Try it before you knock it

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


it doesn’t matter what other games you have played, this is not those games

give the new content a try and see how it works

its ok to express your concerns or fears, but to outright say you have been betrayed, or scammed, or that you are quitting because of this, is simply idiotic

PLAY the content, THEN give feedback

right now everyone is taking speculation as fact, without even giving the ideas and content a chance


Take risks
“Let’s try it.” You hope to hear that phrase at the end of a meeting, especially if that meeting was contentious, or if the idea discussed is new and radical.
Imagine a playground full of kids playing. At its best, playing is making mistakes in a safe environment and learning from those mistakes in a way that encourages growth. Trying out new ideas or making drastic changes is the way we as designers get to play with the game. It’s where we slip and fall, scrape our knees, and otherwise monkey around on the jungle gym. While we don’t try out every idea, we use our collective experience to get a sense for what has promise—what we should follow down the rabbit hole. We look at where our ideas break, how they break, and why they break. "

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vasham.2408


That would require the GW2 community to be a couple of things: calm, rational, and open to new ideas.

Sadly they are none of these things.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Gear grind is a bad idea because of the grinding part implying the content needed to get the gear is boring and repetitive. But if Anet introduces content that is innovative and has replayability, then I don’t see the problem of adding gear progression along with that content.

People who want fun content gets it. People who want gear progression get it. Everybodys happy.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dangerhunt.2607


sorry, I am not clam, I am excited about this new content

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nvmvoidrays.2158


there’s still no gear grind for anything, but this one, specific dungeon.

ascended items (that are going to be released soonTM) can’t be socketed with sigils/runes. therefore, outside this one dungeon, there’s no reason to have ascended armor. the slight boost in stats isn’t worth (for me) losing the abilities that runes and sigils give.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djavlas.8249


No gear treadmills or artificial gear gating was one of the MAJOR selling points of GW2. Excitement leading up to the release of GW2 was generated through all the aspects of gw2 that appealed to players. This was one aspect. Anet would not have had the success they saw if they had advertised “same old tried and failed gear systems!”

here, from the golden rules:

Respect the player

We respect you—as a player, as a human being. This game we’re making may end up competing with your real life. It might fight for your free time alongside your friends, your family, your work, and whatever else you might be doing. Because of that, we want to give you a meaningful experience, not one that is a vapid waste of your time. Whatever your reasons for spending time in Tyria, we don’t want to waste it by doing stuff that isn’t fun.

That’s why we make our content epic. That’s why we have giant nightmare demons to fight, global allegiances to form, immense keeps to siege, and giant catapults to fire. Tyria is a place that will foster relationships with new friends, and provide you a rich experience to share with old ones. It’s our version of a playground on the grandest of scales.

Finally, we are building an online world, but we are always careful to leave space for its most important element, the one we designers would like to step out of the spotlight for: its heroes—you.

Purpose: To keep us honest.

honest…. right….

Blackgate – Guardian
Black Talons [BT]

(edited by Djavlas.8249)

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dangerhunt.2607


I am still going to wear ascended armors everywhere I go. It’s going to become a symbol that says “I spend hell of time in the new dungeon.”

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djavlas.8249


I am still going to wear ascended armors everywhere I go. It’s going to become a symbol that says “I spend hell of time in the new dungeon.”

I am still going to wear ascended armors everywhere I go because its going to become the symbol that says “I spent hell of time in the new dungeon because i had no other choice.”

Blackgate – Guardian
Black Talons [BT]

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talloc.6835


That would require the GW2 community to be a couple of things: calm, rational, and open to new ideas.

Sadly they are none of these things.

You mean that idea that’s plague the MMO community for years, giving rise to things like GearScore?

Naw, I’ll pass.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


No gear treadmills or artificial gear gating was one of the MAJOR selling points of GW2. Excitement leading up to the release of GW2 was generated through the all the aspects of gw2 that appealed to players. This was one aspect. Anet would not have had the success they saw if they had advertised “same old tried and failed gear systems!”

here, from the golden rules:

Respect the player

We respect you—as a player, as a human being. This game we’re making may end up competing with your real life. It might fight for your free time alongside your friends, your family, your work, and whatever else you might be doing. Because of that, we want to give you a meaningful experience, not one that is a vapid waste of your time. Whatever your reasons for spending time in Tyria, we don’t want to waste it by doing stuff that isn’t fun.

