Ultra Low Setting And GW2 Smart Phone
First and foremost, this feels like a troll and a bad one if that. Secondly, I’m not addressing the second point; if a laptop can’t handle GW2, what makes you think a kittenty mobile game that no one will play can.
As per the first point, you need to realize (and seriously, do your research) that GW2 is CPU heavy. A beefy GPU is obviously going to help but if you grab a laptop that has a 980M in it, then it is likely that it will still not meet your satisfactions and/or expectations.
Maintaining a constant 60 fps is difficult to do unless you lower settings on a super computer (I could handle it no problem, but I like to play on max settings).
When you’re out shopping for a computer (like I said, seriously, please, do research) you want to find a good CPU that has good individual core performance.
What does that mean? Well, you can find a CPU that has 4 core but has bad individual core performance. You could also find a CPU that is dual core but has great individual core performance. In this case, the dual core is better for GW2 than the quad core.
To give you a sense of how not important a GPU is for GW2, I also play this game on a laptop, apart from my desktop. My laptop does not have a GPU in it. That’s right, it’s running off of an Intel graphics chip that comes with the CPU (Intel HD Graphics 5000). My CPU has good individual core performance, I don’t have a GPU, and I run on all lowest settings apart from anti-aliasing and native resolution (subsample is disgusting). I also run the game in 1280×800. With these settings, the game is absolutely playable on my poverty laptop.
If you want lower settings play around with the resolution, it helps a ton, believe me. Lower resolution will garner better performance.
Lastly, if you are interested (though I do not suggest this computer, especially for gaming) here is the laptop that I use, loaded with Windows 10 Bootcamp: https://support.apple.com/kb/sp700?locale=en_US
Hope this helped.
(edited by Exclamatory.8351)
Your laptop is probably bottlenecked on the CPU end… not directly at the GPU, this said 630M is no gaming solution either….
Long stories:
For GPU (Graphics Card/Solution):
- A 630M peformance index on PassMark is 675 and is about 3 times Guild Wars 2 minimum requirement being a Geforce 7800 (GTX @ 225, GT @ 193 and GS I @182 passmark).
- The 7800GS was even produced with a AGP buss a long time ago… with 256Mb or 512 Mb of ram.
- The screen matters, the 7800 series was made with resolutions of 800*600 (480 K pixels 1024*768 (820Kpixels) and 1280*960 pixels (1.2M pixels) in mind. Not resolutions of 1600*900 (1.4Mpixels) or 1920*1080…(2M pixels)
- And as such a 7800 GTX would perform on 800*600 or 1024*768 as a 630M will perform on a 1600*900 or a 1920*1080 given all other ardware and bs capabilities woud be the same.
For CPU (Processor)
- Most cheaper Laptops use i3 or i5 processors with 2 cores, sometimes hyperthreaded allowing for 4 threads,
- These 4 Hyperthreaded threads are not actual cores so core computing power needs to be shared to allow 4 threads.
- There are i5’s with 4 real cores, most i7’s also have 4 cores, they’ll provide more performance.
- Most of the performance is limited per clockspeed… roughly said total computing capability of a laptop is clockspeed multiplied by the numer of threads.
- In case of gw2 the requirements are such the game-engine is limited to 2 game threads and needs 1 support thread……
- This said 2 basic threads or 2 cores will bottleneck the game somewhere, but having more then 4 cores or hyperthreading on these cores will not substanttially improve performance with the gw2 engine as it is now at this time (sept 2016)
- The forementiones kept in our minds we can say CLOCKSPEED is the only requirement for gw2 on recent PC’s & Laptops.
- This leaves the fact most CPU’s made for mobile platforms have lower power usage and lower clockspeeds to allow for better battery efficiency (comparable to undervolting high end Systems, whcih tends to produce less heat and less power usage AND less need for cooling.
- Cooling being an interesting thing to look at as cooling is achieved through air flow which is restricted in the slim casing of many if not all notebooks.
