stewed about it since.
Some toxic chat definition:
Player stomp player in PvP. Player that get stop say “Kitten you you kitten. You are a kitten with cheese build and cheat. Kitten you. I hope you die from cancer.”
Player get stomp for other in PvP. “Kitten you l2p. You are such a weak kitten. I hope you die and you mom too.”
PvE. “You kitten. kitten you kitten. I hope you die in fire and whole family dies. "
I type kitten on purpose. I hope this clear it up for you what can be toxic chat. These examples some of thing I see in chat in past. Maybe not exact but close.
It do not seem like hyperbole as you say when so many people talk about this.
(edited by Qugi.2653)
PvP, of course.
The aren’t many times in the game where people verbally attack somebody they’ve never spoken to before, unprovoked. Some people are playing simply to win, rather than meet equals or actually enjoy a good fight. I don’t like losing time and time again as winning is a pleasurable aspect of playing, but you can’t expect to win every single match. If I begin to get frustrated I just do something else. Apparently some people don’t have such restraint.
Outside of PvP, possibly the occasional Dungeon/Fractal if the group has asked for experienced, and somebody who obviously isn’t joins in. Or if somebody is “over experienced” and expects an experienced/fast run to be a meta zerk speed run with absolutely no mistakes.
I remember some rough times in EotM where commanders and zerglings would be arguing and throwing insults at each other, or generally just foul-mouthing and being loutish. That was some time ago and I don’t often tread in WvW, so perhaps things are less intense now and a bit calmer now.
This is ridiculous and I don’t see how this thread was ever intended to be constructive, but I have a question. What is the definition of this ‘toxicity’ I keep hearing about? I’ve played since launch in every game mode (mostly Dungeon Speedclears and PvP), somewhat intensely, and have never ran into anything I’d consider ‘toxic’. Is this all sheer hyperbole? Seems more like someone got called a “doodyhead” two years ago and has stewed about it since.
I for one know 100% the most toxicity ive ever seen was in threads on the fourms about how much toxicity there is.
I guess a few people have had bad experiences, but its selection bias (am i using that phrase right? dont think I am, but w/e). The ones who have had bad experiences run to tell people about it, and the ones who dont, well, they dont. Similar to when some new content gets released and people rage about it on the forums, you get 100 people telling how much it sucks, but there are 10000 perfectly happy with it, but too busy playing to post.
So yes, a ton of it is hyperbole, but it does happen.
What game mode do you prefer?
Probably SPvP. WvW could beat it out, but since no side can chat at any other side (at least not anymore), it probably keeps that in check. Granted, WvW is still the worst mode overall for other reasons, but the toxicity shows in SPvP.
Open world pve is the least toxic. It is a cooperative environment, and nobody depends on some particular individual to play a certain way. Of course, there are exceptions. Kids will occasionally trash talk about something or other, but it is rare, and never have I seen it about how someone plays.
PVP – Most toxic.
WvW – Less Toxic, potential to be toxic
PVE – Sunshine and Rainbows.
Except for dungeons…
…PvE isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
WvW is mostly guilds vs roamers and balance issues.
Probably SPvP. WvW could beat it out, but since no side can chat at any other side (at least not anymore), it probably keeps that in check. Granted, WvW is still the worst mode overall for other reasons, but the toxicity shows in SPvP.
Not entirely true, you can still wisp someone if you know how.
(edited by Serious.7083)