UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: fatmanripple.1294


Fed up of joining solo queues on PVP and getting 3 man teams against 5 on the other team, was like that for the entire game ( In the picture ) Lot’s of other games joined with 3/4 of my team and 5 on theirs never seems to be the other way round. There needs to be some implementation of a system that prevents games starting if there is an imbalance in the team.


UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Welcome to the reason I do nothing PvP in MMO’s. Their all unfair…including WvW and PvP in this game.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: Sevenn.3085


Their all unfair…including WvW and PvP in this game.


Ohh and its probably because you lack skill, not that the game type is unfair.

[ECL] [CE] [Oz]

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


There is no skill in the book that will work against groups attacking one person or teams of more then 3 on 3 going after small groups. That is unfair. There is nothing that can help a person if people in a PvP type place can do when people just camp bodies til they get up and then take them down again for no reason. Its full of people being bullies and acting like they are to be worshiped for being wannabe alpha dogs. When these ‘Alpha Dogs’ actually face a person one on one instead of bringing their boys with them when they attack one person then it might be more fun.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: Ruru.1302


There is no skill in the book that will work against groups attacking one person or teams of more then 3 on 3 going after small groups. That is unfair. There is nothing that can help a person if people in a PvP type place can do when people just camp bodies til they get up and then take them down again for no reason. Its full of people being bullies and acting like they are to be worshiped for being wannabe alpha dogs. When these ‘Alpha Dogs’ actually face a person one on one instead of bringing their boys with them when they attack one person then it might be more fun.

yea there is, it’s called shadow arts thief

[Mada] Apocryfia

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Skill does not work like that for me. I got my butt killed more then once by a group of people thinking it funny to attack me in a group and that skill did nothing.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: Ruru.1302


Skill does not work like that for me. I got my butt killed more then once by a group of people thinking it funny to attack me in a group and that skill did nothing.

sounds like it’s a l2p issue then

[Mada] Apocryfia

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


Fed up of joining solo queues on PVP and getting 3 man teams against 5 on the other team, was like that for the entire game ( In the picture ) Lot’s of other games joined with 3/4 of my team and 5 on theirs never seems to be the other way round. There needs to be some implementation of a system that prevents games starting if there is an imbalance in the team.

This game just lacks fundamental features. The development was/is too slow to accommodate any level of competitive play. Accept it and move on or accept it and be miserable.

Please don’t anyone post about giving them time yadayada. This game has been out for close to two years and it is still missing the most basic of features. There are games in alpha/beta stages that exceed this game in structure. There is no reason this game shouldn’t have them.

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


MM system need alot of improvement…
i.e. the last 4 days I did over 20 soloq and won 4, I was rated 522 and now I’m at 94% due to constantly being put in teams with low rated players vs teams were every one stomps with dragon finishers. the system should split the players evenly, high and low ranked players in both teams not ALL the high ranked in one team and the cannon fodder in the other…

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


MM system need alot of improvement…
i.e. the last 4 days I did over 20 soloq and won 4, I was rated 522 and now I’m at 94% due to constantly being put in teams with low rated players vs teams were every one stomps with dragon finishers. the system should split the players evenly, high and low ranked players in both teams not ALL the high ranked in one team and the cannon fodder in the other…

I’m afraid that is how this game works. On Friday I had a 14 game winning streak, today I’ve had a 7 game losing streak.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs

UNfair matchmaking/Careless players.

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


I dont mind loosing / winning streaks, it’s the reason why they happen that bothers me, the MM system is matching teams with a huge rating gap between them instead of spreading the players on both teams, it is placing all the high rated players in on team and the low rated on the other and that’s just wrong. It is sentencing the game even before it begins.

If there is no other high rank team to match them against then split them into the lower ranked teams queued at the time instead of feeding them noobs for easy 500-60 matches….