Triple Trouble... World Event

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tveoh.2486


First.. Apologizes if this is in the wrong spot. Couldn’t locate an area that seemed set for the world events…

The Triple Trouble Event.. Where you fight the 3 great wurms. Is in need of some serious balancing. Its fustrating to the point that the majority of the people just don’t attempt it. It is one of those events that needs a ton of people to do, for each wurm. And those numbers just never come up, cause of peoples proir bad experiances with the event, and if they do manage to do it. I bet its one of those that people go.. “Well I’m never doing that again” and it shows.

Prior to the Triple Trouble Event.. The Maw event had come up.. I think it had at least 150 people… could be wrong, as that was an estimate.. But that event is Easy… and could be done with so fewer people. When it Came to the Triple Trouble.. Maybe… Maybe.. 30 people showed up. Its not an event people enjoy doing,, but attempt at least so far.. still for the achivement points,, and the off chance they get lucky and can kill at least one of the wurms.

I honestly recommend that the invulnerblity state that the wurms have be removed and let them be damaged normally. Cause with the amount of monsters and aide they spawn.. its hard to improssible to do the required tasks to weaken the wurms… Maybe it would be easier.. if they didn’t only spawn tons of elites and Champs… that make it improssable to do anything but be stun locked till your dead..

I can understand the idea behind the event. Something that the whole megaserver can come together for and achive something great.. But.. the issue is… that it just doesn’t Happen. People hate the event, and it needs to be reworked, so that it still gives a challange, but can be done even with smaller groups,

Personally I do think removing the invulnerablity state on the wurm is the best choice. but can still have the tasks that if done, would increase damage dealt to wurm for a time.

Please do think about this, and how to change up that event. before Players just stop attempting it all together. And make the work that was put into the event. seem wasted :/. Nobody wants that, the game is great, the events are great, but this event… The Triple Trouble.. is unbalanced, and just isn’t fun..

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


once u get stratagem down it is as easy as teq

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tveoh.2486


once u get stratagem down it is as easy as teq

So your saying that if you have maybe… 10-15 people on each wurm.. so long as you have a plan… they can be killed easy?. Or say have the 30-40 people all group up on one wurm… who are using range. to stay out of the aoe of the wurm. but in the way of the 10+ champs and another 10+ elites that are stun locking them.. to death.

It can be done if you have a strategy?

Please don’t insult my intellegance.. I know many things that seem impossible can be done with a strategy. however that mostly works in real life, where peoples individual strengths and weaknesses can be used to achieve greatness. In a game.. its all bound by set rules, logic, Rng. etc. Some things just can’t be done by just have a strategy. Sure it can help, but the preset variblies in a game will always win out. Massive Aoes.. and stun locks.. will make any strategy moot and pointless.

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kordash.2197


This thread again …

Okay. First, the event itself is designed for LARGE and VERY ORGANIZED groups ONLY. There is no issue if it can’t be done by 30 people, because it’s NOT designed to be done this way.

Next, the Triple Trouble is actually done daily by multiple communities, if you are on EU, i can think of 4 of them, the gw2community (european), the Spanish, the French cooperation, and the German (this one doing it on the gw2community Team Speak).
If you are on NA, TTS are actually the one you should check.

People do NOT hate this event, if so, we wouldn’t have so many team doing it.

I’m actually a french lead and i did it countless time (around 50 kills at least, and i think i’m underestimating it) and do it everytime i feel to do so. I did it with 3 different communities on EU, got a lot of fun doing so, and now it’s quite easy to get the numbers to do it.

“Massive Aoes.. and stun locks.. will make any strategy moot and pointless.”
“to stay out of the aoe of the wurm. but in the way of the 10+ champs and another 10+ elites that are stun locking them.. to death.”

You seem to not know there is actually tactics and team dedicated to prevent this to happen (seek for diboof on youtube). Means that you doesn’t understand how this event work.

If you don’t know anything about the tactics we will teach you how it works, there is no problem being a beginner on this event, we all have been. Just put the effort and join on of the communities doing it. It is actually working PERFECTLY WELL as intended. So please do not rant over it.

(edited by Kordash.2197)

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tveoh.2486


Not Ranting.. This is a valid Concern..

I’m not surprised that its being done effectively on EU servers… that never surprises me. But I come from the Northern Shiverpeaks American Server. And well. Its just not happening.

