Twice-Told Legend
You get a legendary for crafting a legendary.
The issue is after the wardrobe, the difference of someone with 2 incinerators (for example) and 1 incinerator and 1 dagger skinned as incinerator is absolutely none, except that the 2nd option is thousands of gold cheaper.
Twice-told-legend is a way to “compensate” that downside of the wardrobe and people can notice that those 2 legendaries are actually 2 legendaries.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Because it was added specifically for people that did craft two identical Legendaries, one which is now “useless”?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Because it was added specifically for people that did craft two identical Legendaries, one which is now “useless”?
Having a weapon that will always be BiS, that is account bound and stat changeable is “useless”?
I agree that the wardrobe option does remove a lot of the prestige of crafting two of the same weapon for dual weapons, but it’s far from “useless”.
Overall… I kind of wish legendary graphics couldn’t be skinned onto non-legendary weapons.
Which is why I wrote “useless” instead of useless.
People DID however repeatedly complain about how their second identical Legendary were becoming useless with the Wardrobe back when it was announced.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
(edited by lordkrall.7241)
there is a achievement for 5 legendary : Legendary collector
Just make this achievement a Title …. i crafted 6 legendary .. i think its better than 2 of the same. ..
for people that did craft two identical Legendaries.. there are not useless have two weapon with stats swapping ability
I’m pretty sure that he wrote “useless” on quotes because he knows that the 2nd legendary isn’t useless.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I understand why Arenanet did this. I just don’t understand why we don’t get a title for having atleast 1 legendary?
There are many things that would deserve a tittle but there isn’t, like complete all JPs, get a legendary, complete all Slayer or Weapon master achieves, those are just some from the top of my head.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
yup, if you really desperate for the title go make 5 legendaries…
i have 3. i have more legendaries than you OP, but i don’t complain about the title.
live with it. go make 4 more legendaries.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
While we’re on this subject, I want a title for not having a legendary. Anet pls, I want to feel like a special snowflake!
While we’re on this subject, I want a title for not having a legendary. Anet pls, I want to feel like a special snowflake!
Well….. There went “Please only serious replies only.”
Sorry I didn’t realize I said “Replay’s” and not “Replies” . . . . . . . .
(edited by ima kong fu ninja.3052)
They might be more serious if it was replies. Just trying to be helpful. =)
Personally, since we can’t see our own names, I always forget which Title I have displayed. =(
Because the proof of one legendary is that you are, you know, glowing with a brilliant aura and leaving sparkly footprints all over the place. With the wardobe you can now appear to be dual wielding when you actually only have one, because it looks exactly the same.
Because the proof of one legendary is that you are, you know, glowing with a brilliant aura and leaving sparkly footprints all over the place. With the wardobe you can now appear to be dual wielding when you actually only have one, because it looks exactly the same.
I got The Flameseeker Prophecies.
There is no aura, or footsteps.
Why stop at 1 legendary to get a title when you want to be a unique snowflake? Everyone is already running around with one.
You should require to account bind ALL legendaries to get this new title you’re proposing so it will truly be unique for a few more months/years.