Two hours a day is a lot of time!

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: siepher.9408


Two hours a day is a lot of time, yes. Most people would not be willing to commit that much time to a game, but those who do are rewarded. Large-scale games like this have to appeal to a wide range of players, some of whom DO play two hours a day, while still trying to make it fun for the rest of us who don’t.

My husband and I were hardcore raiders in WoW (5 hours a night, 5 days a week, plus farming for mats during the off-time) back in the day before children and commitments of real life took over. Gaming was our social time, entertainment/chill time, source of a feeling of achievement, etc… We had the best gear available because we put in the time for it. It would have ticked us off if players who decided to go into a dungeon one night a week should have the same gear as those who of us who committed much more time.

Same principle with the legendary items in GW2. Those who have those items have put in the time. If you don’t have the time, that’s fine, but don’t whine about it. Take joy in the fact that you sound like a very well-rounded person.

except that if you read the whole thing, OP isn’t worried about legendaries, infact he is quite alright with the time commitment that they incur. OP is just worried that IF this turns into a treadmill (which i doubt) that they won’t have the time to keep up.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


Gives those guys something to work for, a vanity item, legendaries titles, thats fine – that has no impact on me or the relative effectiveness of my gear.

Isn’t that what a legendary weapon amounts to?

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phantasy.1087


Let’s just put a few hobbies down here:

- practicing musical performance: 2 hours a week
- practicing for an extremely good (amateur level) musical performance: 2 times 2 hours a week

Two hours a day is not a casual time investment, it’s pretty hardcore by standards set in all other games and past times. An MMO is the perfect thing to lose myself after a hard day of work, but it shouldn’t feel like a second job and that’s exactly what most MMOs are, a world for people without jobs and students neglecting their classes.

I edited the quote to only include things i’m responding to..

1) practicing for a musical performance is atleast 2 hours a day every day.. at the amateur level.. at the professional level it’s atleast 5 hours a day… (knowledge based on the fact i’m the daughter of a professional musician)
2) two hours a day /is a casual time investment.. also MMO’s are not for the unemployed and/or student failures.. most MMO’s have a sub fee.. and even if they didnt how does an unemployed person come up with $60.00 for this game considering they have no income.. and a fail student well, i’m not a fail student i get atleast 70+% in all my classes and I sit on this game during most of them and quest…

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


So if you think 2 hrs per day/14 hrs per week is a huge commitment, what do you think of the average 4 hrs per day UK and USA residents spend watching TV?
That a single round of golf is often 5 hrs. My kid’s soccer games are 2 hrs, not counting warm-up.

The cool thing with GW2 is if you have a busy week and can’t play at all, no big deal, the game will wait for you. If you can only play 7 or fewer hours per week, that’s fine, you’ll still get to 80 before too long and be able to play just like everyone else does. It’s ideal game for people who don’t have time for it.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoOneShotU.3479


Two hours a day is 2 TV shows. You’re telling me most people in the world are unable to watch 2 TV shows in one day because it’s a hardcore time commitment and they have lives?

I have played plenty of MMO’s with adult, working people, many of whom were married and/or had children. You don’t have to be “people without jobs and students neglecting their classes” to play an MMO for 2 hours.

As one of those married w/ kids people who plays after work, I agree.

During my HWL Grind I was unemployed and depressed. But I’m still really good at any CTF game type.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Two hours a day is 2 TV shows. You’re telling me most people in the world are unable to watch 2 TV shows in one day because it’s a hardcore time commitment and they have lives?

I have played plenty of MMO’s with adult, working people, many of whom were married and/or had children. You don’t have to be “people without jobs and students neglecting their classes” to play an MMO for 2 hours.

Most TV shows only have one ep a week. So if you follow 2 tv shows that’s still only 2 hours a week. Soap operas and cartoons are the only daily form of television, soap operas have a 20 minute slot per day (because you know, the housewives watching it have other things to do too!).

As a matter of fact, I almost completely eliminated television and books as a past time. Don’t have time for that anymore. As a child I consumed thousands of pages a week, I actually did both examples (15 pockets in an afternoon and Da Vinci Code in 5 hours). As a student I grinded out Lost, Prison Break, 24 etc etc. I wouldn’t know where to find the time anymore, I basically watch 2 shows a week now and take my time for books.

I do have a few hours a week for GW2, and I make more time for GW2 than any other hobby I ever did. But still…. 2 hours a day consistently is not feasible.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felicela.2810


I have a wife, full time job, a 3 year old and a 3 week old, plus a college student and manage an average of 2 hours a day. I may not get 2 every day but i manage 10-15 a week. I am saving for my legendary and when I get it, i will feel like an accomplishment.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianojc.2965


I do not plan to make a Legendary, I play two hours a day, however I do not want to dedicate ~lose~ that time farming for a Legendary.

