Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Unlimited Gathering Tools - Worth it?
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
It is completely worth it to me.
I don’t have to worry about what kind of harvesting equipment I have equipped. Don’t have to worry about having ruined mats or waste uses of high level harvesters on low level mats. Also don’t have to worry about running out when farming.
Just don’t buy the frozen wasp axe one if it’s ever available again , it annoyingly freezes you in place too when harvesting.
Guardian, Ranger, Warrior.
Totally not worth it in my opinion. How much resource gathering would it take to recoup the amount spent?!
I dare say one would be better off using Orichalcum (Axe/Pick/Sickle) for everything for a number of years.
Basically you would, and that’s actually what I do, personally. You get 90% of the same convenience as using the perma-tools (i.e. never have to think about what pick you’re using), at a tiny fraction of the price. You do have to restock occasionally, so assuming you carry spares (I do), you’re also gaining three to six – with two spares of each in the latter case – (LOOK OUT THREE WHOA DUDES! ) inventory spots with the perma ones, and maybe saving yourself a few silver every day or three not porting to get more tools.
It’s just never going to be a good deal financially.
However, if you never ever want to think about getting tools again, and you have RL money to burn (as much as an AAA PC game lol!), it’s a “good deal”. Some people blow $300 a year or more on F2P games like this (well this B2P but anyway), and they’re the target of these. Not people who carefully consider converting 100g into 1000 gems or whatever.
I would not pay 2000 gems for convenience. It’ll be ages before the cost of buying gathering tools comes higher than the cost of infinite tools and I have no problems buying a pick or an axe when I visit a merchant. Were they cheaper, I might, but at these prices? People surely have too much money on them (if you do, give me some).
Is it cost effective, no? Is it convenient to not only have to never switch them out ever again but to not use up bag space on the extra tools you WILL carry with you if you are smart since you continuously run out of charges in the middle of a mining spree, yes. With the copper fed salvage kit and tools I save about 9 or more slots of bag space since I don’t have to carry any extras of those around with me.
Also the newer ones or BoA which means that if you really want you only have to buy 1 of each and then you can transfer them to your favorite character or to a character that you happen to be playing a lot at the moment. If you are poor and can’t cough up the coin to get them then I suppose they aren’t for you.
If you are someone who isn’t afraid or can spend the cash then it is a convenience that will go a long ways. I don’t think they were ever really made to ever yield a return in mind, its just convenient to never have to worry about having enough picks with you or forgetting to get more and running out in mid tap and having to run back to town to get another.
You could also argue that these items save you a bag slot, which in itself is worth 400 Gems.
What junk are you carrying around with you!!!
Also they only save space if you’re carrying around spares.
I wouldn’t miss the 3 extra slots
On my toons without endless tools i mostly carry around something like :
4-5 ori sickles, 3 ori axes, 4-5 mithril picks, 2 ori picksWhen t3-wood was good in price i also carried even 4-5 darksteel axes
That is a lot.
I just settled on 1 of each spare as I visit shops so much.
I haven’t seen the animations from the special tools so I can’t comment on them but I’m happy with the way the default ones are (I’ve played other MMO’s where the ‘mining’ was terrible, slow and tedious) so this seems a lot better (because of personal comparison.
Consortium sickle is especially worth it. Fastest sickle in game, doesn’t root you in spot.
I love the unlimited, I do wish they were cheaper so I could kit out all my alts with them but as it is, I’m happy to kit out my main with the tools I like. (the wasp axe; I love this one, the sickle is great so quick….I dont have a pick, yet. wanted the watchwork one, dislike the molten animation ): …..)
Are they good value? in gold? no.
In fun/looks? yes!
speed; can be.
convenient? for sure! (the only thing that would make them perfect would be if it was possible to set gathering tool slots across the account. so equip one char, they’d all be equip. that would be excellent. would pay geems just to make those slots account wide… XD)
(edited by Taygus.4571)
I would not pay 2000 gems for convenience. It’ll be ages before the cost of buying gathering tools comes higher than the cost of infinite tools and I have no problems buying a pick or an axe when I visit a merchant. Were they cheaper, I might, but at these prices? People surely have too much money on them (if you do, give me some).
