Trait panel takes up a lot of screen space
Agree, this is really massive and I don’t need to see every ability ever. Especially the skill bar – that is already…on my skillbar! What I’d like to see is get rid of the skill bar at the top (just takes up space) and move the equipment/slotskill/trait stuff up there (preferably collapsable so we don’t have to see it at all). Then you have more horizontal width for the specializations/traits area and you can make it bigger and more friendly.
Also from a UI point of view I find all the effects really distracting. Like the flashing on every unselected icon every 5~ seconds. I don’t like the animated ‘connection’ lines between traits either. It’s a lot to visually take in with all the icons everywhere and all the animation/effects is more annoying then helpful in any way.
Templates would be ideal, but there already exists a perfect trait panel, it would cost minimal development time to port it to PvE.