P.S: There is another reason why I do not plan to make a Legendary, it is that I do not like the necromantic component of blood that all crafted armor and weapon items have in Guild Wars 2. Otherwise I could plan to make a Legendary in a extremely long time term.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Novalight.7568


Two hours a day is 2 TV shows. You’re telling me most people in the world are unable to watch 2 TV shows in one day because it’s a hardcore time commitment and they have lives?

I have played plenty of MMO’s with adult, working people, many of whom were married and/or had children. You don’t have to be “people without jobs and students neglecting their classes” to play an MMO for 2 hours.

2 hours of gamepley does not equal 2 hours of pure borefest that is grinding money/karma/whatever. As in, there are other things to do in the game. In your TV show analogy: watching the same two hourly episodes, every day, for months…sounds like fun?? You’d have to be pretty nuts for those 2 episodes to watch them every day again and again. This is what grinding is, like watching same stuff on TV day after day, so dunno why it’s acceptable for so many gamers and it’s not acceptable in so many other areas of RL.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I have a wife, full time job, a 3 year old and a 3 week old, plus a college student and manage an average of 2 hours a day. I may not get 2 every day but i manage 10-15 a week. I am saving for my legendary and when I get it, i will feel like an accomplishment.

I know, I’d love to get one eventually. And if I could get a few ascended pieces in the meanwhile, I’d love that too, big accomplishment and real progression. However if in 4 months tier 2 ascended comes out, it’d crush my will to play. I believe that our position is about the same for the vast majority of players however I’d love polls or statistics.

If looks at log on statistics (which they have cfr one time event planning), they could easily see how much time the median Q2 (not average) player spends in game. That statistic, I’d like to see publicized on the blog. It is the only statistic that can settle this debate.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


why is it that people feel the need to work towards better gear? this game was meant to be an even playing field for all players regardless of time commitment, where PvP(read sPvP, WvW, tPvP) outcomes were determined by skill and understanding of game mechanics. Adding a new tier of gear is just postponing this “lack of endgame” problem until later. Once people have kitted out completely in ascended gear, ANet is back to their original problem.

this is coming from someone in the hardcore community (500+ hours with a full time job)

for the record i do not see a lack of endgame, as there wasn’t an intended endgame to begin with. Just get your max gear and play for the sake of playing the game.

There is no subscription fee, so you don’t need to play this game every minute of every day unless you enjoy it. Anet doesn’t need to keep you playing month after month consistently, they’ll just get you back with events, new pvp arena’s and challenges. Believe or not, they are very good at adding content that doesn’t leave players feeling left behind because they missed an update. As someone with over 3000 hours on GW1 so I can verify that they are capable.

Now as for this update, I personally don’t think it is the end of the world. At most its just a jab in the ribs. They have said they aren’t turning this into a gear treadmill so I’m going to for now give them the benefit of the doubt for reasons already mentioned. If done right, the infusion mechanic could be interesting. I won;t know until the content comes out.

If this does turn out to be the start of a treadmill ( which i do doubt) then i will leave the game with no hard feelings. I have already played a long time with full exotics and enjoyed lots the game has to offer at the current maximum.

Ummm actually your wrong they never once said that wvwvw is a even playing field…. infact they said the exact opposite. Its a war and they are going to leave it like that.

You want even skill based pvp? thats what they made spvp for.

Stop pushing your delusions and expectations on everyone else.

As for pve…. I think there should be progression. It keeps people interested….. look at wow it doesn’t have millions of players because everyone hates progression it has millions of players because it keeps putting out NEW goals for players.

Now that being said I don’t want this to be like wow. But having a tiny bit of progression IN ONE AREA OF THE GAME. IS not the end of the world no matter how much you think it is.

They also specifically stated that many players have reached the end, and those players need something.

Because right now there really is nothing for people that are more hardcore then you and have accomplished everything in game. This is not a debate about lives either, just because they have done it all doesn’t mean they are a lesser person or have no life.

But AN needs something for those people, or are you so selfish to think that you need to have your way? They stated it wouldn’t be the start of a gear treadmill so why are people insisting its going to be when you have ZERO facts about it? You have no clue what they are planning after this.

Fact is the people that like progression of some sort paid 60 bucks just like you did… or more depending on what they bought. They also buy gems just like you do. And no saying if you don’t like it go play xxxxx mmo instead.

Right now there is NOTHING to make people want to keep playing, there really isn’t. Spvp really isn’t on a esport level with balance issues. WvW…. well I guess if you like running around in a pointless battle with massive macro’d zergs then good on you but there really is no incentive, no rankings or anything that give you something to work towards… titles… gear anything really. WvW isn’t meant to be balanced…. other wise a level 2 with whites wouldn’t be allowed to fight level 80’s in full exotics that clearly have a gear advantage.

