Underwater Combat/Skills
If all, there is a plan to erase the pure existence of underwater combat itself :c
Full melee Ranger since August 2012
they better not spend one second on underwater combat while so many on-land skills/traits are bugged.
they attempt to fix skill/trait bugs twice a year…..so in a tone as pleasant as possible: kitten underwater combat
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Land combat is essentially 2D with some 3D graphics for missiles. This allows for ground targeting in 2D. Underwater combat is fully 3D and all the ground targeted skills are missing as they make no sense.
There is a lot of other technical problems with water combat that also don’t have easy solutions so don’t expect a quick fix.
Aside from underwater combat, you do like being able to swim and explore underwater places at least?
Aside from underwater combat, you do like being able to swim and explore underwater places at least?
absolutely….and i don’t even mind underwater combat (its fun on some professions)………..but its just a really small part of the overall play experience to be a priority given the state of the game bug-wise.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Realistically, I’ll be surprised when (if) we see major new pushes in that direction. Aquatic combat simply isn’t as full-featured as land combat (many skills and traits don’t work underwater,) and it’s never seemed especially popular.
The April Feature Pack removed underwater areas from PvP areas, which seems like a pretty plain signal that it’s not the most popular feature with the development team, either.
It’s a pity, because I was always hoping to see something really impressive done with it, like fighting a large underwater boss (Deep Sea Dragon?) or visiting the Largos, but underwater combat has some relatively significant knocks against it compared to just developing more land-based content, and there doesn’t seem to be enough love for it to overcome those roadblocks. Never say never, however.