Trick or Treat Trolling
There is already a thread on this with plenty of useful replies in there.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
Abusing the report function and falsely reporting people will result in a ban/temp-ban on your account.
As far as I know, The Trick or Treat candy corn elemental farm uses maiz balms on ambient creatures to farm. However killing ambient creatures is not a reportable offense. Also there are renowned hearts that require the killing of these ambient creatures. So, Don’t Trick or Treat farm unless you can deal with people killing ambient creatures.
This is an activity players came up with, not ArenaNet. There’s no reason for ArenaNet to give support for this. On the contrary, if by doing this activity you hassle people who are just there doing a heart or a daily, you should be the ones being reported.
Go in, kill stuff, block people, complete heart, get out. Too hard?
So players that go afk, only to start killing ambient’s as soon as a maize balm is thrown, they are in the right? Give me a break.
Having said that, I accept that nothing can be done. There was no harm in asking the question though. I will simply continue to block players that grief (as i would in any game) and wonder at what kind of pathetic mindset gives them pleasure from such activities.
Maze balm farmer: Dont block your heart progress (you can kill ress quaggan, stomp frogs or still kill the ravens and get out), increase candy corn income, decrease candy corn price allowing cheap 20bags for all players.
Maze balm complainer: Create a thread about it that takes more time to type than to complete the heart, do not help the economy or players.
Who are we to judge people enjoyment that does not block ours?
Occasionally that Island in Bloodtide Coast is used to split our special teams for triple trouble. It’s extremely annoying to have a bunch of lootstick swinging underwear-people running through that place while we’re preparing for the worm. So if it’s half an hour before triple trouble and you see someone killing the ambients, it’s most likely because you’ve successfully disturbed an orga.
Maze balm farmer: Dont block your heart progress (you can kill ress quaggan, stomp frogs or still kill the ravens and get out), increase candy corn income, decrease candy corn price allowing cheap 20bags for all players.
Maze balm complainer: Create a thread about it that takes more time to type than to complete the heart, do not help the economy or players.
:<Who are we to judge people enjoyment that does not block ours?
I’m not doing the heart, I want to get corn for 20 slot bags. I’d simply gotten annoyed with players trolling the crows.
I am very free to judge people, especially those whose sole purpose is to impeded others progress. Your pseudo philosophy is a load of BS.
As is your logic that it takes more than 20 seconds to create a thread.
It’s extremely annoying to have a bunch of lootstick swinging underwear-people running through that place while we’re preparing for the worm.
So use another WP. How hard is it?
anyway, /endthread not getting anywhere here. I have the answer I needed.
Have fun all.
Actually untface, the guy who is griefing a ambient mechanic is you. The place you use to “Farm” your tot bags is a place with ambient creatures needed for a renown heart.
If you truly only want to farm tot bags, you can truly use any place on tyria for that cough swamp* cough* queensdale..
If you start being offensive and agrssive with people that are killing stuff there, you are the one who will get punished. Gw2 do’es not have such thing as Kill steal, so your point here is completely out of arguments to concern about.
Actually untface, the guy who is griefing a ambient mechanic is you. The place you use to “Farm” your tot bags is a place with ambient creatures needed for a renown heart.
If you truly only want to farm tot bags, you can truly use any place on tyria for that cough swamp* cough* queensdale..
If you start being offensive and agrssive with people that are killing stuff there, you are the one who will get punished. Gw2 do’es not have such thing as Kill steal, so your point here is completely out of arguments to concern about.
With all due respect, I am not the party at fault. The heart can still be done easily, and Trolls go afk when balm stops being thrown, so it’s obvious that they are griefing.
Also, I have found a few posts where players have been suspended for griefing the ambients, so Anet does support my argument.
From now on, I will report as “offensive language” for any griefing (as suggested by: Gaile Gray, ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead) and will encourage others to do the same.
Thanks for the tip btw.
With all due respect, I am not the party at fault. The heart can still be done easily, and Trolls go afk when balm stops being thrown, so it’s obvious that they are griefing.
Also, I have found a few posts where players have been suspended for griefing the ambients, so Anet does support my argument.
From now on, I will report as “offensive language” for any griefing (as suggested by: Gaile Gray, ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead) and will encourage others to do the same.
Thanks for the tip btw.
Ah, you must be talking about that story about the Rata Sum troll who was killing ambients before another group could use their Maize Balms.