That’s why we make our content epic. That’s why we have giant nightmare demons to fight, global allegiances to form, immense keeps to siege, and giant catapults to fire. Tyria is a place that will foster relationships with new friends, and provide you a rich experience to share with old ones. It’s our version of a playground on the grandest of scales.

Finally, we are building an online world, but we are always careful to leave space for its most important element, the one we designers would like to step out of the spotlight for: its heroes—you.

Purpose: To keep us honest.

honest…. right….

how have they disrespected you? by adding ONE new type of dungeon, to TRY something new?

like the title says, TRY IT,
if you like it or don’t like it, then give feedback

in no way, shape, or form have you been disrespected
ESPECIALLY before the content has been added

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


I am still going to wear ascended armors everywhere I go. It’s going to become a symbol that says “I spend hell of time in the new dungeon.”

did I miss the post where they told us how we would be getting ascended armor?

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dangerhunt.2607


You have. Don’t play. Go do something else, go farm the old 8 dungeons for weapon skins. Go get your legendary weapons. There are still tons of things to do.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dangerhunt.2607


I am still going to wear ascended armors everywhere I go. It’s going to become a symbol that says “I spend hell of time in the new dungeon.”

did I miss the post where they told us how we would be getting ascended armor?

We are only going to get back slot and rings for now, but in future update, they plan to add full sets.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


I am still going to wear ascended armors everywhere I go. It’s going to become a symbol that says “I spend hell of time in the new dungeon.”

did I miss the post where they told us how we would be getting ascended armor?

We are only going to get back slot and rings for now, but in future update, they plan to add full sets.

I know that but they never said that the armor would be dungeon exclusive, unless I missed it somewhere

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vasham.2408


That would require the GW2 community to be a couple of things: calm, rational, and open to new ideas.

Sadly they are none of these things.

You mean that idea that’s plague the MMO community for years, giving rise to things like GearScore?

Naw, I’ll pass.

Thanks for providing a perfect example of what I was talking about. Immediately comparing what’s happening to other MMOs rather than waiting and seeing how it turns out. The usual kind of kneejerk reactions I’ve grown accustomed to on these forums.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dangerhunt.2607


I am still going to wear ascended armors everywhere I go. It’s going to become a symbol that says “I spend hell of time in the new dungeon.”

did I miss the post where they told us how we would be getting ascended armor?

We are only going to get back slot and rings for now, but in future update, they plan to add full sets.

I know that but they never said that the armor would be dungeon exclusive, unless I missed it somewhere

It’s possible not an dungeon exclusive, not sure. But I was replying to early post saying that because ascended armor doesn’t have normal slot to increase the more overall stat, that he/she would have to keep second armors in the inventroy. My take was no matter ascended armor data is, +2 or -2, I am going to wear it outside of dungeon anyways.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talloc.6835


That would require the GW2 community to be a couple of things: calm, rational, and open to new ideas.

Sadly they are none of these things.

You mean that idea that’s plague the MMO community for years, giving rise to things like GearScore?

Naw, I’ll pass.

Thanks for providing a perfect example of what I was talking about. Immediately comparing what’s happening to other MMOs rather than waiting and seeing how it turns out. The usual kind of kneejerk reactions I’ve grown accustomed to on these forums.

Yeah, no. I’ve played about five MMOs at launch and each time the developers screamed at me “No really, we promise you’ll love it!”

Now they’re all collecting dust on my shelf because I thought they would teach me a lesson.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


That would require the GW2 community to be a couple of things: calm, rational, and open to new ideas.

Sadly they are none of these things.

You mean that idea that’s plague the MMO community for years, giving rise to things like GearScore?

Naw, I’ll pass.

