Transferring Guilds

Transferring Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mikio.5786


I’m a guild leader, and my guild picked what looked to be a medium population server before launch. We went ahead and signed up for the same server and activated all our tomes of influence from deluxe editions, missions, etc. Little did we know, but a major alliance picked our server, and proceeded to dominate WvW. Since server transfers have been free, people have been flocking to our server nonstop to the point where we have 4 hour queues for WvW. We all love WvW and are greatly interested in playing it together, but it’s current impossible. However, I seem to recall that transferring worlds meant you lost guild upgrades! We’ve sunk over 30k influence into this world, and are now stuck. Is there any way we could transfer servers and not lose the upgrades?

Transferring Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zydal.2790


This is something my small guild was recently considering as well, and I couldn’t find any documentation that said we could transfer the guild with all the spent influence.

Transferring Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Balandar.2430


I think I’m on the same server as Mikio. My guild is also tired of waiting on the 4 hour queues. It’s great to be on a populated server, but these queues are horrible. If ArenaNet doesn’t fix this relatively soon, we’ll be heading to another server.

I thought guilds are cross-server? If that is true, wouldn’t the ‘upgrades’ also be available to the other servers?

The Honor Empire – Henge of Denravi

Transferring Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trent.3256


We had the same problem on Stormbluff Isle and transferred our guild. It was rough losing all the upgrades that we had purchased, but it was definitely worth it. We are now on Ferguson’s Crossing having a much better experience. We are not facerolling the other servers like Stormbluff Isle did, but we prefer that play style anyway and we can actually get into WvW.

Transferring Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Balandar.2430


So all upgrades are lost then…

The Honor Empire – Henge of Denravi

Transferring Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strongfort.2451


My small guild is in this same boat. We want to move to one of the 3 newer servers and help spread the population, small though we are.

However, influence and upgrades are server dependent. Which means influence earned on server 1, stays on server 1 and is only usable on server 1. Technically you can have guild members on multiple servers each earning their own pool of influence and upgrades for that server.

I really hate this, and I hope that Arenanet lets guilds temporarily transfer their upgrades/influence so we can help even the populations.

At the very least I’d like to see them refund us the amount of influence we earned on the first server so we can queue up a ton of upgrades on the new one – better than nothing!

Transferring Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddbomber.2176


Oh man, we are on the same server and while I’ve not seen any grumblings about transferring, it would be sad to have to upgrade everything to level 4 again…