A moderator came to the scene and put the two opposing parties in separate instances, so that the fighting wouldn’t continue.
The action/suspension wasn’t against the fact that the guy was killing “somebody elses ambients”, per se, but was actually because he purposely went back into the same map as the Balm-farmers, directly against the moderators orders (and thus breaking the rules).
In short: A-net don’t support Maize Balm farming (just like they don’t support Dungeon Selling). However, they will take action against farmers (and others) if they also participate in rule breaking.
(edited by Crimson Clouds.4853)
With all the threads popping up, I’m expecting a change to that heart of maize balm some time in the near distant future. As is, to be honest, obvious: maize balm farmers are impeding heart progress and can be very aggressive; while obvious trolls who have killed enough ambients to complete the heart fifteen times over are probably griefing (remember though, there is an ambient creature slayer achievement).
At the end of the day, you’re free to farm that particular spot and get in other people’s way; but at the same time, other people are free to go there to complete the heart or go for the previously mentioned achievement. As long as both sides are keeping it civil and nobody outright admits to griefing, I can’t see any action being taken against players. That said, this is going to foster some hostility and will probably get ironed out at some point.
Yeah it’s open world pve nether group can put a fence around it and tell the other to get off there lawn.
Maybe Anet should add an ambient creature node to the gem store for our home instance.
Can anything be done about people that deliberately grief the ambient’s to stop trick or treat bag farming?
It’s a kitten move, one that impacts on my enjoyment of the game, and I am not alone in that regard. Surely Anet have a policy regarding deliberate trolling?
I don’t have a great deal of PvE experience, so currently I am simply reporting obvious trolls for scamming and waiting to see what happens.
Does Anet have any kind of official position regarding pve griefing?
But I thought you guys were the problem?
Killing the ambients around Maize Balm farmers isn’t always deliberate trolling. Sometimes they’re required for a nearby heart or event, and sometimes people are going for the Ambient Slayer achievement as they explore, and may not even realize Maize Balm farming is a thing. Ask before you rage, it’ll save you a lot of time, energy and, most of all, a report.
I’m not saying that trolling is a good thing; it should be ignored/stamped out as quickly and as quietly as possible. Also, if you are the ones Maize Balm farming, keep your emotions in check as you do so. If a griefer arrives to mess up the farm, quietly report them and block them, and ask them politely to leave.
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The best place for it is NOT in PvE, but rather in WvW. Go to your opponent’s borderland where your WP is in the lower right of the map, and head toward the south east supply camp. You’ll take about 10 steps (around the bridge area) and you’ll see a ton of ambients to toss your balm at. The best thing about it is that anyone around will not grief you because they are from your server and are there for WvW, not PvE bag farming.
Personally, I think the farmers are the problem, every time I see someone farming them they’re extremely hostile. A few weeks back I’d forgotten this was even a thing and decided to work on warhorn master at the swamp and after about 30min someone zoned in while i was killing the ambients at the hut and started yelling at me in say chat and said they were going to report me for griefing. ._.
[PVP] Fort Aspenwood
The best place for it is NOT in PvE, but rather in WvW.
Only if your map isn’t queued, right? If it is, then you actively preventing players from WvW’ing. Also, by taking up that slot in queue, you’re being a detriment to your server.
after about 30min someone zoned in while i was killing the ambients at the hut.
Why in the world would you just kill the ambients, when you could be killing Candy Corn Elementals at nearly the same rate? Weapon Master achievements and Maize Farming are perfect together.
In short: A-net don’t support Maize Balm farming
Of course the Dev’s are ok with it, they MADE the Maize Balm to begin with. They knew exactly what players would do with them too.
For the trolling conversation, there’s just a small group of players whom hate and despise other players. They’ll go out of their way to troll and grieve any time, any where. Eotm, WvW, sPvP, champ trains, World Bosses, Meta Event’s, you name it and it’s been trolled before. The mindset of hunting down other players to screw over and anger, that’s the toxicity needing to be dealt with. For the minor player interaction issues that appear from time, that’s simply a matter of courtesy and sense not being in abundance.
In short: A-net don’t support Maize Balm farming
Of course the Dev’s are ok with it, they MADE the Maize Balm to begin with. They knew exactly what players would do with them too.
Not supporting it != don’t allow it. Like dungeon selling, the maize balm farming is allowed. It just won’t be actively supported by Anet.
