Trying to get a good medium armor Charr look.
Hrm. I’d say, leave the mask. It just looks silly on a charr, most helmets do in some way. Otherwise it looks alright.
Nilfa, Asura Thief, Devona’s Rest
I’m trying to get a similar thing happening on my charr engi. The sad irony is I have Fashion Collector completed and still not that many good looking medium skins for a charr.
I have my charr guardian who is decked out in hellfire gear (where possible) and looks mean as. Still there’s slightly more heavy gear that suits a charr than medium.
They really were left out in the cold when they made this game.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
There’s also the glorious medium chest piece, that’s just a shirt. Not clipping or anything. – GW2 – A world of wonder
good choice, but
should change hands, boots and shoulders (tweek arround – there are better skins for your costume)
good choice of chest – i got the same for over a year because os it’s non coat style
antoehr non-coat style is Glorious armor from pvp track btw, looks quit decent with my antoher set of armor.
mask…mmm can stay with it, but there are definetly some better choices could be done.
poke me ingame today i’ll show you my medium armor suits ( got 2 atm on 1 charr)