How to balance Amalgamated Gemstones?
The price is same as old legendary, I’m not sure why the game suddenly become Grindy. It always was grindy.
Because it cost as much as the most expensive legendaries used to AND you have to spend additional time getting all the other parts.
What other part is that? I thought that is interesting content which you don’t mind.
Why are you even grinding legendary. I thought the idea is just play, and if you have the gold use it, else don’t.
That’s what people told me before GW2 come out, “oh you don’t need to grind more powerful gear.” Why are people grinding cosmetic now.
Actually in not playing anymore, because the goals feel like chores instead of gameplay. Ill prolly jump back in if they add new interesting content, but none of the end gamd items are incentivizing me to play the game.
Anyhow, if thats how they want the game to be i xant stop em, but i think that legendary item design is once again pushing more away than it is retaining
If it makes you feel better, I have 20,000 gold to my account. And the only time I bought a legendary is when I quit the game 2 months ago.
I went for those. I bought about 25 of them and got…. drumroll…. 2 orbs and 5 crests. That means, Id have to buy roughly 8000 bag of jewels. With on average 2 being on sale each day, that makes 4000 days timegating and roughly 150000 hot currencies.
Crap. Sorry man, I didn’t think it would be that bum of a steer. :#)
I hate the requirements for the new legendaries. Will only do the precursor collections for the AP, but no way I will waste time on 250 crystalline bars and HoT map completion for these mediocre skins.
I just found out about this while trying to make astralaria, which is a lousy messed up and incomplete collection on its own but holy moly when I saw all the junk needed to get that very last part down I alt+f4’d in complete disappointment, this is so absurd, there’s no legendary journey at all, or do they mean the path to the trading post and back? My interest in the new legendaries is completely gone.. I’ll stick with my cheap trading post axe thank you
Yeah. I just bought Twilight off the TP to get it out of my system and to look cooler in my darker themed outfit… I’ll never grind out this “legendary” journey for multiple reasons, and one of the primary ones is that almost everything cosmetic that GW2 is mismatched, and it’s just an annoying gold sink wrapped up in a whole lot of time wasters…
I’d much rather be able to purchase whatever legendary stuff I wanted in the future, but the devs won’t do that so I won’t bother doing expensive chores over the course of a couple months or whatever.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Just want to know how much the cost of the Amalgamated will rise after they show the new legendaries, that will be good to see
A stack of amalgamated now costs 250 more gold that it used when i created this topic, its becoming painful.
A stack of amalgamated now costs 250 more gold that it used when i created this topic, its becoming painful.
That’s because threads like these are creating a scare and causing people to buy them up. You also have those intentionally taking advantage of this to make a profit and could also be contributing by buying up large quantities in order to jack up the price. Some of those complaining and very vocal about this issue (purely speculation) could be the ones attempting to profit.
Edit: I just checked the prices. Back when this thread was created, the buy price for amalgamated gemstones was 2.74G and the sell price was 2.94G. Currently the crafting cost to make it is 2.96G. Just craft them.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
Probably not the first to complain, but I’m going to anyway. So, this is a rant about how much Amalgamated Gemstones are worth (9 orbs/crests/doubloons for 250 of them is just absurd in price) but in a more specific sense what this post is about is how absurdly expensive incandescent dust is.
As a jeweler, I can often refine two low materials with some dust into one of a higher tier material. pretty basic. However, trying to refine from crystals to orbs costs 5 incandescent dust for each pair of crystals.
What I’m running into here is that in order to make my last 100 Amalgamated Gemstones, I can either spend upwards of 240 gold outright on orbs, or I can buy 1800 crystals for around 33 gold. However, I would need an additional 9000 incandescent dust to refine them, which would cost upwards of 352 gold!
This is insane.
If I’m going to put in the time to refine 1800 crystals, I’m figuring it should be at least equal in price as if I just but the orbs, hopefully a little less. But to be spending 140% more to take more time and less convenience is truly a spit in the face. If refining even cost 4 dust instead of 5 it would drop it to 280 gold for the required dust.
On one side, I certain understand that making a legendary item is supposed to be grueling, but I’ve been playing since launch, I’ve emptied my bank a few times and still couldn’t afford to make this. I thought the whole point of the legendary crafting was to make it both more accessible and more engaging, not worrying about another grind. If an Amalgamated Gemstone only required 3 orbs per gemstone, I actually would have had enough in my own personal vault to make it straight away.
I don’t feel like I’m being unreasonable, or asking too much (as a player who’s never had big windfalls of RNG favor, whose most expensive drop was 80 gold) to just ask that the cost of at least the crystal refinement be lowered to 2 dust per 2 crystals (which is still double the amount of dust other jewel refinements take) to bring it more in line.
(and for those of you wondering, to start from scratch, for just the 250 gemstones, would have required 4500 crystals at ~80 gold and 22.5K incandescent dust at 877 gold by today’s market price).
I think your calculations are a bit off.
You need 2250 orbs and 5 dust for each of them, that makes 2250 × 5 = 11,250 dust (not 22500!). At the current buy price of 3.86s that is a total price of ~434 gold. Adding the roughly 80 gold for crystals you are at 514 gold, which is about 200 gold less than the buy price for 250 gemstones, or 23 gold less than buying 2250 of the currently cheapest doubloon.
I don’t see your point there. Transmuting crystals is a totally viable option and definately saves you some gold.
Edit: To make things clear, you need 5 dust per orb, not per crystal.
(edited by Sphinx.8014)
I think your calculations are a bit off.
You need 2250 orbs and 5 dust for each of them, that makes 2250 × 5 = 11,250 dust (not 22500!). At the current buy price of 3.86s that is a total price of ~434 gold. Adding the roughly 80 gold for crystals you are at 514 gold, which is about 200 gold less than the buy price for 250 gemstones, or 23 gold less than buying 2250 of the currently cheapest doubloon.
I don’t see your point there. Transmuting crystals is a totally viable option and definately saves you some gold.
Edit: To make hings clear, you need 5 dust per orb, not per crystal.
Going back over, you’re right that I was a bit off (I was going 6 per crystal, not per orb…whoops accidental doubling). And while yes, it is the cheapest option, what I’m saying is more that it’s still too dang expensive, and pointlessly so. Furthermore, I also hold that Amalgamated Gemstones are pointlessly expensive; when we think of legendary weapons, again, sure, it’s supposed to be challenging and daunting, but it shouldn’t be only for the wildly rich or lucky. To put it another way, the gemstones BY THEMSELVES are half the current price of Dawn, and that is still assuming I choose this, the cheapest option. With the price of all of the bits and bobs, all of the ascended materials, ignoring Gifts I would have normally needed anyway, I have spent more gold (or used resources I already had) than getting a precursor would have cost.
I agree that the gemstones are absurd atm, and I am not sure why Anet thought this was a good idea. If they wanted us to get a full stack of fulgurites they could have done that another way.
However, the prices for orbs etc. are also inflated right now because there are a lot of people buying them. If you wait another year or so, they will drop in price because the initial surge of people who go after the new legendaries will be done with them (gemstones dropped back from 4g/ea already).
In the meantime, if you want one of the new legendaries, expect them to be more expensive than one of the old ones. I do not expect Anet to do anything about them.
Use the Mystic Forge to create orbs, it is cheaper.
I did that for a few hundred orbs, until my mouse, fingers and brain cried in pain and begged me to stop. Sure, if you want to save every last silver you can do that. But tbh, I’d save myself the struggle and rather spend that time in the silverwastes and just buy stuff to transmute. You can then spend your spirit shards to craft and sell stuff, and buy even more ingredients for the gemstones.
Devs have already acknowledged that orbs’ acquisition is way off, and they will work to fix this. If you’re not in a rush, just be patient.
Wow, really? That’s good news! Do you have a link where they said that? Seems like I’ve missed it…
Wow, really? That’s good news!
Do you have a link where they said that? Seems like I’ve missed it…
Sure: link
It’s undeniable the acquisition is pathetic by now.
Wow, really? That’s good news!
Do you have a link where they said that? Seems like I’ve missed it…
Sure: link
It’s undeniable the acquisition is pathetic by now.
Awesome, thank you! I very curious about what they will do about them. I guess they will eiter add more ways to obtain orbs, for example as dungeon rewards, or add them to map rewards. Or, just a wish, as WvW rewards… 0:)
Solution: make either a amalgamated gemstone or at least 3+ orbs as a map event reward for dragonstand.
That makes getting both crystalline ore AND gemstones more bearable.
I hate the requirements for the new legendaries. Will only do the precursor collections for the AP, but no way I will waste time on 250 crystalline bars and HoT map completion for these mediocre skins.
to me the crystalline bars are mostly ok because they direct you to do HoT content, just the amalgamated gemstones i really disagree with, feel like such a grind
Two things I believe it’s wrong for Amalgamated Gemstones: three groups of x3 orbs (it should be two orbs), and the transmogrifying from crystals being too costly (5x Incandescent Dust). Fixing these things wouldn’t require increasing orbs’ acquisition. If they don’t change these, they certainly should add more ways to obtain orbs to the game…
Use the Mystic Forge to create orbs, it is cheaper.
I’d like to ask what to throw in the forge to make it cheaper. Because I couldn’t find any recipe for gems just to promote rare materials. Is this the one, or is there another for gems? Because if so, it is in no way cheaper when it involves elonian wine which costs 25 silver.
You need 5 incandescent dust (double check me on wiki on that) and 2 of the one-step-lower tier of gemstone. Shards? Crystals? So eg 2 beryl crystals and 5 dust gets you 1 beryl orb.
You can get more precise details if you look on the wiki under amalgamated gemstone then click on one of the orb links and look at acquisition.
It’s still one heck of a lot of mystic forge use to end up with 250 amalgamateds ><
thx, but 5 dust and 2 t5 gems is exactly the recipe from crafting with jeweler. no need for mystic forge there.
Oh right — I just knew that those were the mats, forgot I would be doing them on JC not at the forge. My bad. That is likely what people were talking about when saying you should promote.
Anyone do any math on the new recipe?
How to balance Amalgamated Gemstones?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781
It looked like it was almost 20% cheaper by my estimation. (That was with a crude assumption of two dust per ecto and not counting salvage costs)
(edited by Elric Of Melnibone.4781)
How to balance Amalgamated Gemstones?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
Anyone do any math on the new recipe?
It’s changing rapidly, especially because ecto prices are extremely volatile and because word is slowly trickling out that there’s an alternative recipe. has some discussion of the comparison between 3-stacking and 25-stacking.