Two days...

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cocowoushi.7150


You want to test for them so badly you want to pay for access, but only if it’s new content? Are you sure it’s just about testing for them?

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


You know that grinding or not, you’ll play the new content sooner or later, right?
Keep playing the game normally and if you end getting the portal, good, otherwise just wait and see.
Chance is that nothing much will be added in this beta.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mcwurth.2081


I decided not even giving at a go. I am not that much in a rush to play (another) unfinished game. All will be released in good time. I am sure they will have an open beta as well. (I am just going from the GW1 franchise where they did this).

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jinroh.4251


Are people really complaining about the beta access portals? You should be happy that you get a chance to loot it. Other game companies just do the whole pick from a list and sometimes no one gets access. Heck you should have seen the whiners on the WoW forums before each of their expansions.

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Are people really complaining about the beta access portals? You should be happy that you get a chance to loot it. Other game companies just do the whole pick from a list and sometimes no one gets access. Heck you should have seen the whiners on the WoW forums before each of their expansions.

Yes we are, and it because ANet use the whole chance thing again. I remember back on Halloween the year GW2 launched, the whole Halloween weapons skins from BLC’s man there was a stink as people including my self spent (£30 in my case) alot of money on BLCK’s and got squat, I should have know better than to wast 2 days in a zone I was done with trying to het one. I’m a big fan of the game and I’ve played GW since Beta way back when in 2005, I enjoy playing in Beta tests as I can give back feed back on what I like don’t like and how I would I’m improve. Still to each there own. I’ll just go back to playing the game and enjoying my self and consider this a lesson. Never go after some thing when you don’t know what the “chance” is. And to any dev or what ever, saying you’ve upped the chance is meaningless, unless you know what the chance was to start with, and what it’s gone up to.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pimsley.6087


People will cry about anything. This is the one of the cooler ways I’ve seen a game company handle beta invites. You have a shot at farming your own vs being a random selected email. Farm for it or don’t, but there’s 0 reason to cry about it. Bravo Anet for giving us a different approach to betas.

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


People will cry about anything. This is the one of the cooler ways I’ve seen a game company handle beta invites. You have a shot at farming your own vs being a random selected email. Farm for it or don’t, but there’s 0 reason to cry about it. Bravo Anet for giving us a different approach to betas.

Really? So if some one wants to try for there “chance” they have to do what ANet wants them to, so instead of “playing you way” which is one of the things ANet bangs on about a lot, they have gone against that. They want people to enjoy there minuet to minuet game play, guess what, I’m not enjoying my self. I want to be in the Beta, why? I want to see first hand what all the fuss ANet is making about HoT is all about my self. Also the chance to give feed back and what I liked didn’t like, why I didn’t like it, what I would change and why. I’d like that. Just bring out the pre orders and let us beta test that way ANet, just like you did before the launch of GW2. The we can go back to doing what we want to do ingame, and not get burnt out and disappointed that we didn’t get our “Chance” at it.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

^Hmm…so it’s acceptable for ArenaNet to impose a cost (must pre-order) on joining a Closed Beta, but not acceptable to allow one to ‘earn’ a chance to join a CB.

Ehh…for me, it seems more palatable to not have to pay to be allowed the opportunity. Of course, that’s just me…ymmv.

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


^Hmm…so it’s acceptable for ArenaNet to impose a cost (must pre-order) on joining a Closed Beta, but not acceptable to allow one to ‘earn’ a chance to join a CB.

Ehh…for me, it seems more palatable to not have to pay to be allowed the opportunity. Of course, that’s just me…ymmv.

I didn’t say that, sure ANet can do the whole portal thing if they want, but given the potion to “buy” my way in with a pre order if I want to so I can keep “Playing My Way”, and not have to do a map that I don’t really want to be on. if it was a drop anywhere item I wouldn’t really be bothered by it, as I could still play and enjoy my self and get a bonus if I get the drop. The way ANet have done it, they will probably burn out and up set more players than they’ll make happy. If I knew the chances, it would make it a bit better, and I mean ANet tell me, not some one pull a 00.01% out of no where with no evidence to back up there figure.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You did state, ‘Just bring out the pre orders and let us beta test that way’, thus, my comment.

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Renegade.1249

Sir Renegade.1249

^Hmm…so it’s acceptable for ArenaNet to impose a cost (must pre-order) on joining a Closed Beta, but not acceptable to allow one to ‘earn’ a chance to join a CB.

Ehh…for me, it seems more palatable to not have to pay to be allowed the opportunity. Of course, that’s just me…ymmv.

