Treasure Hunter Achievement
I feel you. Tried this for the longest and finally broke down—a couple months ago—and just bought the remaining items on the Trading Post myself. I think I spent maybe 200 gold total on the five or six I still needed.
Granted, I think I also bought the majority as well. Given that they were cheap at the time.
The ironic part is I got most of my non-bought drops from PvP chests. But, that said, I seriously doubt the drop rate will increase any time soon. Some of us have still yet to see a precursor drop since starting in open beta over three years ago.
So . . . I wouldn’t hold my breath.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
I did Rhendak every day for a few months. Never got his droppable item. That’s the same kind of nonsense that I left other games over (killing the same mob over and over hoping that this time is the time he drops the special item that you need that only comes from him).
Less WoW crap in the future please.
I got the Rhendak ring after about a week and a half of camping the boss/chest. I gave up on getting All Seeing, Sam, Pendant of Arah, and Commissar’s Manifesto after many, many attempts. I’ll likely never finish the collection, which bugs me, but meh.
I finally managed to get my last piece a few months ago, I was just lucky I guess. But the most disappointing thing for me was the items the chest awards don’t feel worth the amount of effort that went into it. You only get a few salvageables and a couple yellow/blues each day
The achievement was designed as a gold sink, not as something quickly or easily obtained. It was also deliberately designed to increase the demand on certain rare items.
Thus, it has a beneficial effect on the community, by transferring wealth from the wealthiest to the lucky and by reducing the wealth of the 1% via TP fees.
(Disclaimer: I still have 3 items left to go because the events are a pain to join in on the fly and I refuse to pay more than 100g/item for a minor achievement.)
I am just missing 4 items from the collection not that the number actually matters. On the other hand finishing this collection doesn’t matter either. Even if every item on the list was only worth 1g each it would still take you way too long to break even.
stuff like this hsould have been fixed already a long tiem ago.. can’t be that you need to collect for this achievementz super rare stuff that has a tp value of like 250-500+ gold..
It stays absolutely in no relation anymore to the reward that you get fro completing the achievement.
Peopel just abuse the fact that you get a “reward” for completign the achievement and that parts of the collection are unneccessarely rare to try to get through these items quickly rich ..
the fact is sadly on,y through garbage like this get only the rich just richer and the poor people most likely stay poor or get poorer.
I am personalyl just 1 item away of completign the collection, just this anti social rare pendant of arah is missing for me, but in no way do I see in to waste like 500 gold for garbage just to make someone else like 450 gold richer around, just because that person is abusing the situation that this garbage is way much rarer than it should be, because there are only 2-3 spots in the whole game where you can get with antisocial low asia grinder drops rates of like 0,00001% maybe if you are super lucky this pendant of arah and with neasrly the same drop rate just to mock the players, you can get even a blue garbage version of the same thign that won’t help you further, because it won’t count towards the collection, just only the exotic version does >.< where you feel the huge urge to show a specific finger towards Anet mentally if you get that drop and just say in your mind peep
The problem with these way too rare items is, that you as a player have absolutely no way to earn yourself these items, or to craft them.
Pendant of Arah for exampel should be a craftable item for Jewelers and its recype should be buyable for karma from one of th many trading npcs on the last arah map which you should be cable to buy after doing for exampel the map’s meta event of defeating that legendary high wizard.
Through a crafting option anet would be at least able to make sure, that the prices on the TP would normalize for all these items, when there would be craftign alternatives, that are cheaper to make, than to buy the items from TP, then would be all these super rich players that try to hoarde these rare items to get richer through them by buying cheap, selling high and rebuying them again when they get cheaper permanently ad nauseum.
This tp tactics are the reason , why we have people in the game with like multiple tens of thousands of gold – more gold than they will evr need, because of peopel which dont know, when it is enough, that must become permanently just richer and richer – a so like I would call it – dagobert duck syndrome, peopel which are addicted of trying to become the richest player in the game.
people like that are the reason, why we are already at gem to gold trade listigns of 100gems = 90+ Gold.
Wont take long until we break through the border that 1 single Gem will cost 1 G and the sad thing about this is, we let it happen and Anet does nothign to stop this inflation, because they naturally profitate the most from it so more horrible this trade becomes, because so more gold one needs to pay for gems, so more likely will it become that people will pay real money for quick income of gems naturally …
However, I start to become offtopic ^^ – its just so it annoys we totally in which kind of way the game developed itself over the time in regard of this and it seems, absolutely no one seems to care about this bad development.
I think anet needs to change the tax system of the game.
The tax system of the TP should take alot harder into consideration the wealth of the buyer and the seller.
So wealthier the persons are, so higher should be the taxes exponentially.
This would help then against this negative dagobert duck syndrome, because something like this would lead then more likely to the poijnt, that people will want then to AVOID to become TOO WEALTHY, they will surely then buy more things and do alot more thigns to influence the economy by puttign more of their wealth into flow back by buying stuff from other players or using in general more gold sinks to ensure, that they won#t become too wealthy to avoid to have to pay too much taxes for putting stuff into the TP,
About the Treasure Hunter achievement it would be also nice, if ANet could increase the chances to obtain these items from other sources.
There should be just only 2-3 drop places/sources where you should be able to obtain these things.
Make it for exampel so that all of the items for the treasure hunter achievement should have also increased chances to be found easpecially from TREASURE CHESTS
Wow, who would have thought this?? Sadly Anet as it seems not.
All Jumping Puzzle Chests and Hidden Chests of Mini Dungeons and defended places should have significantly increased changes of finding randomly any of the required items for this achievement.
Especially the jumping puzzle treasure chests need finalyl a huge boost in their rewards to become alot more valueable, to give players a much better incentive to do them. The loot from JP chests has been mostly sicne game release complete garabage.
Never have they received so far a serious look over to improve them ,so that you actually want as a player to do as many JPs as possible, because gettign their chests feells actually “rewarding”
No, its since 2012 the typical usual prioblem as always, you receive 99,99% oof all times just blue/green garbage and useless t7 junk.
Why give players an incentive to play JP#s
Oooohh, the game could suddenly become way too rewarding /sarcasm
You get a box which gives you 10 silver a day. You are better of spending that 20 second of your day mining a rich mineral ore.
Yes this achievement could use a buff in drop rates. I did it while the Sam event was still bugged. Which made it unbearably frustrating, and meant that you could only do it once a week if you were lucky. I did end up buying a few of the items though.
Although I already have it, a buff in drop rates would be nice for those coming after.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
The droppables that come in different rarities should have Mystic Forge recipes for promoting the lower tier version into the Exotic version.
4 blue ones = 1 green
4 green ones = 1 rare
rare + something + something + something = exotic for collection.