Even had a plan.. Finish the escorts then regroup on the Amber Wurm.. but still was nothing but death and stun locks..

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Dude, you can’t read or what ? I said check TTS community if you are on NA. I’ve heard they actually do it quite often. And i’m sure there is actually other team on NA doing it.

If you don’t want to put the effort to find them, try to organise one by yourself. Your concern is not valid, you are actually ranting over something that can be done easily as long as you do what’s required to do it. And don’t tell me “i don’t have time for that”, if you don’t want to put the effort to do it, well it’s on you, and you only, not on the event.

When i wanted to get it done, i joined the French community and started to lead and organize it with some people. Then the more we did it, the more people we got. And when we lost people, we met the Spanish crew that was in the same situation and we started to try together. And we got the kill. More than once. Yes, it was hard. Yes it took some time. But we did it. Because we did what was necessary.

And it was FUN. I’ve met a loooot of player comming from different communities, even some that are now guild mates. Worth the time invested.

(edited by Kordash.2197)

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kordash.2197


And, since your problem seems to be the event itself :

Amber Wurm Guide:
Cobalt Wurm Guide:
Crimson Wurm Guide:

Your stunlock story is not valid. Diboof take care of eggs spawning, and wurms/larva.
Condi teams kills husks while the DPS/Keg pack can manage what they need to do in order to dps down the wurm.

And for TTS :

And if with that you are not able to understand that your concern isn’t a valid one … well, i can’t do anything for you.

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tveoh.2486


The TTS? Forgive my ignorance for being new. But on my server.. in map chat. I only hear bad things about them when they do get mentioned.

I’m not about to server hop to find a group to do this event. when I want to do it on my Home Server. The fact still remains… On at least some servers. The event is unbalanced do to the interest in the players.. Or just lack of interest do to bad experiances. The Community on Northern Shiverpeaks. at several peak times. Just doesn’t run the event in any sort of numbers that make it possible. even when they work together.

I like the event in the theory of it, and can see it being great. That is not the issue or the concern as tho it might be seeming from my posts. My Concern is that, not all servers have communities that can take on the event. And that can make events like this one. Not fun for people.

And if something is being brought up time and time again. Then prehaps the DEVs should take a look at it. See what could be done, to keep the challange. but help those smaller communities out too.

People on Northern Shiverpeak, from what i’ve seen and heard.. They have lost interest in the event. Few still attempt it, but its pointless. The community just doesn’t support the needs that are required for the event. And from the TTS site… looks as though people we could need for the event. are required to hop servers to make sure the TTS is always playing together in large numbers. So even if there is a TTS guild on my server. I haven’t seen any members running around.

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tveoh.2486


Also from those guilds you listed.. Still lists the numbers that I’m saying we can’t get together. 30 to 40 maybe. max. those guilds say at least 50 are needed per wurm..

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Actually the game is under the mega server. So, the people you can see around you may not be from the same server as you in PvE.

Actually, no single server is able to do it, but cross server communities can. You will never be able to get the numbers for every try with people comming from only from one server. But actually it makes no sense, since all servers are merged in PvE with the megaserver (for example, the French community is based on people coming from all 5 french servers Vizunah Square, Jade Sea, Arborstone, Fort Ranik, Augury Rock)

So, based on this, you should try to team up with people coming from differents servers. It’s even easier on NA, because you have a common language. And even with different language, we did it with Spanish and French Team together, so it’s doable.

What i’m saying here is simple : if you don’t have the numbers, try to get in touch with other communities that could come with you.

You know, when we first did it with the Spanish team, it was before the megaservers. We were around 75 french people (not enough to do it, you need around 150 people) looking for an overflow map to train on one head. The other commanders and me randomly hit on a map where we found 75 spanish people attempting doing the same training. We asked them directly, “hey why not team up, so we can do a full attempt ?”. They said “Hell yes !” and that was this little moment that started everything. Less than one week later, our 2 little communities met up again, and got the full kill. And i still run with them sometimes (really fun people to play with, i really enjoy the time spent there ). That’s not hard to get the numbers, if you are willing to get them

EDIT : About the 50 needed per wurm, yup, it’s intended to be like this. As i said, this event is NOT deisgned for small groups.

(edited by Kordash.2197)

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manoa.5897


I’m not about to server hop to find a group to do this event. when I want to do it on my Home Server. The fact still remains… On at least some servers. The event is unbalanced do to the interest in the players.. Or just lack of interest do to bad experiances. The Community on Northern Shiverpeaks. at several peak times. Just doesn’t run the event in any sort of numbers that make it possible. even when they work together.