I didn’t say that, sure ANet can do the whole portal thing if they want, but given the potion to “buy” my way in with a pre order if I want to so I can keep “Playing My Way”, and not have to do a map that I don’t really want to be on. if it was a drop anywhere item I wouldn’t really be bothered by it, as I could still play and enjoy my self and get a bonus if I get the drop. The way ANet have done it, they will probably burn out and up set more players than they’ll make happy. If I knew the chances, it would make it a bit better, and I mean ANet tell me, not some one pull a 00.01% out of no where with no evidence to back up there figure.

Well, my guess is that they put it in SW because most people who are experienced at GW2 are likely knowledgeable about SW and are there doing it and give them a random chance. Whats the point of giving a brand new user beta access? They dont understand the game let alone playing in a beta. Think about what they did and why before you blame it on them going against what they speak of “play how you want”

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


^Hmm…so it’s acceptable for ArenaNet to impose a cost (must pre-order) on joining a Closed Beta, but not acceptable to allow one to ‘earn’ a chance to join a CB.

Ehh…for me, it seems more palatable to not have to pay to be allowed the opportunity. Of course, that’s just me…ymmv.

I didn’t say that, sure ANet can do the whole portal thing if they want, but given the potion to “buy” my way in with a pre order if I want to so I can keep “Playing My Way”, and not have to do a map that I don’t really want to be on. if it was a drop anywhere item I wouldn’t really be bothered by it, as I could still play and enjoy my self and get a bonus if I get the drop. The way ANet have done it, they will probably burn out and up set more players than they’ll make happy. If I knew the chances, it would make it a bit better, and I mean ANet tell me, not some one pull a 00.01% out of no where with no evidence to back up there figure.

Well, my guess is that they put it in SW because most people who are experienced at GW2 are likely knowledgeable about SW and are there doing it and give them a random chance. Whats the point of giving a brand new user beta access? They dont understand the game let alone playing in a beta. Think about what they did and why before you blame it on them going against what they speak of “play how you want”

So people in Orr or FG don’t know what they are doing? Or are not knowledgeable about the game? Or someone who is leveling an Alt, its not lime this game is hard to understand. This is by far the easiest MMO I’ve ever played, its not rocket science. Stop making it out to be. I know about the game, but I’ve done DT and SW to death over the last 4-5 months. I don’t really want to spend all my time there.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FunnyBunny.3782


^Hmm…so it’s acceptable for ArenaNet to impose a cost (must pre-order) on joining a Closed Beta, but not acceptable to allow one to ‘earn’ a chance to join a CB.

Ehh…for me, it seems more palatable to not have to pay to be allowed the opportunity. Of course, that’s just me…ymmv.

I didn’t say that, sure ANet can do the whole portal thing if they want, but given the potion to “buy” my way in with a pre order if I want to so I can keep “Playing My Way”, and not have to do a map that I don’t really want to be on. if it was a drop anywhere item I wouldn’t really be bothered by it, as I could still play and enjoy my self and get a bonus if I get the drop. The way ANet have done it, they will probably burn out and up set more players than they’ll make happy. If I knew the chances, it would make it a bit better, and I mean ANet tell me, not some one pull a 00.01% out of no where with no evidence to back up there figure.

Well, my guess is that they put it in SW because most people who are experienced at GW2 are likely knowledgeable about SW and are there doing it and give them a random chance. Whats the point of giving a brand new user beta access? They dont understand the game let alone playing in a beta. Think about what they did and why before you blame it on them going against what they speak of “play how you want”

So people in Orr or FG don’t know what they are doing? Or are not knowledgeable about the game? Or someone who is leveling an Alt, its not lime this game is hard to understand. This is by far the easiest MMO I’ve ever played, its not rocket science. Stop making it out to be. I know about the game, but I’ve done DT and SW to death over the last 4-5 months. I don’t really want to spend all my time there.

Hey BrotherBelial,

So it looks like to me that the only one making rocket science here is you right now. I’m not necessarily an expert in “MMO’s” or for this matter Guild Wars 2, at all.
However I can definitely tell you that if you’re upset about this beta so much and you’d prefer to “play your own way” then why don’t you do so and ignore the beta completely? You make a lot of good points Belial, but you’re also not taking in the positive factors either in all of this (which is what people are suggesting towards you). The beta is and can be a great thing and the way they’re doing it is also interesting (almost enough to where it’s worth talking about, because that’s how they intended it to be).

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


^Hmm…so it’s acceptable for ArenaNet to impose a cost (must pre-order) on joining a Closed Beta, but not acceptable to allow one to ‘earn’ a chance to join a CB.

Ehh…for me, it seems more palatable to not have to pay to be allowed the opportunity. Of course, that’s just me…ymmv.

