Transmute exotic stats onto ascended weapons?

Transmute exotic stats onto ascended weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taiver.4395



Wondering if you are able to transmute an exotic stats onto an ascended weapons and if you can will the exotic stats become ascended stats.

I ask because the stats I want on my shield/mace are going to make them look quite bland compared to some of the other stats visualisations, my choice, left paw, makes them quite dark and green and they don’t stand out.
I want them to be one of the more vibrant colour variations and if I made these, could I then take an exotic with the stat combo I want and put those stats on the weapon. the last thing I would want is an ascended with exotic stats but equally I wouldn’t want to use weapons that I don’t like the look of.

Tough choices so help is appreciated!

Transmute exotic stats onto ascended weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241



The stats that get transmuted are the stats that you chose to transfer

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Transmute exotic stats onto ascended weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nretep.2564


If you transmute white stats on an exotic piece, you get white stats with exotic appearance.
But, why would you do something like this ?

Transmute exotic stats onto ascended weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gaspara.4079


Your thinking about transmutation backwards. The key here is that once you get the ascended piece you can transmute the look of any weapon of that type onto the ascended stats. My guess is you can transmute an ascended skin onto an exotic weapon but that seems a little silly to me unless you really like the skin but those stats don’t come in ascended quality.

Transmute exotic stats onto ascended weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


If you transmute white stats on an exotic piece, you get white stats with exotic appearance.
But, why would you do something like this ?

For one thing, to transfer soulbound items between alts.

Soulbound rare/exotic skin + white stats = account bound item.

Put account bound item in bank, pick it up with new owner. Use transmute splitter to break it up into soulbound rare/exotic and white item.

I believe it also works with ascended (weapons at least) and Legendaries.

It seems like the OP is a little confused about his terms, though. He mentions putting exotic stats on an ascended weapon but that doesn’t make sense because it would reduce the weapon’s power. Maybe he wants to replace the ascended skin with an exotic but isn’t sure if he can keep the ascended stats?

Transmute exotic stats onto ascended weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yaki.9563


You don’t transmute stats onto things. You transmute appearances.