Thanks for providing a perfect example of what I was talking about. Immediately comparing what’s happening to other MMOs rather than waiting and seeing how it turns out. The usual kind of kneejerk reactions I’ve grown accustomed to on these forums.

Yeah, no. I’ve played about five MMOs at launch and each time the developers screamed at me “No really, we promise you’ll love it!”

Now they’re all collecting dust on my shelf because I thought they would teach me a lesson.

I can understand your hesitation, but anecdotal evidence doesn’t translate to factual predictions of the future

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talloc.6835


It does, however, give me a very good example to go on.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aliquis.9180


Some people have enough experience with other games to know what they like and what they don’t like. “Try it before you knock it” is only for people who don’t know any better.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vasham.2408


Some people have enough experience with other games to know what they like and what they don’t like. “Try it before you knock it” is only for people who don’t know any better.

Having come from an extensive background of MMOs with and without gear treadmills I’m actually interested to see how Arenanet does this. It’s not even a gear treadmill since they’ve already stated the release of ascended gear will be a slow drip as they add new dungeons, eventually leading to the acquisition of a full set. Compare to WoW, where every patch you need to completely regear.

Personally I trust Arenanet with this more than any other publisher.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djavlas.8249


how have they disrespected you? by adding ONE new type of dungeon, to TRY something new?

like the title says, TRY IT,
if you like it or don’t like it, then give feedback

in no way, shape, or form have you been disrespected
ESPECIALLY before the content has been added

going back on your word

how is that not disrepectful?

Blackgate – Guardian
Black Talons [BT]

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


Some people have enough experience with other games to know what they like and what they don’t like. “Try it before you knock it” is only for people who don’t know any better.

but as I said, other games are not this game, if they still insist on being stubborn in that regards, they can avoid the content completely and continue playing the copious amount of content that already exists and look forward to the next free expansion that may have more of the content they enjoy

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


how have they disrespected you? by adding ONE new type of dungeon, to TRY something new?

like the title says, TRY IT,
if you like it or don’t like it, then give feedback

in no way, shape, or form have you been disrespected
ESPECIALLY before the content has been added

going back on your word

how is that not disrepectful?

can you specifically show me, right now, how ANET has disrespected you by going back on their word?

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sparda.9356


On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aliquis.9180


On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy

Certainly not when you market a game to casuals, because you know that’s where the big money is, and 3 months later go “psych” and turn the game over to the elitists.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy

Certainly not when you market a game to casuals, because you know that’s where the big money is, and 3 months later go “psych” and turn the game over to the elitists.

I don’t think adding one dungeon and a small amount of gear should be considered turning it over to elitists, by a long shot

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos.9285


On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy

Certainly not when you market a game to casuals, because you know that’s where the big money is, and 3 months later go “psych” and turn the game over to the elitists.

This is an honest question, as a casual player why would they be worried about getting +15 more stats and an Infusion that only negates Agony at the absolute hardest end of a dungeon that can be happily played without requiring any ascended gear at all?

Casual players already have an absolute boat full of things to do in this game, this is something for the “hardcore” players to strive for.

I am Death incarnate.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aliquis.9180


On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy

Certainly not when you market a game to casuals, because you know that’s where the big money is, and 3 months later go “psych” and turn the game over to the elitists.

This is an honest question, as a casual player why would they be worried about getting +15 more stats and an Infusion that only negates Agony at the absolute hardest end of a dungeon that can be happily played without requiring any ascended gear at all?

Casual players already have an absolute boat full of things to do in this game, this is something for the “hardcore” players to strive for.

Well, I don’t speak for casuals, nor do I consider myself one, but I don’t think it’s about a couple of points on some armor. It’s being relegated to second class, just so some others get to feel superior. This is what almost every other game does, and GW2 wasn’t supposed to.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy

Certainly not when you market a game to casuals, because you know that’s where the big money is, and 3 months later go “psych” and turn the game over to the elitists.

This is an honest question, as a casual player why would they be worried about getting +15 more stats and an Infusion that only negates Agony at the absolute hardest end of a dungeon that can be happily played without requiring any ascended gear at all?