I converted my gold, put ascended gear on the back burner and I am not ever going for ledg unless I win the bl chest rng XD.
No, simply no… You save less than a bag of items with em. What you need of gathering items:
Ori sickle/axe/pick in character window
Ori sickle/axe/pick in a bag (or 2 of each if you wanna be safe)
10-12 crude salvaging kits, 1 mystic kit.
This gives you:
100-150 plant gathering usages
200-300 wood/ore gathering usages
150-180 salvage usages for green-
250 salvage usages for yellow+
You can buy ori gathering tools in heart of the mists, any wvw zone near start point, every city and vigil’s camp, every craft trainer, orr & FS. So plenty of places to quickly restock if you depleted your stock. salvage kits are soo easy to find it’s a joke.
So seriously, why waste 100s of gold for convenience items that can remain on 1 char at a time UNLESS you go VISIT A BANK to pick it up on another char, which conveniently are in the same area as the merchants i mentioned above!
No, simply no… You save less than a bag of items with em. What you need of gathering items:
Ori sickle/axe/pick in character window
Ori sickle/axe/pick in a bag (or 2 of each if you wanna be safe)
10-12 crude salvaging kits, 1 mystic kit.This gives you:
100-150 plant gathering usages
200-300 wood/ore gathering usages
150-180 salvage usages for green-
250 salvage usages for yellow+You can buy ori gathering tools in heart of the mists, any wvw zone near start point, every city and vigil’s camp, every craft trainer, orr & FS. So plenty of places to quickly restock if you depleted your stock. salvage kits are soo easy to find it’s a joke.
So seriously, why waste 100s of gold for convenience items that can remain on 1 char at a time UNLESS you go VISIT A BANK to pick it up on another char, which conveniently are in the same area as the merchants i mentioned above!
Money isn’t the only factor here, however. I have mine for the convenience and couldn’t care less whether or not it is cost effective.
I suppose it all depends on the person and what they want out of it whether or not it is worth it. For me it is.
Cost effective – no
Convenient – used to be
Mega server now “moves the t6” nodes if you don’t get the same version of the map . I don’t mind searching once, but not on every character….
Because of that, I have parked my alts at JP chests and don’t even harvest/mine/gather outside of the daily….
the bigger question is are they gonna last forever like legendary weapon what i mean is the highest harvesting tool Orichalcum harvesting tools are blue level 60 and they are good for harvesting 80 zone and areas but lesser than those is not good for lvl 80 zones.
now are those unlimited gathering tools level less meaning when expansion hits and level cap of zone(areas) raised are those tools still good to use or they are out of date and work only on old content?
Is it just me or did no one mention that you can buy ori tools with karma? I’ll admit the pick is rather annoying to get since you have to do an event in Southsun, but you can get the axe and sickle in Cursed Shore.
Anyway, I bought the infinite tools back when they’re 800 gems each, and don’t regret it, but now at 1000, I’ll have to think about it.
Is it just me or did no one mention that you can buy ori tools with karma? I’ll admit the pick is rather annoying to get since you have to do an event in Southsun, but you can get the axe and sickle in Cursed Shore.
Anyway, I bought the infinite tools back when they’re 800 gems each, and don’t regret it, but now at 1000, I’ll have to think about it.
People keep bringing this up but keep omitting that they where soulbound when they where 800 each.
I don’t spend much time on my alts anyway, so soulbound is not a big deal to me.
Is it just me or did no one mention that you can buy ori tools with karma? I’ll admit the pick is rather annoying to get since you have to do an event in Southsun, but you can get the axe and sickle in Cursed Shore.
Anyway, I bought the infinite tools back when they’re 800 gems each, and don’t regret it, but now at 1000, I’ll have to think about it.
People keep bringing this up but keep omitting that they where soulbound when they where 800 each.
But those 800 gem harvesting tools were traded in for the account bound versions.
My 2 cents : totally worth it. I bought mine when it was soul bound and thought it was worth not having the hassle of walking around with spares ; I always manage to run out of tools at inconvenient spots, like an ori node not no mining pick and no merchant to be found.
It’s even better now that is account bound bc I swap the unlimited set amongst my toons. I would say get it off you can afford the hold. Otherwise, think about what your main goal is.