So that leaves us pve for some kind of leeway for progression of some sort. If you don’t like it well sorry, don’t know what to tell you. But you don’t know where its going to go nor do I know where its going to go. But AN has realized people aren’t playing much after hitting 80, because there is nothing to do, well grind for your legendary, but outside that. Not much.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kailthir.6384


Priorties… that is what it boils down to. Pritorize your time. If other things in your life demand more of your time… so be it.

But people shouldn’t blame the game and the player base and the developers for not designing the game around their “very little time to play” schedule.

It’s common knowledge that MMO’s need alot of time to be invested. If a person cannot do this… oh well. Sux to be them. They shouldn’t of bought an MMO.

GW2 is very casual friendly. 2 hours a day is not alot of time… It’s only 1 movie, or 2 tv shows like others have posted. It all depends on what is important enough in your day to devote time to. Cut your time on facebook, texting, cell phone convos, tv, reading, etc etc.

Again it’s not the playerbase or the game or the devs fault that you do not have time to play GW2. It’s the players fault. If the player is not willing to devote time to the game… oooooh well. Sux to be them.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Let’s just put a few hobbies down here:

- practicing musical performance: 2 hours a week
- practicing for an extremely good (amateur level) musical performance: 2 times 2 hours a week

Two hours a day is not a casual time investment, it’s pretty hardcore by standards set in all other games and past times. An MMO is the perfect thing to lose myself after a hard day of work, but it shouldn’t feel like a second job and that’s exactly what most MMOs are, a world for people without jobs and students neglecting their classes.

I edited the quote to only include things i’m responding to..

1) practicing for a musical performance is atleast 2 hours a day every day.. at the amateur level.. at the professional level it’s atleast 5 hours a day… (knowledge based on the fact i’m the daughter of a professional musician)
2) two hours a day /is a casual time investment.. also MMO’s are not for the unemployed and/or student failures.. most MMO’s have a sub fee.. and even if they didnt how does an unemployed person come up with $60.00 for this game considering they have no income.. and a fail student well, i’m not a fail student i get atleast 70+% in all my classes and I sit on this game during most of them and quest…

1) If you’re in a regular choir or orchestra, 2 hours a week is plenty at amateur level. Afaik I’m not a professional MMO player.

2) I though about that a lot and the solution is baffling once I realized why MMOs charge a monthly fee. I’m not expanding this conclusion to maintain the integrity of this threat but I will PM it if you’re interested. It’s about hardcore players and how they spend money basically so a cleaned up version:

The problem with hardcores is that they won’t pay real money for in-game benefits as they consider it cheating or morally wrong. They “earned” their stuff. The problem with catering to this crowd is in fact that you’re keeping the small subset that won’t pay in the cash shop…. yet people who earn money happily pay hundreds of euros on hobbies they barely play. I have colleagues with bikes that cost over 5000 euros and they’d spend the same on gems, I’m slightly more conservative although I bought the CE without blinking twice.

So let me posit this question and please, answer from a business perspective. Which group would you cater for?

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


The problem with hardcores is that they won’t pay real money for in-game benefits as they consider it cheating or morally wrong. They “earned” their stuff. The problem with catering to this crowd is in fact that you’re keeping the small subset that won’t pay in the cash shop…. yet people who earn money happily pay hundreds of euros on hobbies they barely play. I have colleagues with bikes that cost over 5000 euros and they’d spend the same on gems, I’m slightly more conservative although I bought the CE without blinking twice.

So let me posit this question and please, answer from a business perspective. Which group would you cater for?

“you’re keeping the small subset that won’t pay in the cash shop…. yet people who earn money happily pay hundreds of euros”

You’re again saying that what you call hardcore players must be unemployed. That’s not true. I used to raid on WoW, for 5 years. My guild was mostly made up of people in their late 20’s – early 40’s. We had a married couple raiding, a single parent, many others who were married and in full time employment. The students were a minority. I know people who play WoW with their kids.

And these people are also happy to dump money into their MMO through CE’s and minipets, mounts, race changes, name changes and all manner of Blizzard merchandise -even with a sub game. I also know 2 people who bought new pc’s just for GW2.

I know people who moved over to GW2 and said they were allocating the amount they would have spent on a WoW sub as their monthly gem budget.

The recurring theme around here of calling everyone who plays for 2 hours a day unemployed or a bad student is inaccurate and insulting. There’s no need for it.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Two hours a day doesn’t imply unemployed, as it is considered “casual” by MMO standards. It is only hardcore time investment, 5+ hours a day consistently, which I believe is only possible for unemployed (or people who don’t need sleep to be a bit more inclusive). The only thing I want to say with this thread, is that “casual” by MMO standards is anything but for other past-times.