Casual players already have an absolute boat full of things to do in this game, this is something for the “hardcore” players to strive for.

from what I understand casuals are afraid they will be gated from content by ascended gear checks in the dungeon when they don’t even have or have barely gotten exotic gear

if they would read the previews all the way through, they would see that gated content won’t be an issue

but what they should really do is just TRY IT OUT

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vasham.2408


On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy

Certainly not when you market a game to casuals, because you know that’s where the big money is, and 3 months later go “psych” and turn the game over to the elitists.

This is an honest question, as a casual player why would they be worried about getting +15 more stats and an Infusion that only negates Agony at the absolute hardest end of a dungeon that can be happily played without requiring any ascended gear at all?

Casual players already have an absolute boat full of things to do in this game, this is something for the “hardcore” players to strive for.

Well, I don’t speak for casuals, nor do I consider myself one, but I don’t think it’s about a couple of points on some armor. It’s being relegated to second class, just so some others get to feel superior. This is what almost every other game does, and GW2 wasn’t supposed to.

The problem is that casual players can run the dungeon just fine. The only thing they couldn’t do, based on the assumption they’d somehow be prevented from getting ascended gear (which is more than likely not the case) and thus Agony resistance, is get to the soul crushing levels of deep difficulty from numerous chained runs of the dungeon. Other than this infinite difficulty scaling everything the dungeon has to offer would be available to them. How is that regulating casuals to “second class?”

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I tried it in other MMOs. I’M NOT INTERESTED in gear progression. That’s the primary reason I play GW2. I’m not interested in trying broken mechanics AGAIN.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


I tried it in other MMOs. I’M NOT INTERESTED in gear progression. That’s the primary reason I play GW2. I’m not interested in trying broken mechanics AGAIN.

how do you know that the addition of a SINGLE tier of gear that has a primary use in ONE dungeon is the broken mechanics you have seen before?

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vasham.2408


I tried it in other MMOs. I’M NOT INTERESTED in gear progression. That’s the primary reason I play GW2. I’m not interested in trying broken mechanics AGAIN.

how do you know that the addition of a SINGLE tier of gear that has a primary use in ONE dungeon is the broken mechanics you have seen before?

Hyperbole and appeal to emotion. Mostly hyperbole.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JJGlyph.9746


You don’t need to “try it before you knock it”. We’ve all seen gear treadmills in other MMOs & they showed the exact details in the Lindsey Murdock post. No thanks.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Euthil.5209


Whether we’re willing to try out the patch or not is hardly relevant, because already confirmed, in their blog, what we’ve assumed (that is, we must get X in order to get pass Y). We believed A.Net will live up to their promise that we aren’t required to grind for anything in order to have a fair chance of completing certain parts of the game, but now we will be due to the implementation of Agony.

To deal with Agony at the deepest point of the Fractals, you need Infusion (otherwise you’ll never get pass it, as the blog stated: “until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must”), and to get Infusion you need Ascended items. And since Ascended items are better than Exotics and Exotics were once considered the apex gear, chances are getting Ascended items will not be easier than getting Exotics (and getting them was a grind already). That means there will be grind for Ascended items in order to have a fair chance of completing a certain part of the game. That means they broke their promise, and thus we have every right to feel betrayed by them.

However, your argument is valid if, for some reason, design the game so that getting Ascended items is super easy and absolutely not a grind (unlike Exotics). If that is truly the case then I’ll concede.

But I highly doubt it, as that won’t make any sense.

(edited by Euthil.5209)

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


try what?
a concept that we perfectly know and makes mmorpg hated by mature players?

