Typical Day of GW2

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graveside.9253


Winning side – Depends on how bad you are kicking the kitten out of the other two.
1 – WvW – bored from lack of enemies or to many attackers in WvW on winning side
2 – Camp Jump Puzzle (easy kills and mostly EB’s JP) – setup siege engines in here…funny
3 – Really Bored with WvW – do a few PvE w/ guild – bored again
4 – Start Alt – or you can’t because you have 5 lvl 80’s already most are geared out.
5 – SPvp – what true reason is there to do this?
6 – No sure what to do, go to new server so you are the underdog; however see below

2nd Place – but still 1st LOSER
1 – WvW – Bored after coming to terms – not enough players in WvW to hold anything
2 – WvW – Decide to just pick on the 3rd Losers – makes you feel better
3 – PvE – Bored from losing in WvW again and again – do a few of these – bored again
4 – Trying to really decide what to do because its fruitless to do wvw with no upside
5 – stuck in limbo

Last Place
1 – WvW – makes a valiant effort to hold just what the hell the have – bored not enough players at anytime of the day to push or even hold what they take.
2 – WvW – comes back and still nothing has changed – same stuff new day – and possible worse than it was.
3 – Pve – bored because you can do it only some many times
4 – WvW – try this again but just isn’t fun doing the same stuff over and and over for very little results at the end of the week.

In hindsight, this is my own opinion – doesn’t reflect anyone elses day. I am making this topic because I believe the game is just barbaric in its present state.

I know some changes are coming to the game; however will it be enough in the long run to keep players to where ArenaNet will make money? I am sure they will have their fanboy’s and such but with many games on the horizon and more f2p’s will this feed the players enough to keep even the casual to mid-casual players.

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


I’ll say it again: open world PvP in an MMO cannot be structured. It will fail every time.

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GraynX.8947


How much gameplay do you expect out of a single game? This is an honest question and one that doesn’t seemed to be asked too often.

Do you want 500 hrs? 600? 1000+? What is realistic for you and what you think a company can (and should) supply for your investment?

There are a lot of people saying there is not enough content for the long run, but that determination seems to be after hundreds (if not thousand) of hours of play. Shouldn’t we discuss our expectations before we start saying that Anet is not living up to what we want?

Or do we just expect that there should be unlimited amount of content to continue to provide entertainment for as long as we want (or can) play?

Beat Reporter at www.guildwarsinsider.com

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


How much gameplay do you expect out of a single game? This is an honest question and one that doesn’t seemed to be asked too often.

Do you want 500 hrs? 600? 1000+? What is realistic for you and what you think a company can (and should) supply for your investment?

There are a lot of people saying there is not enough content for the long run, but that determination seems to be after hundreds (if not thousand) of hours of play. Shouldn’t we discuss our expectations before we start saying that Anet is not living up to what we want?

Or do we just expect that there should be unlimited amount of content to continue to provide entertainment for as long as we want (or can) play?

+1 Seriously, how come more people don’t realize this..

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


this is my own opinion – doesn’t reflect anyone elses day

Well said.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graveside.9253


How did you ppl get “Content” out of that? No where do I say there isn’t enough or to much content. It has nothing to do with content…it has to do with the overall game period.

Example: If SoS is kicking the kitten out of both of the enemies in wvw, where do you find tons of them. Camping EB jump puzzle, If not there then taking over the 3rd players assets because that is what the 2nd place team is trying to do.

Do you follow me, players both hard-core and casual will only play so much. Hard-core players are probably maxed out in everything on at least 3 toons, while the casual players are getting their 1st toon maxed out.

The conclusion can almost be identical…they both will get bored with the game aspect at some point is all. Rather it be Pve – been there done that or losing or winning pvp (AGAIN) no surprise there, so it becomes boring.

The game is always what we make it; however if no one is achieving and no one is being challenged then it is a mundune atmosphere.

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thereon.3495


You say that this is your opinion, but then say changes are needed. Well theyre not needed if its just you with this opinion!

Youve made a few oversights as well, namely for WvW. The people in WvW arent bored otherwise they wouldnt be there. If in 1st place its all about dominating, making sure you get as many points as possible so that you stay in 1st place. Plus kicking the kitten of both other servers is kinda fun! If youre in 2nd place you want to get 1st but not fall to 3rd. In my opinion this is the most enjoyable part as youre forced to defend and attack against two other servers. 3rd place you either battle to see if you can get 2nd or just lose the round. You then drop into the tier below and have the potential to dominate!

Camping jumping puzzles may be easy kills but it hinders your server overall because you have a large collection of players in a place where they cannot capture anything. Youre actually damaging your server’s rank by being in there for sustained periods of time which is fine so long as you and other members of your server know that.

Bored with PvE. Well thats an opinion as I can still find many many things to do and have fun with. I dont do sPvP so I cant comment on that however changing servers will soon cost gems to thats point 5 cancelled out.

Edit: I know the game isnt perfect and I myself am playing less than I used to. But I just have a little break from the game when im getting slightly bored.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

(edited by Thereon.3495)

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


How much gameplay do you expect out of a single game? This is an honest question and one that doesn’t seemed to be asked too often.

Do you want 500 hrs? 600? 1000+? What is realistic for you and what you think a company can (and should) supply for your investment?

There are a lot of people saying there is not enough content for the long run, but that determination seems to be after hundreds (if not thousand) of hours of play. Shouldn’t we discuss our expectations before we start saying that Anet is not living up to what we want?

Or do we just expect that there should be unlimited amount of content to continue to provide entertainment for as long as we want (or can) play?

+1 Seriously, how come more people don’t realize this..

+1, well said. The topic could just be called “Typical Day of <Random MMO>” as well.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


How much gameplay do you expect out of a single game? This is an honest question and one that doesn’t seemed to be asked too often.

Do you want 500 hrs? 600? 1000+? What is realistic for you and what you think a company can (and should) supply for your investment?

There are a lot of people saying there is not enough content for the long run, but that determination seems to be after hundreds (if not thousand) of hours of play. Shouldn’t we discuss our expectations before we start saying that Anet is not living up to what we want?

Or do we just expect that there should be unlimited amount of content to continue to provide entertainment for as long as we want (or can) play?

+1 Seriously, how come more people don’t realize this..

+1, well said. The topic could just be called “Typical Day of <Random MMO>” as well.

Not sure what how long OP expected the game to entertain him.
There are so many games out there for you to play until further content update.

1+1 = potato