Home Server means very little on the PvE-side of things now. All PvE maps are using megaserver technology and include a mix of players various servers. The maps you’re on aren’t NSP maps…they’re actually cross server maps. And it sounds like you’re getting shuffled into instances of the map where people are either unorganized or uninterested.

You should use the LFG tool to find a map instance that is doing an organized run (players advertise organized runs in the LFG all the time, just look for someone offering to “taxi”). Or take the advice of the other folks and join a cross-server guild like TTS who does this kind of stuff and taxi folks into their organized maps.

And don’t fret…you don’t need to spend gems to transfer servers. If you’re able to party up with someone in an organized map who are taxiing folks in, it’s just a simple right-click on their name and “join” to get into their map instance.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ailis.9830


The biggest problems with the Triple Trouble Wurm comes from this:
People give up if they can’t get on the “exclusive” groups map. That is bound to happen when there is organization required for the wurm.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love TTW very very very much, and I think it is a fantastic fight, but part of that comes from the fact that I have beat it plenty of times.

More people would be willing to do it if more people actually knew the mechanics of the fight and how to organize such a group.
The easy way to fix this is more GUILDS take the opportunity to come down and learn the wurm, learn the mechanics, and learn the strats.
TTS spent a lot of time on their strat, and they def did not start out with the wurm success rate they have now. They continued to work on it (and they have the numbers within TTS to do so)

Here is my suggestion:
As a guild, work on wurm.
Try to find someone who is willing to teach you some strats or work with you.
Work with other guilds for numbers.
Schedule your raid time for wurm.

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soren.9316


TTS does it daily and as one of the commanders (mainly for Teq but I do get wurm every once in a blue moon) I can tell you, just hop on the TS and if you can’t just pay attention to map chat. Everyone is welcome to the raids and raids are done and pretty much every wurm spawn so you should have lots of chances to get in there and get a kill.

If you don’t know the strat ->
And don’t worry about not being perfect. All our leaders explain both parts of the fight before each and every spawn so that everyone is on the same page.

And don’t be afraid to ask questions, we’re always there to help.

Also as a side not Tev: TTS is a cross server community. We have members spanning 12 guilds from every server available in NA. We don’t require any of our member to rep out side of raids unless we are doing things like guild missions so it’s very unlikely that out side of some general fun you won’t see mass amounts of TTS tags running around.


IGN: Soren the Always Lost
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]

(edited by Soren.9316)

Triple Trouble... World Event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Not Ranting.. This is a valid Concern..

I’m not surprised that its being done effectively on EU servers… that never surprises me. But I come from the Northern Shiverpeaks American Server. And well. Its just not happening.

Even had a plan.. Finish the escorts then regroup on the Amber Wurm.. but still was nothing but death and stun locks..

The problem people have with running wurm are these:

  • they do not know how to damage the wurms (each one has a DIFFERENT mechanic)
  • do not understand the necessity to be a cohesive group (no running off into random corners to fight some random mob because you can)
  • they do not understand the mechanics behind an effective mob control group (champion husks are dealt with by a SINGLE PURPOSE group, and no one should “help” them)
  • they dont understand why communication via programs like teamspeak and ventrilo are vital to the success of the event
  • they turn into a stick in the mud and refuse to cooperate when they’re being told what to do in the fight by the commander (amber wurm has this problem because people do not pay attention to their god forsaken debuffs and kill the abomination when they’re told not to)
    and my personally most hated reason:
  • they want to get carried through the event and not think for themselves

Just one of the above is bad enough, but when it’s all of them the wurm is going to be a failure 100% of the time. The reason you failed to kill Amber? You had no team reflecting the wurm eggs, and you had no team of condi people focused on taking down the champion husks, which take almost no direct damage.

The last point is even worse though. If they’re only interested in being carried, they want no part in learning how to fight the wurm so that it’s not just these large communities killing THW. Sometimes those communities have to put their own members first before anyone else, so the more people OUTSIDE of those communities that can run wurm, and run it successfully, the better it is for communities as a whole.

In summary, look at the reasons why you’re failing the event where so many others are succeeding the event. Dont just make a snap decision of “oh, I cant beat this event, it must be nerfed.” Perhaps it really is that you simply planned poorly for the event?