- The high hardware resource requirements of games mean CPU’s and GPU’s are causing a high load on used components and those components taxed a lot consequently are producing a lot of heat.
- Hotter hardware nowadays is downthrottled to allow lower heat production, AND causes lower PERFORMANCE. (As such undervolted systems tend to run in turbo mode more stable and longer allowing for a performance boost, this goes for OC-able GPU’sand CPU’s alike)
- Laptops tend to get dirty on the inside due to dust and dirt accumelating in the ventilatio ducts inside the laptop case. Due to the confined space this will hamper cooling a lot, with thee unfortunate but logical problem a small case is alsodifficult to clean.
- I cannot look inside your Laptop from afar, but things like AV, and other applications can really slow down a computer, even more when the computer isn’t the high end workbeast.
- Unneccesary software taxes the hardware of your PC further, allowing for less performance still….
- So if you want to maximize performance, do not multitask, or use a clean boot, and -only- run gw2, and your -needed- drivers, if you are lucky you can fit in TS3 or discord and a maybe a browser window….
Gw2 itself:
*As for ingame settings run low(est) settings
- change the camera settings to give yourself the smallest viewarea (you can minimize this with the sliders)
- make sure you have 1 level of postprocessing above minimum, (shows circes and mechanics)
- make sure reflections are terrain and sky only (MAX!),
- no shadows
- limit character limit to minimum and quality to 1 level above minimum….
In the end you should get a playable framerate.
- for gForce-driver:*
Make sure your computer uses the 630 and it is set up for maximum performance in your settings…
With regard to the 60FPS
I have a i7 hex core OC-ed @ 4.0 Ghz with 2 GTX 780’s (stock)(passmark 8017 each) in SLi with 32 Gb or Ram and so on and I’m limited to 35-45 FPS in cities and events(and WvW) can bottleneck it even further, Max framerate is around 125-140 FPS but this is by no means standard or representative in maps while mapping I could be around 85-105 FPS but I cap it at 60 to reduce load.
Yes: My system is on high settings, supersampling and with multiple applications running but the System has enough capability to run all this simultaneously.
just for the idea some other comparison numbers for GPU’s
- Highest passmark gaming cards: Geforce 1080: 12164 (approx $600/piece)
- Previous generation high gaming: Geforce 980: 9734 (approx $420)
- Highest mobile gaming: Geforce 1080M
- Previous generation mobile gaming: Geforce 980M: 5584
for affordable cards
- Affordable gaming card Geforce 1060: 9371 (Approx $200)<- compare this with 980 above)
- Previous generation gaming Geforce 960: 5913 (approx $170)
- Affordable mobile gaming: Geforce 1060M: ????
- Previous generation mobile gaming: Geforce 965M: 2935
- Affordable previous generation mobile gaming: Geforce 960M: 1163
Haven’t found numbers for 1060M,1070M,1080M
The numbers are taken from Nvidia GPU’s as I tend to see way more Nvidia mobile GPU’s in gaming laptops then I see AMD solutions. Intel solutions are improving but still not really suited to Gaming, though it is not impossible.
For GW2 on phone: do you have 10 thumbs?
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
@ op
How are you going to autorun while refreshing foodbuffs while saying in g chat that you need help while at the same time looking behind to see whats going on, on your mobile?
W v W-r o a m e r
OP is just another sad little internet troll, he seems to have forgotten we can see his post history, e.g
‘I just like GW2, the graphic, the combat’
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
I never understood gaming on laptop.
I never understood gaming on laptop.
I hated gaming on mine before I built my PC 3 years ago. It overheated a lot, had to shut it off for ages, low gfx settings framerate drops. Friggin’ awful.
Raiding in WoW was a challenge for that (Still did it though 25man HC \o/)
OP, buy a good PC or have one custom built. You will not regret it.
Depends on the laptop. Alot are pretty crap with heating, but some are pretty good.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik