Updated every Monday
Unhappy with chest rewards
Updated every Monday
I get into dungeons, 1-3 a day. I’m not using full zerk(nor have I run into a group that whines about ) I have around 300 gold that gets all my needs minus a precursor but I am slowly getting there seeing I have not been lucky with random loot drops.
I am in an active guild, who alerts me of temple events and other activities in Pve.
We have a set time we run guild missions so I get to participate on those.
If PvE was champ train then I think it was broken and now on the road to recovery.
…and if you want change stop having a fit on the forums, throw some suggestions out on how you believe it can improve. People complain about stuff not getting done, yeah a lot of it won’t be addressed but you have a hell of a better shot if you act like an adult.
Ive been running world boss trains every night for nearly 2 years now. Normally if planned correctly and depending on whether or not the events are not BUGGED…We can tag every world boss and temple within 2.5-3 hours time. I call events not just to my guild but everyone on SoS server in mapchat along with 2 other guild leaders. It was the quickest and most fun way to make gold in this game. Now ….it takes 4 hours to tag only half of the bosses we used to do making it MUCH less efficient not to mention having to stand around and wait forever for next event to spawn. It was a great way to get the community directly involved and give us PVE guild leaders/commanders something more productive to do other than WvW. Now in order to get all of the world train bosses its not a matter of a quick 2.5 hour run and nearly NO waiting time between events. We would have to sit around for nearly 9 hours in order to achieve the same goal. I speak for myself and EVERY other major PVE guild leader and active player on SoS when I say you guys really screwed up on this one. You are about to lose some of your most active and loyal players many of which have been leading the local PVE community through events since nearly the release of the game. My thinking is ….much longer spawn time between major world bosses=much less rares and ectos flooding the market which means more people buying up gems from your store because they can no longer farm gold as efficiently. SO …are you going to listen to the community and make this right ? Or watch some of the most active players and guilds walk away from the game over night? -Metle
Queensdale is not worth it anymore, because the rate, at which white bags drop is simply too high. It was never really worth it to begin with, because all it was good for was grabbing the event money and money from bags. With those factors out of the window, the waypoint costs are too high for it to really pay off in the end.
Frostgorge, on the other hand mostly got exotic bags, there is a high chance to get t6 mats from random trash mobs, but they put in a speed bump, where 3 champs spawn as a whole set, so the timer for the first in order to respawn starts after the third one is killed.
You could still find some other places to farm during this time. Maybe make a short break after troll and farm some t6 mats there, or farm icebrood till the event spawns. Like start the train at norn and kill stuff while waiting.
Also, cursed shore farming is still profitable It’s just not as braindead as the rest, as the opponents there can actually kill you
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
Ive been running world boss trains every night for nearly 2 years now. Normally if planned correctly and depending on whether or not the events are not BUGGED…We can tag every world boss and temple within 2.5-3 hours time. I call events not just to my guild but everyone on SoS server in mapchat along with 2 other guild leaders. It was the quickest and most fun way to make gold in this game. Now ….it takes 4 hours to tag only half of the bosses we used to do making it MUCH less efficient not to mention having to stand around and wait forever for next event to spawn. It was a great way to get the community directly involved and give us PVE guild leaders/commanders something more productive to do other than WvW. Now in order to get all of the world train bosses its not a matter of a quick 2.5 hour run and nearly NO waiting time between events. We would have to sit around for nearly 9 hours in order to achieve the same goal. I speak for myself and EVERY other major PVE guild leader and active player on SoS when I say you guys really screwed up on this one. You are about to lose some of your most active and loyal players many of which have been leading the local PVE community through events since nearly the release of the game. My thinking is ….much longer spawn time between major world bosses=much less rares and ectos flooding the market which means more people buying up gems from your store because they can no longer farm gold as efficiently. SO …are you going to listen to the community and make this right ? Or watch some of the most active players and guilds walk away from the game over night? -Metle
More players are actually able to do world bosses now, so ectos have three possible influences:
1. The number of additional players doing world bosses will increase and offset your decreased access, prices remain stable
2. The number of additional players doing world bosses will increase, but not enough to offset your decreased access, lower supply means higher prices.
3. The number of additional players doing world bosses will increase and more than offset your decreased access, higher supply means lower prices.
We have to wait and see which of these it winds up being, but you are looking at only your part of the equation (decreased access) and not the whole picture.
Ive been running world boss trains every night for nearly 2 years now. Normally if planned correctly and depending on whether or not the events are not BUGGED…We can tag every world boss and temple within 2.5-3 hours time. I call events not just to my guild but everyone on SoS server in mapchat along with 2 other guild leaders. It was the quickest and most fun way to make gold in this game. Now ….it takes 4 hours to tag only half of the bosses we used to do making it MUCH less efficient not to mention having to stand around and wait forever for next event to spawn. It was a great way to get the community directly involved and give us PVE guild leaders/commanders something more productive to do other than WvW. Now in order to get all of the world train bosses its not a matter of a quick 2.5 hour run and nearly NO waiting time between events. We would have to sit around for nearly 9 hours in order to achieve the same goal. I speak for myself and EVERY other major PVE guild leader and active player on SoS when I say you guys really screwed up on this one. You are about to lose some of your most active and loyal players many of which have been leading the local PVE community through events since nearly the release of the game. My thinking is ….much longer spawn time between major world bosses=much less rares and ectos flooding the market which means more people buying up gems from your store because they can no longer farm gold as efficiently. SO …are you going to listen to the community and make this right ? Or watch some of the most active players and guilds walk away from the game over night? -Metle
When a game takes a turn that developers do not like. When a large portion of the playerbase gets used to a playstyle that the devs would look at and say to themselves." This is Not what we intended." And when the reduction of that Playstyle affects the economy in a way that many consider a negative. it is difficult to please everyone, and it is difficult to make a change that has zero negative consequences to someone, or even many, or one can say most of the playerbase.
Let me Pull a Hypothetical. Let’s say that there is a part of the game that operates in ways the devs don’t want because it affects the game as a whole In a way they " do not like." define that anyway you wish, Just remember the Devs are GOD.
Now before they do a thing, a large portion sees that it rewards them Out of proportion to time Invested, or skill used.
Now if the devs stay true to their vision and nerf it it is OBVIOUS what the results will be.
Many players will be upset. And the economy will be disturbed. In what way?? Well, only time will tell, even economic experts disagree, and some argue from bias, based on personal preferance.
No decision will please everybody. And some decisions may displease or adversely affect MOST players,… And the economy.
That this will happen is Not an argument for a reversion to the old system of play. WE need to adapt.
The Devs need to stay true to their vision, and hope it has an audience.
But they did buff it by letting magic find affect champ bags ( more mats, especially t6), so would those balance each other out?
They did not. That is a common misunderstanding, but what they really did was to allow MF affect drops and chests from PvP rewards tracks. Not PvE champ chests.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
It’s not possible for me to do other paths. Why? Because PvE is so bad before the patch and worse now!
I tried Arrah P1 once, wiped on trash at the door over and over because of bad group, never again ty. And all I ever see is dummies selling paths for gold. They should be banned for that.
I do ot see why they need to restrict chests per day, that is the lamest dumbest idea ever.
You had bad pug and your blaming Anet for that? Selling dungeon paths is one way to make money some of them are elite players that can solo it without exploit. How it is being good in pve dumb idea? In Gw1 we also sell dungeon/map running and its totally legit and now it carries over here.