Undocumented Trading Post Changes - Thankyou
I stated some stealth changes to the tp ui 10 days ago, if you are interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/48d1bt/psa_i_am_evon_gnashblade_tp_mode_stealth_update/
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
There’s been changes to how filtering work and sometimes it doesn’t display the list at all or I don’t have a scroll bar with items clipped off. Especially if I’m filtering my current trading history, like what I’m currently bidding on. I would have to toggle one of the filters and reapply to get the list to display correctly.
And again, it would have been nice to have a post here about these stealth changes ANet.
RIP City of Heroes
Stuff like this needs a Patch note !
Since the TP can be updated without changing the game client, I think whoever is responsible for it should do something like what one Dev does for the API.
- There’s a unique forum folder for the API, https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/api
- Lawton Campbell monitors and keeps in touch via the forum.
- In addition, he uses /github to track specific issues and suggestions.
Since, in effect, the TP currently is just ANet’s implementation of a front-end for Evon Gnashblade’s marketplace API, perhaps they can share the folder. This would be solely for communicating about the interface, not about usage issue (which remain the responsibility of Customer Service).