We already did with any other OLD SCHOOL mmorpg….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elsbeth.3567


it doesn’t matter what other games you have played, this is not those games

give the new content a try and see how it works

its ok to express your concerns or fears, but to outright say you have been betrayed, or scammed, or that you are quitting because of this, is simply idiotic

PLAY the content, THEN give feedback

right now everyone is taking speculation as fact, without even giving the ideas and content a chance


Take risks
“Let’s try it.” You hope to hear that phrase at the end of a meeting, especially if that meeting was contentious, or if the idea discussed is new and radical.
Imagine a playground full of kids playing. At its best, playing is making mistakes in a safe environment and learning from those mistakes in a way that encourages growth. Trying out new ideas or making drastic changes is the way we as designers get to play with the game. It’s where we slip and fall, scrape our knees, and otherwise monkey around on the jungle gym. While we don’t try out every idea, we use our collective experience to get a sense for what has promise—what we should follow down the rabbit hole. We look at where our ideas break, how they break, and why they break. "

Industry history doesn’t matter? Why? Because you just declare that by fiat?

ArenaNet’s own descriptions and promises don’t matter? You yourself are quoting some of them. Should we ignore those, too? How is responding to the company’s own words “speculation”?

Your argument is like saying that just because I once got bitten by a growling yellow dog, I should not be worried about being bitten by a growling brown dog. Experience matters. Your line of argument is naive, illogical and beside the point, since many people of course will be trying it.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


You don’t need to “try it before you knock it”. We’ve all seen gear treadmills in other MMOs & they showed the exact details in the Lindsey Murdock post. No thanks.

based solely on the blog post, please explain how this is exactly like other gear treadmills in other MMO’s

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652


You know what I hate when I go to dungeon? If someone says “do you have equipment you need for this dungeon?”, and you know what I don’t mind to be asked? “do you have skill for this dungeon and have you been here before?”

I’m thinkin about Mursaats when I hear infused armor so I’m still looking forward to new content, but I’m a bit afraid that it might destroy what Guild Wars used to be. If someone says to me, you are noob you can’t go with us, it makes me try harder, train and get better so I can, if I want to go that certain thing, usualy dung. But if its only about equipment it makes me think “ok now I have to grind something I might even hate because I have to get some stuff to get stuff I need to get somewhere I want to go”. – If I’d want that, I go play WoW. I noticed that most (maybe only) people who are complaining about “not enough progression in items” are WoW players. Why? Figure it out.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aliquis.9180


On the left corner, we have elitist complain no endgame, on right corner we have casual complain about gear treadmill. Sigh, I guess it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy

Certainly not when you market a game to casuals, because you know that’s where the big money is, and 3 months later go “psych” and turn the game over to the elitists.

This is an honest question, as a casual player why would they be worried about getting +15 more stats and an Infusion that only negates Agony at the absolute hardest end of a dungeon that can be happily played without requiring any ascended gear at all?

Casual players already have an absolute boat full of things to do in this game, this is something for the “hardcore” players to strive for.

Well, I don’t speak for casuals, nor do I consider myself one, but I don’t think it’s about a couple of points on some armor. It’s being relegated to second class, just so some others get to feel superior. This is what almost every other game does, and GW2 wasn’t supposed to.

The problem is that casual players can run the dungeon just fine. The only thing they couldn’t do, based on the assumption they’d somehow be prevented from getting ascended gear (which is more than likely not the case) and thus Agony resistance, is get to the soul crushing levels of deep difficulty from numerous chained runs of the dungeon. Other than this infinite difficulty scaling everything the dungeon has to offer would be available to them. How is that regulating casuals to “second class?”

That’s the problem you run into when you lump ‘casuals’ into a single group. Casuals are casual for a wide variety of reasons. That’s why Arenanet marketed the game as accomodating a wide variety of playstyles. Until now, you didn’t have to dungeons at all to get your gear. You could craft it, you could do DE’s, you could WvW, you could buy it on the TP, etc. When you offer so many choices, nearly everyone can find a way that works for them. That approach has now changed drastically.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


You know what I hate when I go to dungeon? If someone says “do you have equipment you need for this dungeon?”, and you know what I don’t mind to be asked? “do you have skill for this dungeon and have you been here before?”

