Transfers not Free any longer

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tothjowii.3918



Ok im just sticking my neck out because I don’t like the idea that free transfers are going the way of the dodo. For those of you that haven’t read all the down on the post about the gusting system of the website here you go:

“Transferring to a new home world will now cost a gem fee.

The gem fee for world transfers is based on the population of the world you want to transfer to. Transferring to a high population world will be more expensive.

Each account is still limited to one world transfer every 7 days.

Players will still not be able to transfer to worlds that are “Full.”"

Now the last two I don’t mind it’s the first two that irk me a bit… when I got this game a month ago the first thing a gawked about what the fact that the transfers where free. I have played my share of MMORPG market and the one thing I hated the most about them is the fact that you had to pay with your hard earned cash to move your heavy hitters to a new place where your guild or friends have moved too.

Now there is the guesting system to consider and I know Its great idea and all that but long story short you can’t stay there all the time like you could if you used the transfer system right now. You can only stay there along as you stay logged into the game which for people that don’t want to pay gems this could be the only way of seeing there friends which on paper sounds good but it’s a golden ball and chain at the same time. Also the fact that its more pricy to move to a high population which isn’t as a whole isn’t to horrendous however still makes me shiver because at least the other MMORPG’s out their have a flat rate no matter what.

This my two cents on the subject take it or think about it

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revan.6259


I guess I don’t really agree – I think the point is that it’s healthier for the game if people AREN’T able to move all the time. It’s not just ANet being greedy, this is just the right move. They’ve always planned to charge, they just haven’t yet because guesting wasn’t available.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Now there is the guesting system to consider and I know Its great idea and all that but long story short you can’t stay there all the time like you could if you used the transfer system right now. You can only stay there along as you stay logged into the game which for people that don’t want to pay gems this could be the only way of seeing there friends which on paper sounds good but it’s a golden ball and chain at the same time.

This made me laugh. Why do you feel the need to know that your character is on a particular server when you are logged out? That’s like a blind person complaining about the color of his walls.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayra.3290


The only reason transfers were free at the start was to help people find a community they like to settle in. Guesting is essentially transferring, except you can’t do WvW. If you’re guesting it’s just like being on the server, the only requirement being that you have at least 1 friend on the server.

Tbh the free transfers should have ended a month or two ago.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Ok im just sticking my neck out because I don’t like the idea that free transfers are going the way of the dodo. For those of you that haven’t read all the down on the post about the gusting system of the website here you go:

“Transferring to a new home world will now cost a gem fee.

The gem fee for world transfers is based on the population of the world you want to transfer to. Transferring to a high population world will be more expensive.

Each account is still limited to one world transfer every 7 days.

Players will still not be able to transfer to worlds that are “Full.”"

Now the last two I don’t mind it’s the first two that irk me a bit… when I got this game a month ago the first thing a gawked about what the fact that the transfers where free. I have played my share of MMORPG market and the one thing I hated the most about them is the fact that you had to pay with your hard earned cash to move your heavy hitters to a new place where your guild or friends have moved too.

Now there is the guesting system to consider and I know Its great idea and all that but long story short you can’t stay there all the time like you could if you used the transfer system right now. You can only stay there along as you stay logged into the game which for people that don’t want to pay gems this could be the only way of seeing there friends which on paper sounds good but it’s a golden ball and chain at the same time. Also the fact that its more pricy to move to a high population which isn’t as a whole isn’t to horrendous however still makes me shiver because at least the other MMORPG’s out their have a flat rate no matter what.

This my two cents on the subject take it or think about it

The game has been out for 6 months, if you want to play on the same server as your friend you should have transferred by now. And for future friends just tell them to play on your server.

Free Guesting has been hurting WvW since release, people jump ship and leave for the “better” server instead of actually trying to build their community. Guilds switch almost every week since it costs them nothing. We need this fix so that there is a money barrier to transferring.

For those who don’t WvW, there is the guesting feature.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


There was always supposed to be transfer fees, they just let us go free while the server populations stabilized and gave us a chance to find our friends. Also, the guesting feature wasn’t available yet.