I could potentially play 2 hours a day, but that’d mean no salsa, no triathlon, not watching a movie one night. That’s pretty one dimensional if you ask me? I run into this every night where I choose either real life or GW2. I don’t mind, I can make this choice and go for very long term legendaries, but not when gear progression becomes the norm. That is the only issue I have with the suggestion that 2 hours a day is somehow casual.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SolomonKain.7081


I understand both sides of this arguement and I myself only get to play 2-3 hours every other evening or so due to work and family commitments so I am by no means a ‘die-hard’ player:

14 hours per week for 2 months = 7 hours every week for 4 months = 3.5 hours every week for 8 months etc…

So, I estimate, given my own gaming habits, that its probably going to take me 5 months or more to get a legendary. Meh. if I still like and play the game regularly in 5 months time then I will be ecstatic to finally get this [skin] for my weapon but the way I see it, like with any game, does it really matter how long it takes? This stuff is there to give you a goal and ultimately a massive emotional boost when you FINALLY acheive it.
Im really enjoying myself right now so why the heck would I wish to burn out the game in a few weeks?

(…hence why there are so many whiners on these forums complaining about a lack of content etc etc…)

Its all relative tbh – play the game, enjoy the game, aim for your goals and if you continue to be a loyal player then you will get there in the end.
At the end of the day, time invested will be the same, albeit in different bursts, and you WILL get out what you put in.

Just please stop kittening about other people being able to accomplish something faster than yourselves when everyone has different circumstances which are nothing to do with either the game or the developers.

—Why rush when you can glide—

EDIT: kittening. Rofl.

(edited by SolomonKain.7081)

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: siepher.9408


i said stuff, had to cut for post length

Ummm actually your wrong they never once said that wvwvw is a even playing field…. infact they said the exact opposite. Its a war and they are going to leave it like that.

You want even skill based pvp? thats what they made spvp for.

Stop pushing your delusions and expectations on everyone else.

As for pve…. I think there should be progression. It keeps people interested….. look at wow it doesn’t have millions of players because everyone hates progression it has millions of players because it keeps putting out NEW goals for players.

Now that being said I don’t want this to be like wow. But having a tiny bit of progression IN ONE AREA OF THE GAME. IS not the end of the world no matter how much you think it is.

They also specifically stated that many players have reached the end, and those players need something.

Because right now there really is nothing for people that are more hardcore then you and have accomplished everything in game. This is not a debate about lives either, just because they have done it all doesn’t mean they are a lesser person or have no life.

But AN needs something for those people, or are you so selfish to think that you need to have your way? They stated it wouldn’t be the start of a gear treadmill so why are people insisting its going to be when you have ZERO facts about it? You have no clue what they are planning after this.

Fact is the people that like progression of some sort paid 60 bucks just like you did… or more depending on what they bought. They also buy gems just like you do. And no saying if you don’t like it go play xxxxx mmo instead.

Right now there is NOTHING to make people want to keep playing, there really isn’t. Spvp really isn’t on a esport level with balance issues. WvW…. well I guess if you like running around in a pointless battle with massive macro’d zergs then good on you but there really is no incentive, no rankings or anything that give you something to work towards… titles… gear anything really. WvW isn’t meant to be balanced…. other wise a level 2 with whites wouldn’t be allowed to fight level 80’s in full exotics that clearly have a gear advantage.

So that leaves us pve for some kind of leeway for progression of some sort. If you don’t like it well sorry, don’t know what to tell you. But you don’t know where its going to go nor do I know where its going to go. But AN has realized people aren’t playing much after hitting 80, because there is nothing to do, well grind for your legendary, but outside that. Not much.

i don’t know if you read through all of my post, but the last 2 paragraphs were about how i am OK with the new patch and I am trying to be optimistic, and more than willing to try it out.

as for WvW you are right there isn’t much incentive to play it right now, it does need more content. So why didn’t they add more to that instead? or to the rest of the games lacking areas? (as you said with balancing issue sPvP isn’t where it should be, though i believe class balance is a big part of hte update)

rankings and titles are an awesome idea, i would love to see commanders that actually have commander status from playing WvW rather than farming 100g.

I think we partially agree on things and compromises can be made. My original point was to support the OP in that people who don’t have time to play regularly to get new content shouldn’t be hindered by it.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

…I work a full time job and I can play Guild Wars 2 for two hours a day. I also work out and study. This post is irrelevant as, after sleep, there are still 16-18 hours in a day.

Are you working in your bed?

1h – Getting ready for work/shower,
30minutes – going to work
9h – work incl lunch break
30minutes – getting home from work
1h – shower and winding down after work, getting ready for dinner.

