Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


How to beat this fight.

I just finished playing this fight,
and I am not sure what is the numbers needed for this fight.

How many extractor runs are needed to get it full?

what else is there to the fight.

Any secrets and tips on how to beat this fight?

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


The worm has been nerfed to the ground.That is really sad

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immensus.9732


it has been nerfed is still challenging a lot but not as much as it used to be unfortunately. there are 3 heads its one of them has different mechanics very bfriefly ill explain, forgive me i dont remember the name of the heads. the one head all you got to do is get the three buffs around the field (red, blue, yellow) and get them to the platform until they are full, once full you can attack the head. second head you got to carry the kegs on a position close to the head, these explode and then you can attack the boss. the third haed (and most fun) you got to kill a mob that will give you a buff, then with this buff you got to stand in front of the boss (theres an arrow to where you need to stand) the the boss will eat you while in its stomach you grab a gun and fire until you destroy the stomach whatever that is, you DONT drop the gun and you wait the head to slit you, after it splits you, you use the gun and fire the head once 20 people do that the head can be attacked. after you decapitate one head you got one minute to decapitate the 2 others and i think another one to kill em after all of them are decap. i kept it very short

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


It’s been nerfed? I haven’t fought him since the Apr 15 patch; should go give him a go again sometime. (Killed him once with TTS, out of 10 – 12 attempts. I can’t even imagine a server full of randoms ever succeeding pre-nerf.)

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kanarek.8025


Everything what you need to know will people tell you if you ask before event start..:) They will tell you where you should be and what you should do.

If you don’t ask before event (or dont use google) – please do nothing.

You should watch map chat all the time and please in dps phase – use only fire fields (IMPORTANT!).

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TaterFreak.1940


There is a good amount of very helpfull videos of each wurm from different perspective of the fight (condis/dps/reflect)so check those out, and you should definetly check the TTS guide and the GW2community guides (these are the 2 communities that i know kill them on a daily basis and have done guides for them).
You should also try to get in some community runs, everyday at EU primetime kill you might bump into us

Commander Groknar le Divin [NíP]
Event Coordinator @

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Or join a guild that has it down and uses teamspeak. or the TxS in Europe and TTS in the NA servers.

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hylgeriak.8250


Kyrgyz Manas – Gandara[EU]

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bri.2359


Now it starts …..
Clueless randoms going to Bloodtide thinking megaserver will hand them the easy Wurm kill and achievements.

Oh, and reading a guide will get you kitten all, unless you are on teamspeak with a well organised group of 120 players.

TxS has kill this thing over 60 times now.
We haven’t posted a guide because one of leaders is still working on one that was focusing on he minimum number of players and class mix required at each wurm.

Now that megaserver is here, I doubt this will ever be completed because we lost control over the number of randoms that might show up.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

Triple Trouble Wurm: How to beat this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TaterFreak.1940


TxS has kill this thing over 60 times now.
We haven’t posted a guide because one of leaders is still working on one that was focusing on he minimum number of players and class mix required at each wurm.

Now that megaserver is here, I doubt this will ever be completed because we lost control over the number of randoms that might show up.

Yup soz I should have mentioned TxS as one of the community that kills it on a daily basis, my bad.
And yea I kind of agree that MS are messing things up, but honestly considering the nerf it took its not that much of an issue (at least for the “killing it” part).. but I understand the fustration.

Commander Groknar le Divin [NíP]
Event Coordinator @

(edited by TaterFreak.1940)