Traits are boring

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dendail.4896


Hello! I couldn’t help but feel the traits in this game are a little dull compared to the rest of the game. Each trait has an associated stat like power or precision which I feel wasn’t the best way to go cause for certain play styles it has a tendency of pigeonholing people despite other lines of traits having that rare interesting trait.

There are too many Traits that are simply +damage, crit procs, or boon gain/condition giving. Even those traits could have been made better by dedicated a trait line to proccing crits that comes with plethora of effects or one dedicated to conditions or boons but not just “oh I hit him now hes weakened”… That is boring! An example from the Thief’s Lotus Poison. “Weaken targets for 3 seconds whenever you poison them.” Why not “When you poison a target a poison field is dropped.” Then of course weakening can occur because of the field & it would feel more dynamic.

How about some traits really unique for a specific trait line like the Ranger’s Wilderness Survival where the ranger becomes the pet and dramatically changes their game play… Obviously these are ideas I pulled from the top of my head but I do think they merit some discussion. Compared to the rest of the game I just can’t get myself excited over such generic traits.

Side note I would love to see what you guys would like as traits or dynamic changes to existing traits!

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I wish they didn’t make it into a talent tree system. It was fine in BWE1 when you could choose whatever you wanted that was true customization, This system is a hidden talent tree.

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sefan.5791


I wish they didn’t make it into a talent tree system. It was fine in BWE1 when you could choose whatever you wanted that was true customization, This system is a hidden talent tree.

Hidden talent tree? It is a talent tree…

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: No Leaf Clover.4893

No Leaf Clover.4893

it’s a dead tree… this system participates in the uniformisation of the game, which is bad.

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


Yes traits being boring is a huge part of why there are so few interesting builds.

There isn’t enough that actually changes how skills functions or changes your playstyle which IMO they need to work on still. On top of that, there’s still too much “cherry picking” going on, it’s usually like “2 out of these 6 traits are decent/good, the rest are crap”.

Traits like “Blinding an enemy now applies a 1s chill” for necro (which was one of the newest traits they added) are a great example of changing (well adding) to what an ability does, or traits like “Torch skills now remove conditions”.

Or to take it a step further, traits that actually “change” a skill, like how some Warhammer Online traits were, take away then add. X skill no longer does Y but now does Z.

If they don’t plan on adding new skills or weapon skills to customize playstyle, then traits are really the only way, it’s just so shallow atm. =/

(edited by Knote.2904)

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nachdenki.2637


Well, things always have to be balanced and stuff. But I agree, sometimes the traits are a little dull. On the other hand, you have a lot of them (14 traits). If everyone of them had a dynamic effect …. guess that wouldn’t work out

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dendail.4896


Idk I think it could work well if there was a strong synergy among the lines. Like for Thieves… (anyone guess what my main is yet? <.<) One focused on poisons (not venoms) that does assorted things like field dropping or what about when fields expire? Currently as far as I am aware of nothing occurs when a field disappears aside from losing the field. How about when a trait for a class like a Fire Elementalist where when a Fire Field expires it explodes and causes burning for 3 seconds. In that same trait line burning could be passed onto other mobs within certain radius which in turn when the burning expires heals the Elementalist or maybe their party. It’s dynamic, it synergizes and in my personal opinion I think it would be pretty awesome to see. (Side note I don’t know much about Elementalists so no clue if they have enough fields for this to work ^_~).

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerah.2450


GW2 excels in so many areas, skills/traits unfortunately isn’t one.

I’m sure its someones kind of fun, but not mine, when the carrot on the stick is to play for fun, it’s hard to log in when the fundamental mechanic of an MMO (combat) isn’t fun.

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ErkiB.8375


Speak for yourself and lear to like i, its very importan part in the combat system. I love adding points to traits and receiving all those extra lil bonuses when battling.

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dendail.4896


Erm I did speak for myself hence why I posted this thread. :P I also know I am not the only one who feels traits are lacking.

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dendail.4896


=/ Hm I figured more people would have interesting ideas for what Traits could be.

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

Ya they really are dont know how to fix it but they are rather boring….ulti’s are the worst they have no synergy at all (only talking guardians)

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


GW2 excels in so many areas, skills/traits unfortunately isn’t one.

I’m sure its someones kind of fun, but not mine, when the carrot on the stick is to play for fun, it’s hard to log in when the fundamental mechanic of an MMO (combat) isn’t fun.

thats my main issue too.
i cannot pinpoint exactly “why”, but combats are not fun.

especially combats in big events (too many people/fireworks) or dungeons (mobs are hp tanks, im feeling powerless when i hit a “sparatist thief” and he barely take dmg from my most powerful ability.
it puts the “L” in “loser”.
just doesnt feel right.

in solo questing they come out as cool.

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


personally i dont mind the playable characters powers/skills/traits.

my problem is with the mobs in dungeons.
and world/dynamic events beasties eating the dust to a swarm of players (and maybe youll die if youre melee and the sheet amount of fireworks is blinding you).

Traits are boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dendail.4896


The combat itself doesn’t bother me so much as whenever I level or go to respec depending on my toon I am never excited about the traits… It’s usually the mundane “insert +10% damage for w/e reason” trait.