Thats a modest calculation and comes down to 12hour + 8 hours sleep, which leaves you with 4 hours. If you can spend 50% of your free time playing a game every day then i can only say: lucky you!

Most people don’t have that luxury.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Not everyone works 9 hours a day. Work times and salaries are different depending on who you are, and what country you live in.

Life is all about priorities. No one can force you to do anything. If you want more time to play, then find a way to make time.

Gear is not that important at all. You can use second had exotics and medium gear, and play at exactly the same level as someone with max exotic gear. Player skill plays a big factor in Guild Wars 2.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruby Red.4019

Ruby Red.4019

The OP’s issue – which I also wonder about – is that if GW2 introduces a gear treadmill, s/he won’t ever be able to ‘catch up’ and do the content. There’ll always be a grind just to keep up with good quality gear, as higher gear gets introduced and content gets set to that level. I think it’s a reasonable concern, and is one of the many concerns I have right now about GW2 and ANet.

I think it’s legitimate too and the way the new dungeon works with fractal levels and the groups always being reduced to the lowest fractal level player it won’t be very long at all before to easily get a group you have to be X level which will hit limited time players.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


…I work a full time job and I can play Guild Wars 2 for two hours a day. I also work out and study. This post is irrelevant as, after sleep, there are still 16-18 hours in a day.

Are you working in your bed?

1h – Getting ready for work/shower,
30minutes – going to work
9h – work incl lunch break
30minutes – getting home from work
1h – shower and winding down after work, getting ready for dinner.

Thats a modest calculation and comes down to 12hour + 8 hours sleep, which leaves you with 4 hours. If you can spend 50% of your free time playing a game every day then i can only say: lucky you!

Most people don’t have that luxury.

For me:
- shower
- 9-11 hours work (no lunch break, I get paid 125% for the extra hours)
- 30 minutes to work and back inclusive
- winding down from work indeed. At a hard day this can be upwards to an hour.
- eat
- responsibilities: manage the books, pay the bills, repair stuff, help with food, take care of my girl, put out garbage etc etc
- in the weekends I usually go out and visit family.
- I also do salsa and train 3 times a week.

Not that I mind all that, I am very happy with the amount of time I put in GW2. I consider it healthy, I have a good variety of hobbies of which GW2 is the most prominent. The only thing I have a problem with, is the fear of falling more and more behind up to the point where I can’t join dungeons or WvW anymore because they’re either deserted (tier1) or gated (tier 1000). In 7 years of GW1 I never had that fear.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tic.7425


I have a wife, a daughter, and a full time job. If i were to spend two hours a day, every day in video game i would probably feel guilty.

That would mean i was spending just about as much time during the week developing my toon as i did spending time with my family. Between drive times, homework, basic chores, different schedules etc..

Everyones different course and weekends are a bit different as well.. 2 hours everyday during the week is just not even close to normal for me..

I don’t even know if would want to spend that much time in a video game if i could :p

(edited by tic.7425)

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bow.6179


I take kitten longer than 2 hours. This post is kittening dumb.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyric.7485


I take kitten longer than 2 hours. This post is kittening dumb.

Lawl, seriously. Since when is it anyone else’s fault but your own that you lack the time and/or resources to play an MMO? Why are you playing an MMO if you don’t have time… to play an MMO?

I’m impressed some of you can even hold down a job or a social life while simultaneously deflecting your shortcomings onto everyone else, lol.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I still don’t get the point.

What in GW2 takes 2 hours per day, everyday?

Whatever it is, couldn’t you fit it into whatever play time you wanted?

The whole appeal of GW2 is it’s the MMO for people who don’t like MMOs. No complicated skill trees to learn, no rigid raid schedule, freedom to easily equip your character with gold/gem/$ conversion. Of any mmo I ever saw, this one is made for busy professional.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aPutridCorpse.8792


I don’t even think I’ve put in 2 hours of time this week.

Level 80 Asura Ranger
Level 30 Human Guardian

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim.6415


Well I’m married with 3 kids and I get up just around 6:15am every morning whether it is for work or kids (who are used to getting up when I do for work). They go to bed at 7pm and I need at least 1 hour to do chores after the kids are in bed.

This means if I want to get a normal 8 hours sleep in that I would be dedicating every single moment of my life not spent working or with my kids to playing GW2. I realize not all people have this schedule and it’s my choice. I could be a poor husband and a poor father by ignoring my kids and wife by playing video games but I choose not to.

I generally play once every 2nd or 3rd night for about 3 hours at a time with a bit here or there on the weekend if the family is out which gives me about 10-12 hours a week most weeks.

I think if I dedicated all my spare time to farming one item in one game for months I need to take a second look at the value of doing that. If it’s through fun gameplay then maybe, monotonous farming… no thanks.