I’m thinkin about Mursaats when I hear infused armor so I’m still looking forward to new content, but I’m a bit afraid that it might destroy what Guild Wars used to be. If someone says to me, you are noob you can’t go with us, it makes me try harder, train and get better so I can, if I want to go that certain thing, usualy dung. But if its only about equipment it makes me think “ok now I have to grind something I might even hate because I have to get some stuff to get stuff I need to get somewhere I want to go”. – If I’d want that, I go play WoW. I noticed that most (maybe only) people who are complaining about “not enough progression in items” are WoW players. Why? Figure it out.

is there a way for you to show or for people to check what kind of gear you have? as far as I know there isn’t, so the question is pointless to ask

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


it doesn’t matter what other games you have played, this is not those games

give the new content a try and see how it works

its ok to express your concerns or fears, but to outright say you have been betrayed, or scammed, or that you are quitting because of this, is simply idiotic

PLAY the content, THEN give feedback

right now everyone is taking speculation as fact, without even giving the ideas and content a chance


Take risks
“Let’s try it.” You hope to hear that phrase at the end of a meeting, especially if that meeting was contentious, or if the idea discussed is new and radical.
Imagine a playground full of kids playing. At its best, playing is making mistakes in a safe environment and learning from those mistakes in a way that encourages growth. Trying out new ideas or making drastic changes is the way we as designers get to play with the game. It’s where we slip and fall, scrape our knees, and otherwise monkey around on the jungle gym. While we don’t try out every idea, we use our collective experience to get a sense for what has promise—what we should follow down the rabbit hole. We look at where our ideas break, how they break, and why they break. "

Industry history doesn’t matter? Why? Because you just declare that by fiat?

ArenaNet’s own descriptions and promises don’t matter? You yourself are quoting some of them. Should we ignore those, too? How is responding to the company’s own words “speculation”?

Your argument is like saying that just because I once got bitten by a growling yellow dog, I should not be worried about being bitten by a growling brown dog. Experience matters. Your line of argument is naive, illogical and beside the point, since many people of course will be trying it.

I wasn’t saying you shouldn’t have reservations or concern, I stated quite the opposite, I’m saying look at what we know, look at how Anet has developed THEIR game, TRY IT and THEN give feedback

most people are outright rejecting the ideas because of fear and ignorance

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talloc.6835


it doesn’t matter what other games you have played, this is not those games

give the new content a try and see how it works

its ok to express your concerns or fears, but to outright say you have been betrayed, or scammed, or that you are quitting because of this, is simply idiotic

PLAY the content, THEN give feedback

right now everyone is taking speculation as fact, without even giving the ideas and content a chance


Take risks
“Let’s try it.” You hope to hear that phrase at the end of a meeting, especially if that meeting was contentious, or if the idea discussed is new and radical.
Imagine a playground full of kids playing. At its best, playing is making mistakes in a safe environment and learning from those mistakes in a way that encourages growth. Trying out new ideas or making drastic changes is the way we as designers get to play with the game. It’s where we slip and fall, scrape our knees, and otherwise monkey around on the jungle gym. While we don’t try out every idea, we use our collective experience to get a sense for what has promise—what we should follow down the rabbit hole. We look at where our ideas break, how they break, and why they break. "

Industry history doesn’t matter? Why? Because you just declare that by fiat?

ArenaNet’s own descriptions and promises don’t matter? You yourself are quoting some of them. Should we ignore those, too? How is responding to the company’s own words “speculation”?

Your argument is like saying that just because I once got bitten by a growling yellow dog, I should not be worried about being bitten by a growling brown dog. Experience matters. Your line of argument is naive, illogical and beside the point, since many people of course will be trying it.

I wasn’t saying you shouldn’t have reservations or concern, I stated quite the opposite, I’m saying look at what we know, look at how Anet has developed THEIR game, TRY IT and THEN give feedback

most people are outright rejecting the ideas because of fear and ignorance

My lack of ignorance is what makes me scared when Anet starts introducing items with better stats.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


try what?
a concept that we perfectly know and makes mmorpg hated by mature players?

We already did with any other OLD SCHOOL mmorpg….