I’m fine with maize balm farmers so long as they know that I’m not going to cater to them while completing the location’s heart.
(edited by Celtic Lady.3729)
The best place for it is NOT in PvE, but rather in WvW. Go to your opponent’s borderland where your WP is in the lower right of the map, and head toward the south east supply camp. You’ll take about 10 steps (around the bridge area) and you’ll see a ton of ambients to toss your balm at. The best thing about it is that anyone around will not grief you because they are from your server and are there for WvW, not PvE bag farming.
I checked that location, and it’s actually horrible in comparison. There are a lot of ambients, but they’re spaced out such that hitting 3 in a throw is rare, and 2 in one is no more common than in the PvE areas.
Make absolutely no response and it will get boring for the troll fast.
The main options I can think of are to go elsewhere, farm later once they’ve given up, or try to taxi into a different version of the map.
Somehow I suspect that killing the killable things that there are achievements for killing is probably not going to get them in trouble just because you also wanted to kill them in a different way, and since abusing report is against the rules, I’d suggest to err on the side of caution and not.
Go in, kill stuff, block people, complete heart, get out. Too hard?
No thanks.. I like to go kill ambients .. as many as I can to get all my weapon achievements done and my ambient killer achievement done, then do the heart quest and then if I still enjoy it I might carry on some more .. who are you to tell me to move on – unless of course you can prove to me your claim of ownership is legit.
BTW.. I may be some time getting those weapon achievs.. If you don’t like it then kill afew and get out and go find somewhere else to throw your balm.. grief me and you get reported, try to disrupt the cluster I am farming to grief me more and I place all available turrets up at all th ambient spawn locations… thus the griefwars2 rears once more… see what I did there.
You DO realize that the place you chose to farm is in a mid level area where people coming there to complete that heart are still new-ish and have no clue what you’re doing there, right? Right?
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Your best bet is to zone out, wait 2 minutes and zone back in. You will either be placed in a different instance or the troll will have gotten bored and left. Just report them and move on. There is nothing worse in this game then the holy crusaders who think it is their duty to stop everyone from farming. They are just a different kind of religious fanatic who think they are carrying out the “will of Anet”. You can’t reason with them or argue with them.
After reading this thread I tried myself and went there, they never were flaming. Okay, there was actually no one doing the heart quest.
But for real: if you see them, just do either the other parts of this heart – you don’t need to kill the ravens – or just do it and live with the flamers and just tell them you’re doing the heart quest. It’s a a couple of minutes to complete. If you can’t stand the flamers then you are not built for the hard harsh world called outside.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
If you can’t stand the flamers then you are not built for the hard harsh world called outside.
Stop blaming the victim here. Nobody deserves to be verbally abused for something so trivial. Verbal abuse is against the game rules- A-net will not tolerate it, it is reportable and action can be taken against the flamer.
In short: A-net don’t support Maize Balm farming
Of course the Dev’s are ok with it, they MADE the Maize Balm to begin with. They knew exactly what players would do with them too.
Not supporting it != don’t allow it. Like dungeon selling, the maize balm farming is allowed. It just won’t be actively supported by Anet.
Thank you.
ppl doing hearts have the right away imo in fact any one can go up there and kill every thing and if any one complains just leave them a few mobs on the side so it wont be said you where trolling since you did leave some for him/her to finish quest/farmingP
if any one is in the wrong it would be the farmers and if they want to kitten about it
ignore them / block them report them for harassment or even just switch your chat box to combat
You DO realize that the place you chose to farm is in a mid level area where people coming there to complete that heart are still new-ish and have no clue what you’re doing there, right? Right?
It’s beside the point. I have no gripe against other players generally, nor specifically those questing at this location.
I’ll spell it out again: my issue was with players DELIBERATELY TROLLING the ambients.
It doesn’t matter to me anymore as I now have a few other spots I have investigated (ty community). Trolling is still a kitten move and those people deserved to be kitten upon.
I appreciate that some people have different views.
Who are we to judge people enjoyment that does not block ours?
Hi. My name is Sariel V. And your weaksauce assessment ignores that maize farmers are quite happy to abuse and berate other players because they have a mistaken assumption that they own this part of the game content.
Not to worry, though. Farmers always escalate their making nuisances of themselves until the devs come in and ruin it for everyone. This will be no different. I believe the last place maize farmers were run out of had all ambients turned into green creatures.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)