The fees that were on the wiki at launch if you bought gems with cash were (as I remember)
High pop $22
Med pop $12
Low pop $8

Now that moves all your characters, it’s not a price for each toon. Also you can use ingame gold to buy gems to transfer if you like, what game offers that?

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


I guess I don’t really agree – I think the point is that it’s healthier for the game if people AREN’T able to move all the time. It’s not just ANet being greedy, this is just the right move. They’ve always planned to charge, they just haven’t yet because guesting wasn’t available.

Please tell this to anyone who is on a low pop server, or a server where everyone is in the fractals and nobody in the zones.

This happened to me. The game experience on my server 3 weeks after the lost shore’s patch was so miserable I didn’t log in for ages, and finally camped out one night until 4 am when sea of sorrows opened.

If sea of sorrows shifts to this state over the course of next year, I want the option to go where the PEOPLE are in an MMORPG, without having to pay a second time for the game.

If they ask more than 10 real dollars worth of money to do this to ANY server, I will put in a refund ticket for the game instead.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


So if they ask for more than $10 for a transfer to a high pop server you’re going to ask for a refund? On what grounds?

God you whiny people are so annoying. You think you’re entitled to everything because you spent $60 on game SIX MONTHS AGO. I’d say you’ve MORE than gotten your moneys worth.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


I guess I don’t really agree – I think the point is that it’s healthier for the game if people AREN’T able to move all the time. It’s not just ANet being greedy, this is just the right move. They’ve always planned to charge, they just haven’t yet because guesting wasn’t available.

Please tell this to anyone who is on a low pop server, or a server where everyone is in the fractals and nobody in the zones.

Those problems can be fixed by making additions and changes to other parts of the game, some of which are actually coming within the next month or two. Nothing can fix WvW server hopping except requiring something in exchange for a transfer.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DandySlayer.7019


I’m so glad that guesting and paid transfers are getting implemented finally! Maybe I’ll actually be proactive in WvW now…. now if only we could find a way to break up the zergs…..

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


You can always just guest on a more populated server to have people around. I don’t think you even need to have friends there.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


You can always save up your hard earned coin and buy gems, also the guesting system will allow you to guest on 2 servers a day (if I understood it correctly) just not WvW.

If you want to stick to a particular server, I suggest you get to it now.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Son of Elias.5420

Son of Elias.5420

I’m confused. What problem are you bringing up that isn’t solved by guesting? If your server is empty, guest on a server that isn’t empty. The only thing you won’t be able to do is WvW there.

“A man who trusts everyone is a fool.
And a man who trusts no one is a fool.
We are all fools, if we live long enough.”

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jinx.7945


1. ArenaNet has always been clear that server transfers were free for a limited time only.
2. Your home server determines your home guild, but other than that, guesting is just like playing on the other server for PvE. You don’t need to have a friend on a server in order to guest there.
3. Paying for transfers fixes concerns about no-consequence server hopping for WvW. Free guesting lets you play with whoever you want for PvE (except for the constraint about staying in-region).

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chorel.1720


2. Your home server determines your home guild, but other than that, guesting is just like playing on the other server for PvE. You don’t need to have a friend on a server in order to guest there.

Just re-read the post about guesting and you don’t need a friend on the server to guest there. In the past we were told we needed a friend on a separate server to guest on it. It’s probably why people keep bringing it up. Must have changed from then till now.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


i see it as a question. “what server do you want to fight for in WvW?” you can only chose one as otherwise it would defeat the purpose of WvW.

great thing. i just hope they make transfering to lowpop-servers really low. but idk :P

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


Free transfer was never supposed to happen. It only came into being because guesting wasn’t ready.

Free transfer seriously damaged WvW.

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DandySlayer.7019


Free transfer was never supposed to happen. It only came into being because guesting wasn’t ready.

Free transfer seriously damaged WvW.

Dragonbrand was once really awesome then it when belly up

Transfers not Free any longer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

When the game first came out and transfers were free, we were expecting it to just last a few weeks. They made it very clear that it was temporary.

Still free now, so if you have somewhere in mind, work on making that move. Having to pay for transfers could well be one of the things in the patch on january 28th.