Toypocalypse Suggestions for 2015
Communication is number one for me. In the future I want to see changes announced in the patch notes. Also less locking of forum threads on the subject. The issue is not resolved. This is a discussion forum.
Frustration aside, you hit the nail on the head with party functionality. I don’t think there’s much else though. Maybe more weapon options?
Besides parties, have a difficulty adjustment would be nice. It’s wayyy too easy for my BF and I to do just the two of us. But, sometimes we want more friends just to have fun, well, being able to adjust the difficulty would be ncie.
Let us play it with our friends in our own instance, like in 2013.
Devona’s Rest
Why not the middle ground of, you can play with a premade party, but if you go in the activity yourself, you get grouped with randoms?
Besides parties, have a difficulty adjustment would be nice. It’s wayyy too easy for my BF and I to do just the two of us. But, sometimes we want more friends just to have fun, well, being able to adjust the difficulty would be ncie.
Difficulty adjustment: Only use weapons, no turrets. Only use turrets, no weapons. Don’t use catapults. Don’t use ballistae. Don’t use snowmen. Don’t use walls. Don’t use snow. Don’t use scrap.
So many options!
I am gonna go ahead and necro this thread as it seems really relevant. Last year’s Wintersday was a disappointment in that we couldn’t team-up with friends for Toypacalypse. This year’s Halloween was awesome in some parts but had issues with not being able to do core masteries in the holiday content. I would hate to see a repeat of last year’s mistakes. Please make it so we can run all the content with guildies or friends.