Underwater legendary weapons
If you like it and it is worth it to you then get it.
If ya like it, go for it. And if they ever put in an underwater moon base, you’ll be ahead of just about everyone else!
Anyway, I don’t know why spears and tridents and, heck, even spear guns can’t be used out of the water.
I’ve never seen an underwater legendary, I imagine very few people actually have one. At least you’d be one of the few!
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -
It really would!
I guess you are right. And by the time Anet implement scavenger hunt, I can have another set of gifts for my Sunrise, so I will just need to get the precursor from the hunt.
Putting valuable swords into MF feels really strange for me. I did it yesterday and it felt like I have been playing all day for nothing. And buying it from TP for 580g would mean to be saving gold for another year (with my rate of earning gold).
I’ve never seen an underwater legendary, I imagine very few people actually have one. At least you’d be one of the few!
That is one of the positives
I’m actually in the same boat as you. I really really like that weapon, but it’s a lot of mats and I won’t see it very often. However I did buy venom for it a month ago. None of the other legendaries really take my fancy apart from twilight – which i have most of the mats for.
So my current thinking is I’ll hold on to the precurser and build it once I get a legendary for use on land, because that won’t seem like such a waste to me for some reason.
Swift| M Norn Mes Ludicrous Larry| F Norn War Tanni Wolfmaster| M Sylvari Necro Orin Storm|
M Human Thief Clint Elmwood| M Norn Guard Thor Lightning God| Desolation.
If your professions is bad at underwater combat, I wouldn’t make a legendary underwater weapon. It would be really embarrassing if, when you finally got to fight underwater, you had to run away every time.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
A friend got Rage, the pre-cursor for Frenzy from the Frozen Maw the first night after the chest buff, and he’s in the same boat. He doesn’t really want to waste so many materials on a legendary weapon that will never be seen.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
I was going to go for one but the requirements are so painful i gave up.. doesn’t help i’ve never seen a lodestone drop in open world..
Yes. I absolutely adore water combat.
If your professions is bad at underwater combat, I wouldn’t make a legendary underwater weapon. It would be really embarrassing if, when you finally got to fight underwater, you had to run away every time.
Guardian is great underwater
I’m actually in the same boat as you. I really really like that weapon, but it’s a lot of mats and I won’t see it very often. However I did buy venom for it a month ago. None of the other legendaries really take my fancy apart from twilight – which i have most of the mats for.
So my current thinking is I’ll hold on to the precurser and build it once I get a legendary for use on land, because that won’t seem like such a waste to me for some reason.
Good advice, thank you.
If you like it and it is worth it to you then get it.
I’ve never seen an underwater legendary, I imagine very few people actually have one. At least you’d be one of the few!
That’s because you don’t fight often in the water and you wouldn’t even notice them anyway.
Did fractals the other day with someone who has Kraitkin.
Its neat to see, Though I wish you could display them in town.
My Mesmer is working towards Frenzy (Edit: Not Frenzy, but the crazy shark spear with the Polynesian name), but that’s more as a shout-out to the City of Heroes character she used to be and her relationship with the Villain patron Captain Mako. I’m not super fond of underwater combat, but at least she’s all right at it. If they ever give us spears on land and Mesmers don’t get them, just keep them underwater, I’ll probably eject my brain out the front of my face in fury, though.
(edited by Melchior.2135)
but I am not sure if I want to waste so much material on something which I can’t really show of to others
If I ever get any legendary weapon, it will be for my character and for ME.
I could care less if other players see it, know I have it or care that I do.
If it would make you happy to make your underwater legendary, then go for it. Who cares if anyone can see it or knows you have it.
You will know. And if it makes you happy ingame, that’s all that matters.
Sure go for it. Hopefully eventually they make it so you can actually tell someone is using one from more than 5 feet away though.
I think they’re funny too. It’s like “Yeah, I’m so loaded I have UNDERWATER legendaries”. hehe. In fact get both of them. “Oh don’t care for that one? Well I’ll just switch to my OTHER underwater legendary. Oh, you don’t have any legendaries period? Well just keep at it!” =P
I also want a really prestigious hard to get/expensive aquabreather skin. Same deal.
(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)
To be honest, if your at the point your gold only purpose is to buy gems, weapon skins or legendaries (happens really fast imo), that you actually like that underwater legendary and underwater combat, i don’t see how it could not be worth it.
I like underwater combat, but I believe I’m in the minority. If you’re getting a legendary for prestige, you might want to rethink. The only “true” endgame" activity that takes place even partially underwater is Honor of the Waves and a very small part of the Dwayna chain. Apologies if explorable Arah has UW fights, haven’t been there.
If my class could use a trident I would definitely craft the legendary for it. You like it? Go for it. After all more and more people will have a legendary so you’d better not choose what to craft just to display it for others, because in the end no one is going to be impressed eventually.