Toymaker Tixx looks a bit scary?
Agreed, I think it is a trap.
Here is a link to my doodle demonstrating my theory…
“a bit” is a major understatment in this case.
I looked who shared the wintersday picture on Facebook. And on someone’s share, a girl who doesn’t seem to know GW2 said: “Is this somekind of new movie? It looks scary!”.
(edited by Keiran.1896)
It’s a trap!!!!!!
Self Proclaimed Greatest Man Alive
Omg so it’s not just me right? Stop scaring me please!! I think it is some kind of trap.
He’s a Grinch in disguise who will enslave us with his evil toys.
I forgot who posted this image, but apparently the rumor is that Tixx is an evil maniac who transforms baby Quaggans into toys!!
Too me it looks like he has the face of foreveralone meme
I forgot who posted this image, but apparently the rumor is that Tixx is an evil maniac who transforms baby Quaggans into toys!!
I want that baby quaggan plushie though…
There are very nice asura that look completely sinister/ugly, and very evil asura that are designed to look cute. They are quite literally no different than any other race (especially humans). That being said, I just double checked the concept art for Tixx, and he doesn’t really look that bad :\ But I’ve had a lot of exposure to the asura NPC’s.
I forgot who posted this image, but apparently the rumor is that Tixx is an evil maniac who transforms baby Quaggans into toys!!
I want that baby quaggan plushie though…
Sorry but that to me looks liek either plasticine or porcelain.
Hey may look like a good guy but that grin of his makes me think otherwise.
Do not click this link!
I forgot who posted this image, but apparently the rumor is that Tixx is an evil maniac who transforms baby Quaggans into toys!!
That was my thread! Thanks for finding my picture, I’ll put it on the one that they added to wintersday.
I forgot who posted this image, but apparently the rumor is that Tixx is an evil maniac who transforms baby Quaggans into toys!!
That was my thread!
Thanks for finding my picture, I’ll put it on the one that they added to wintersday.
You win the internets. We must save the Quaggan!
I find the previews of the event to look very creepy. Can’t wait!
I’m scared. o.O
He just looks eccentric to me. Not scary.
He just looks eccentric to me. Not scary.
Well, in the new pictures, he doesn’t look as malicious, as the promotional poster / concept art .
the 2nd one here.
Actually, I think Tixx is adorable.
Though I have to say his design looks “friendlier” in-game than his concept art.
What looks WRONG about tixx is he has eyebrows…
Seriously. Look again – that’s what looks off about his picture. Asura don’t have eyebrows
Garnished Toast
What looks WRONG about tixx is he has eyebrows…
Seriously. Look again – that’s what looks off about his picture. Asura don’t have eyebrows
Heheh. True as that may be, it’s not the only instance of something like that. Gixx’s concept art depicts him with a goatee (even though he doesn’t have it ingame, because, well, there are no facial hair options for male asura).
Yeah, I don’t know how facial hair on asuras works. Maybe some have it and some don’t, like how lore has established that some are bald whilst others grow hair? Who knows.
TL;DR: Tixx is still a cutie.
Tixx is like one of those puppets from that movie franchise Puppet Master – cute but deadly.
Do not click this link!
He comes riding in, in his huge Golem that hovers menacingly over the the city like an invading alien spaceship, luring us in with promises of gifts and fun (doing my best Burl Ives talking snowman shudder). He’s not good, he’s not cuddly, he’s not looking out for our best interests – that’s what they want you to believe! (Paid for by “Norns for a Very Hoelbrak Wintersday”)
Man, I can’t wait for Wintersday to start!!!
(edited by mjhungness.8059)