Then maybe MMO’s aint a genre of games thats suitable to your lifestyle. I spent 15 years working my kitten off to be at a place now where I get up when I want. Do what I want. If I wanna play GW2 for 15 hours I can. When I couldnt play ANY games cos I was to busy I didnt think “Oh lets buy something I just cant get any value from.”

The problem alot of MMO’s face is that they want to be casual friendly but then some jump down their throats when they do anything for the players that wanna invest more time.


Ok fine if you are a school kid with nothing to do, or a student or unemployed.

So what am I then since I dont fit In any of your silly little groupings.

Or I could just not care about the legendary and spend my free time playing the game in a way that is actually fun.

GW2 as an MMO is perfectly suitable for my playstyle because even with my limited time I’ve got a level 80 in exotics, I can play WvW, I can run dungeons, I can work on map exploration or any number of other things. I just won’t likely work towards a legendary because it’s too much of a time investment and I’m ok with that.

I can spend 12ish hours a week and still do all the content that’s out there, heck I even did the mad king’s clock tower jumping puzzle when it came up.

If the only difference between this and someone that plays 40 hours a week is the 40 hour person has a different skin and more money in the bank then I won’t be losing any sleep over it haha.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fritz.5026


I take kitten longer than 2 hours. This post is kittening dumb.

Lawl, seriously. Since when is it anyone else’s fault but your own that you lack the time and/or resources to play an MMO? Why are you playing an MMO if you don’t have time… to play an MMO?

I’m impressed some of you can even hold down a job or a social life while simultaneously deflecting your shortcomings onto everyone else, lol.

your post makes very little sense when these posters are playing a game that was advertised and sold as not having a gear grind which is why this game was appealing to the people who post with little spare time.

you are trying to act like these people are trying to be hardcore raiders or something which is borderline delusional.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tic.7425


I take kitten longer than 2 hours. This post is kittening dumb.

every day??

You might want to have that checked

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


“graduating kitten laude”

hee hee hee

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tic.7425


I take kitten longer than 2 hours. This post is kittening dumb.

Lawl, seriously. Since when is it anyone else’s fault but your own that you lack the time and/or resources to play an MMO? Why are you playing an MMO if you don’t have time… to play an MMO?

I’m impressed some of you can even hold down a job or a social life while simultaneously deflecting your shortcomings onto everyone else, lol.

I didn’t realize there was a required time to play an MMO.

I’ve been playing them since ‘94 in Neverwinter Nights, then on to Ultima Online in ’97. Played UO pretty casually, and there was no content i couldn’t do on any given night.

Perhaps that game wasn’t “hardcore” enough to be considered an MMO?


I really liked the direction this game was going, away from an internet fashion show in a sense. I hope they remain on that path..

(edited by tic.7425)

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


The biggest slams in reviews against GW2 have been the lack of endgame. Very short time leveling to 80, get geared super easy, find out there’s nothing to do.

It’s casual-friendly to the point it’s serious-gamer-unfriendly. I know I know, get bored you can quit anytime cuz no sub. But some want to play and not feel it’s pointless.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naethryn.1803


Kitten laude…that is too funny. I had to read that twice to figure out what the automatic sensor just sensored.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyric.7485


I didn’t realize there was a required time to play an MMO.

I’ve been playing them since ‘94 in Neverwinter Nights, then on to Ultima Online in ’97. Played UO pretty casually, and there was no content i couldn’t do on any given night.

Perhaps that game wasn’t “hardcore” enough to be considered an MMO?


I really liked the direction this game was going, away from an internet fashion show in a sense. I hope they remain on that path..

I don’t recall NWN ever being an MMO and UO was an entirely different beast than GW2. Anyway, there is no specific amount of time that needs to be allotted to be eligible to play an MMO, that wasn’t what I was getting at. What I was saying is that any MMO, regardless of how casual friendly it supposedly is, requires a larger time investment than a single player RPG. So, if you’ve gone out and purchased an MMO and then decided to blame the company/game because you lack the time to play that’s just childish. To me, when GW2 is said to be casual friendly, it says to me there’s going to be a lot of easy no brain content so the majority of players will have a level playing field.

Also, this whole 2 hours are required nonsense is based off of people’s senseless fear mongering and incessant need to whine about a gear treadmill that doesn’t exist at the moment… so to me, this entire debate is pretty dumb to begin with.

GW2 is practically nothing more than a glorified fashion show, so I don’t quite understand your last sentence.

your post makes very little sense when these posters are playing a game that was advertised and sold as not having a gear grind which is why this game was appealing to the people who post with little spare time.

you are trying to act like these people are trying to be hardcore raiders or something which is borderline delusional.

