Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doam.8305


If you’ve been playing this game for some time you no doubt have a lvl 80 and that lvl 80 has probably already completeled global mapping. Furthermore you’ve probably churned out tons of hours in both SW and DT.

Masteries for the original zones like Fractal and legendary crafting mysteries only except Exp earned in the original maps. Well and fine for new people but telling Vets there forced to kill mobs are do the same event maps they’ve been doing all summer for EXP is a bit much. I was going to do the Halloween events but they apparently don’t count for mastery exp gains. So that leaves the same old tired content or running from event to event in SW. If your a veteran you’ve already done these events a 100 times over and you’ve already completed map completion till the point you’ve gotten sick. Nothing new for the old maps other than Masteries that force you to slam your face against a rock to grind for exp because you’ve completed map completion ages ago or done the events so many times they numb the mind.

Why should vets be punished this system is fine for new people but veterans at the very least should be grandfathered some of the exp for the old Tryrian maps that they’ve gathered these last couple of years after hitting 80. Legendary precursors crafting was suppose to be some grand journey but region locking your exp grinding has already killed any hype that the process would be enjoyable.

Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


There are no MMO’s without grind. The central Tyrian Masteries are a way to entice players to use old content. I get that you don’t want to engage with the old content. However, the Masteries are optional progression. The choice is yours whether you engage or not.

Oh, wait, you want the result, but not the process! I get it, now. You might as well give up, not going to happen.

Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


We have known since they announced the core tyrian masteries, that they would require core play to level them. Some of us held off doing exploration (for example) because of the significant chunks of xp that gives on an 80, in order to level these. The map bonus system now makes farming events more desirable which would also generate some healthy xp numbers. My understanding is that people are also presently rushing dungeon paths (a quick 70% of a level scratch that, not sure what they give right now, but people are still doing them) for xp gain.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)

Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doam.8305


There are no MMO’s without grind this is true however the grind in other MMO’s is locked to current content. I’ll use WoW as an example when they make an expac there is grind however it’s all grind featuring new content they never ask you to go back to old content and grind the old content unless it’s been altered.

Most people have mains I have mains and my character has been 80 long before any incling of an expansion ever existed. People who put off hitting 80 are typically new unless you’ve leveled your 9th alt just for this expac.

Grinding new content is fine as I don’t have a problem with HoT Masteries and new people who can put off 80 it’s fine for them too as they can still explore.

Old content is the problem and I suppose dungeon runs are the answer since all other options were completed ages ago other than running SW and DT 1 hundred more times.

Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ReaverKane.7598


Sure, there’s no MMO without grind, but they could not have removed the experience gains from Halloween stuff from giving mastery progression. Many of us were planning on using the halloween as a jump start for those masteries, instead of having to just repeat content.

Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaron.1987


Sure, there’s no MMO without grind, but they could not have removed the experience gains from Halloween stuff from giving mastery progression. Many of us were planning on using the halloween as a jump start for those masteries, instead of having to just repeat content.

its a kind of timegate. same as the exp reduce at dungeons.

Anet dont want that all rush their (tyria) masteries in few days and lacking content.

Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Sure, there’s no MMO without grind, but they could not have removed the experience gains from Halloween stuff from giving mastery progression. Many of us were planning on using the halloween as a jump start for those masteries, instead of having to just repeat content.

its a kind of timegate. same as the exp reduce at dungeons.

Anet dont want that all rush their (tyria) masteries in few days and lacking content.

They’d be lacking content just as much as without it. All it does is redistribute where the lack of content is so that it happens earlier.

Tyrian Mastery Tracks need a change in EXP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaron.1987


Sure, there’s no MMO without grind, but they could not have removed the experience gains from Halloween stuff from giving mastery progression. Many of us were planning on using the halloween as a jump start for those masteries, instead of having to just repeat content.

its a kind of timegate. same as the exp reduce at dungeons.

Anet dont want that all rush their (tyria) masteries in few days and lacking content.

They’d be lacking content just as much as without it. All it does is redistribute where the lack of content is so that it happens earlier.

of course but its a nice trick to conceal it for the first moments