Unoffical oceanic server?
Sea of Sorrows actually had the most Oceanic player base out of all the servers ….. As for now, It’s impossible to tell.
There are lots of Aussies on Tarnished Coast too…I’m in Australia and the server is busy round the clock.
Sea of Sorrows is still the unofficial oceanic server. It always has.
I’m not from down under, maybe up some and to the right a few, but on FA it seems over populated with down unders. You usually find them dancing nekid outside LA bank
Well SOS and IOJ were the 2 unofficial oceanic servers, though both have since fallen apart. I know most oceanic guilds from IOJ and couple from SOS are now on FA. I started on IOJ (mostly because SOS was full) and I’m now a proud FA player
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate
Used to be SoS and IoJ but I don’t think either can claim superiority anymore. It’s FA now.
It will be Elder Scrolls Online’s mega server by the end of the year, right now its probably Sea of Sorrows.