As I stated above, there is no gear grind currently. People are grasping at anything to get all hysterical about and it’s causing an epidemic of stupid proportions. First off, ANet explained their whole thought process behind why Ascended items are being put in. Oddly enough, they never mention that it’s so us “hardcore players” can rub our big numbers in your “casual player” faces… Secondly, they also said they’re not going to be adding tier after tier after tier after tier to make an actual gear grind, everyone is just losing their ish over their own neurotic imagination. Thirdly, Exotics and Ascended gear aren’t even that far apart so these people are basically just nitpicking for the sake of QQing. Lastly, I’m not acting like anyone is trying to be a hardcore raider… you can be a total scrub/noob/tool/newb/baddie in this game and still be successful in this game (read: at least half the community), so I highly doubt Ascended gear is going to suddenly shove GW2 face-first into the gear check mud. My entire point was that a lot of these people are childish and I find it mildly amusing that they can’t take personal responsibility for their own lifestyles and seem to think that ANet is responsible for their inability to play as much as they think they have to.


Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

(edited by Cyric.7485)

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eandur.8109


Legendary gear = grind, in the current state.
Grind = not for everyone, just for those who actually have spare time.

If I have 2 hours a day to log in and play, I’d rather be playing the game rather than farming over and over again.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fritz.5026


As I stated above, there is no gear grind currently.

i just stopped reading right there.

you are acting as if the ascended item treadmill is not a real thing that is going to affect WvW.

how can you expect me to take anything you say seriously.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyric.7485


As I stated above, there is no gear grind currently.

i just stopped reading right there.

you are acting as if the ascended item treadmill is not a real thing that is going to affect WvW.

how can you expect me to take anything you say seriously.

Lawl, look man. I’m just tossing the facts at you right now, if you want to retain your ignorance then so be it. The fact of the matter is that regardless of what I say in this discussion, you’re still going to walk away with this crazy idea that gear trumps skills in WvW in your head and that this vile gear treadmill is going to ruin the game. I’m no different, I’m still going to walk away thinking you’re neurotic and ridiculous, I only posted because this thread stirred a mix of disgust, amusement, and frustration in me. I have no real desire to sway you to my side, so it’s whatever brohemoth.

Catch you in game and all that jazz.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tic.7425


I didn’t realize there was a required time to play an MMO.

I’ve been playing them since ‘94 in Neverwinter Nights, then on to Ultima Online in ’97. Played UO pretty casually, and there was no content i couldn’t do on any given night.

Perhaps that game wasn’t “hardcore” enough to be considered an MMO?


I really liked the direction this game was going, away from an internet fashion show in a sense. I hope they remain on that path..

I don’t recall NWN ever being an MMO and UO was an entirely different beast than GW2. Anyway, there is no specific amount of time that needs to be allotted to be eligible to play an MMO, that wasn’t what I was getting at. What I was saying is that any MMO, regardless of how casual friendly it supposedly is, requires a larger time investment than a single player RPG. So, if you’ve gone out and purchased an MMO and then decided to blame the company/game because you lack the time to play that’s just childish. To me, when GW2 is said to be casual friendly, it says to me there’s going to be a lot of easy no brain content so the majority of players will have a level playing field.

Also, this whole 2 hours are required nonsense is based off of people’s senseless fear mongering and incessant need to whine about a gear treadmill that doesn’t exist at the moment… so to me, this entire debate is pretty dumb to begin with.

GW2 is practically nothing more than a glorified fashion show, so I don’t quite understand your last sentence.

NWN was an MMO long before Bioware got a hold of it.

We were talking about MMOs yes? Ultima Online was/is an MMO, GW2 is an MMO, so i don’t understand the “different beast”, they are MMOs, same beast.

So “there is no specific amount of time that needs to be allotted to be eligible to play an MMO”, but don’t complain you don’t have enough time to play one? Is the key word here “specific” or “eligible”?

What exactly is brain content in an MMO?

Yes this entire debate is pretty dumb, the first post i made was to a fellow with bowel problems, and then yours which began with a “lawl” and then ended with an insult and a “lol”, perhaps its not the content of the debate itself?

My point about a fashion show was that its somewhat nice to play an MMO again that doesnt restrict content by what gear you are wearing. For some reason, and in my opinion only, the only way to an MMO can be “fun” these days, is by adding more gear.
Then we run the same dungeon ad naseum in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, our next “epic” piece will drop. yay! Now we have an MMO!

