Trait panel takes up a lot of screen space

Trait panel takes up a lot of screen space

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ocirne.7915


Could we perhaps use the PvP trait panel, or something similar in PvE?

Trait swapping is a very common thing in PvE. The new hero panel takes up significantly more screen space. There is a whole section on the left and top side of the menu that basically does nothing but tell you the stuff you have.

It’s really not relevant information for someone that has been playing the game for more than a month and in dungeons you usually have your trait panel open.

The PvP trait panel is perfectly sized and would make life a lot easier. (Think of people watching record run videos when someone is running around with a menu covering 40% of the screen)

Trait panel takes up a lot of screen space

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Agree, this is really massive and I don’t need to see every ability ever. Especially the skill bar – that is already…on my skillbar! What I’d like to see is get rid of the skill bar at the top (just takes up space) and move the equipment/slotskill/trait stuff up there (preferably collapsable so we don’t have to see it at all). Then you have more horizontal width for the specializations/traits area and you can make it bigger and more friendly.

Also from a UI point of view I find all the effects really distracting. Like the flashing on every unselected icon every 5~ seconds. I don’t like the animated ‘connection’ lines between traits either. It’s a lot to visually take in with all the icons everywhere and all the animation/effects is more annoying then helpful in any way.

Trait panel takes up a lot of screen space

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachyon.5897


Or, just add this useful option


Trait panel takes up a lot of screen space

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ocirne.7915


Templates would be ideal, but there already exists a perfect trait panel, it would cost minimal development time to port it to PvE.