I didn’t say that, sure ANet can do the whole portal thing if they want, but given the potion to “buy” my way in with a pre order if I want to so I can keep “Playing My Way”, and not have to do a map that I don’t really want to be on. if it was a drop anywhere item I wouldn’t really be bothered by it, as I could still play and enjoy my self and get a bonus if I get the drop. The way ANet have done it, they will probably burn out and up set more players than they’ll make happy. If I knew the chances, it would make it a bit better, and I mean ANet tell me, not some one pull a 00.01% out of no where with no evidence to back up there figure.

Well, my guess is that they put it in SW because most people who are experienced at GW2 are likely knowledgeable about SW and are there doing it and give them a random chance. Whats the point of giving a brand new user beta access? They dont understand the game let alone playing in a beta. Think about what they did and why before you blame it on them going against what they speak of “play how you want”

So people in Orr or FG don’t know what they are doing? Or are not knowledgeable about the game? Or someone who is leveling an Alt, its not lime this game is hard to understand. This is by far the easiest MMO I’ve ever played, its not rocket science. Stop making it out to be. I know about the game, but I’ve done DT and SW to death over the last 4-5 months. I don’t really want to spend all my time there.

Hey BrotherBelial,

So it looks like to me that the only one making rocket science here is you right now. I’m not necessarily an expert in “MMO’s” or for this matter Guild Wars 2, at all.
However I can definitely tell you that if you’re upset about this beta so much and you’d prefer to “play your own way” then why don’t you do so and ignore the beta completely? You make a lot of good points Belial, but you’re also not taking in the positive factors either in all of this (which is what people are suggesting towards you). The beta is and can be a great thing and the way they’re doing it is also interesting (almost enough to where it’s worth talking about, because that’s how they intended it to be).

How am I making this out to be rocket science? I’m not up set, I just find it odd, that ANet want you to do one thing, say they are anit grind, then the add a way to get in to the beta, which I would guess most people want to be in, so they can talk about it. I’d love to be able to talk about HoT with some certainty. I don’t want to be guessing.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jermoe Morrow.9501

Jermoe Morrow.9501

All closed betas are RNG, we are just fortunate to have a but more control over it than usual. Thanks Anet!

That said, they are probably looking for people who are cool with grinding out in the new style content because those are the people most likely to grind out the beta and find most bugs. At the same time, they do want to limit the number of players, so low drop RNG is the fairest way they can do it.

And "play your way "? I think they only meant it for accesses to content, and we will all have access soon enough.

80s(name-race/class):Jermoe Morrow(main) – H/Ra
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zoejo.2317


There’s a difference between their “Play your way” and “Sure, we’ll change the game every single week in order to keep up with everyone’s most minute baseless complaints, even if they’re contradictory somehow”.

It’s a game. It’s a preview. Of content that you’ll get anyway. In a GAME.
I’m sure it’s not something worth getting upset and all riled up about.

Two days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cecil.9205


Really? So if some one wants to try for there “chance” they have to do what ANet wants them to, so instead of “playing you way” which is one of the things ANet bangs on about a lot, they have gone against that. They want people to enjoy there minuet to minuet game play, guess what, I’m not enjoying my self. I want to be in the Beta, why? I want to see first hand what all the fuss ANet is making about HoT is all about my self. Also the chance to give feed back and what I liked didn’t like, why I didn’t like it, what I would change and why. I’d like that. Just bring out the pre orders and let us beta test that way ANet, just like you did before the launch of GW2. The we can go back to doing what we want to do ingame, and not get burnt out and disappointed that we didn’t get our “Chance” at it.

In all honesty, I actually prefer the way they did this. It really serves many different factors. For those, like me, that joined GW2 just prior to DT being introduced, and then had other objectives on their mind, rather than the grind of getting all the mats (geodes) required for Mawdry, Ambrite Weapons, and all the other recipes that require those geodes, then ANET has done for me, and those like me, a huge service by bringing the population of DT back up to where T5 is pretty easy to get now, thus making the time required to farm those geodes less time consuming.

On the other side, they also recently had huge sales in an attempt to bring new players over. Now, even though SW is usually populated, it’s more populated by people chest farming, up until the beta key event. Now, i constantly see threads in the LFG “Fressh SW”, “20% SW” that are being filled, where before they would be ignored. It makes it more interesting, and easier imo, for those newer players that are trying to learn SW if they start out in those kinds of maps, rather than just the 60% or higher ones.

So, does it create a grind feeling, only to those people that are only in either of those areas for the beta keys. Me on the other hand, I applaud ANET for placing the keys there. Not that I’m going for one, I’ll probably have to work the day it comes out, but because it makes those other items I’m now going for easier to obtain, and actually less of a grind.