Its sad this is the only content “we” can come up with these days. Perhaps its because people expect to be able to play an MMO 30 (or so) hours a week, for months on end, and not get bored, which is sad in its own right i suppose.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


i said stuff, had to cut for post length

So that leaves us pve for some kind of leeway for progression of some sort. If you don’t like it well sorry, don’t know what to tell you. But you don’t know where its going to go nor do I know where its going to go. But AN has realized people aren’t playing much after hitting 80, because there is nothing to do, well grind for your legendary, but outside that. Not much.

i don’t know if you read through all of my post, but the last 2 paragraphs were about how i am OK with the new patch and I am trying to be optimistic, and more than willing to try it out.

as for WvW you are right there isn’t much incentive to play it right now, it does need more content. So why didn’t they add more to that instead? or to the rest of the games lacking areas? (as you said with balancing issue sPvP isn’t where it should be, though i believe class balance is a big part of hte update)

rankings and titles are an awesome idea, i would love to see commanders that actually have commander status from playing WvW rather than farming 100g.

I think we partially agree on things and compromises can be made. My original point was to support the OP in that people who don’t have time to play regularly to get new content shouldn’t be hindered by it.

I would have loved rankings and things that make individual play a goal towards something.

But on the same hand I am confused as to why they didn’t do that already. I don’t want this to become like “WoW” I dont think it will by any means come close to that level of progression and gear grind. But if it heads down that road well ill still play until I feel like it’s not worth playing.

We have all been there with the elitist stuff, and this game is not showing that…..yes people are being picky but they aren’t being downright mean and disrespectful if you are not on their level, thats what happens in WoW. And its disgusting, but its not the game that breeds this behavior. Its people in general, in any game be it a mmo or fps. People are downright mean and nasty and want to stand above others.

From my point of view about being hindered. If your not running it for the new gear there really is no reason to be running it except for money? maybe a new skin or something thats in there…. they made it as such so that players who don’t care can still run it but not run it repeatedly.

Heres a good example of how things could have gone. Say there was no stat increase just cosmetic… but say they added a time trial type game play that is ranked by server and by region.

Instead of people saying 80 and exotics they would be saying 80 full exotics, xxxx professions need not apply high dps only. There is no stats driving that behavior it is the need to be the best even when progression gear isn’t there.

If you want the best times to beat everyone you need the best dps and some professions are in poor shape. Thus the same gating and not including people would still happen regardless.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


It isn’t really about a 2 hour time commitment, the issue is that GW2 has gone the way of WoW. It’s now a gear grind, something anathema to the stated anet design philosophy. That’s the issue. Let’s keep the discussion on track…lest it threatens to get derailed and therefore be deleted.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


i said stuff, had to cut for post length

So that leaves us pve for some kind of leeway for progression of some sort. If you don’t like it well sorry, don’t know what to tell you. But you don’t know where its going to go nor do I know where its going to go. But AN has realized people aren’t playing much after hitting 80, because there is nothing to do, well grind for your legendary, but outside that. Not much.

i don’t know if you read through all of my post, but the last 2 paragraphs were about how i am OK with the new patch and I am trying to be optimistic, and more than willing to try it out.

as for WvW you are right there isn’t much incentive to play it right now, it does need more content. So why didn’t they add more to that instead? or to the rest of the games lacking areas? (as you said with balancing issue sPvP isn’t where it should be, though i believe class balance is a big part of hte update)

rankings and titles are an awesome idea, i would love to see commanders that actually have commander status from playing WvW rather than farming 100g.

I think we partially agree on things and compromises can be made. My original point was to support the OP in that people who don’t have time to play regularly to get new content shouldn’t be hindered by it.

I would have loved rankings and things that make individual play a goal towards something.

But on the same hand I am confused as to why they didn’t do that already. I don’t want this to become like “WoW” I dont think it will by any means come close to that level of progression and gear grind. But if it heads down that road well ill still play until I feel like it’s not worth playing.

We have all been there with the elitist stuff, and this game is not showing that…..yes people are being picky but they aren’t being downright mean and disrespectful if you are not on their level, thats what happens in WoW. And its disgusting, but its not the game that breeds this behavior. Its people in general, in any game be it a mmo or fps. People are downright mean and nasty and want to stand above others.

From my point of view about being hindered. If your not running it for the new gear there really is no reason to be running it except for money? maybe a new skin or something thats in there…. they made it as such so that players who don’t care can still run it but not run it repeatedly.

Heres a good example of how things could have gone. Say there was no stat increase just cosmetic… but say they added a time trial type game play that is ranked by server and by region.

Instead of people saying 80 and exotics they would be saying 80 full exotics, xxxx professions need not apply high dps only. There is no stats driving that behavior it is the need to be the best even when progression gear isn’t there.

If you want the best times to beat everyone you need the best dps and some professions are in poor shape. Thus the same gating and not including people would still happen regardless.

You might try reading the elitest wowhead posts above you. It is happening and it’s happening right here and right now. The battle lines are drawn. Do you want the stated design philosophy of the Anet manifesto or do you want a softer and friendlier WoW?