I would assume a mature player would be reasonable and not reject something based on games made by other companies

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


You don’t need to “try it before you knock it”. We’ve all seen gear treadmills in other MMOs & they showed the exact details in the Lindsey Murdock post. No thanks.

based solely on the blog post, please explain how this is exactly like other gear treadmills in other MMO’s

The problem being that they are stepping on the edge of a very slippery slope. Right now it’s just one tier. As soon as they add a second tier, it’ll be exactly like other gear threadmills. That’s why I want a clear statement that this is the ONLY time they’ll be increasing general stats. If can make a solid promise that this is the one and only time another gear level is included (because we all knew “something” was coming for armor), I’m okay with it. The problem however is in the elitist no-life raiders who will be demanding a new tier in a few weeks. And that’s the moment this slippery slope can make or break the game.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


Gear grind is a bad idea because of the grinding part implying the content needed to get the gear is boring and repetitive. But if Anet introduces content that is innovative and has replayability, then I don’t see the problem of adding gear progression along with that content.

People who want fun content gets it. People who want gear progression get it. Everybodys happy.

What about people who spent dozens of gold to get the best gear that got told suddenly that they should have waited and used that gold instead to buy lodestones or some cultural armor set instead because that new dungeon will loot BETTER gear?

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


it doesn’t matter what other games you have played, this is not those games

give the new content a try and see how it works

its ok to express your concerns or fears, but to outright say you have been betrayed, or scammed, or that you are quitting because of this, is simply idiotic

PLAY the content, THEN give feedback

right now everyone is taking speculation as fact, without even giving the ideas and content a chance


Take risks
“Let’s try it.” You hope to hear that phrase at the end of a meeting, especially if that meeting was contentious, or if the idea discussed is new and radical.
Imagine a playground full of kids playing. At its best, playing is making mistakes in a safe environment and learning from those mistakes in a way that encourages growth. Trying out new ideas or making drastic changes is the way we as designers get to play with the game. It’s where we slip and fall, scrape our knees, and otherwise monkey around on the jungle gym. While we don’t try out every idea, we use our collective experience to get a sense for what has promise—what we should follow down the rabbit hole. We look at where our ideas break, how they break, and why they break. "

Industry history doesn’t matter? Why? Because you just declare that by fiat?

ArenaNet’s own descriptions and promises don’t matter? You yourself are quoting some of them. Should we ignore those, too? How is responding to the company’s own words “speculation”?

Your argument is like saying that just because I once got bitten by a growling yellow dog, I should not be worried about being bitten by a growling brown dog. Experience matters. Your line of argument is naive, illogical and beside the point, since many people of course will be trying it.

I wasn’t saying you shouldn’t have reservations or concern, I stated quite the opposite, I’m saying look at what we know, look at how Anet has developed THEIR game, TRY IT and THEN give feedback

most people are outright rejecting the ideas because of fear and ignorance

My lack of ignorance is what makes me scared when Anet starts introducing items with better stats.

thats a valid concern and I would group that under a fear, but don’t allow that fear to prevent you from trying new things, whether or not you like the content, you can express all of you feedback firsthand after trying it and maybe help Anet improve the game and grow it into a better one, just like their golden rule!

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469


No thanks, I know where this is going.

Pretty obvious what direction they want to go when they release a new tier of gear this close to release.

Try it before you knock it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: impoc.1795


You don’t need to “try it before you knock it”. We’ve all seen gear treadmills in other MMOs & they showed the exact details in the Lindsey Murdock post. No thanks.

based solely on the blog post, please explain how this is exactly like other gear treadmills in other MMO’s

The problem being that they are stepping on the edge of a very slippery slope. Right now it’s just one tier. As soon as they add a second tier, it’ll be exactly like other gear threadmills. That’s why I want a clear statement that this is the ONLY time they’ll be increasing general stats. If can make a solid promise that this is the one and only time another gear level is included (because we all knew “something” was coming for armor), I’m okay with it. The problem however is in the elitist no-life raiders who will be demanding a new tier in a few weeks. And that’s the moment this slippery slope can make or break the game.

I agree with this, they were very good about gear in GW1 and many people were expecting a legendary tier of armor, so I don’t believe that from everything we definitely know right now, that any of it is cause for concern