Upcoming blog: Removing Restrictions.
Being able to transmute gear into different armor type skins is pretty much the one I can figure that wouldn’t be completely gamebreaking.
Could be based on exploration restrictions (ability to fly in the sky finally?). Or maybe it’s going to be removing overflow worlds and replacing them with districts like gw1 had so we can meet our friends whenever we want.
Things that come to my mind:
- Opening other weapons to other classes
- Opening new skills for weapons i.e
- Multiclassing
- Removing armour restrictions for classes
- Swappable stats/sigils/runes ect on weapons and armour.
- Condition Cap fix
- Guesting to other regions
- Diminishing returns removed
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
- Opening new skills for weapons i.e
This. I guess that indeed our “builds” are restrictive, and if we are able to change half of it the way we see fit (I mean, skills 6 to 10 are also restrictive since only a few are really useful), it would already be a big step forward total build creation.
Son of Elonia.
All of those headlines are very vague.
What do I feel restricted by? Soulbound stuff I can’t swap around between my charcaters or even salvage (e.g. those soulbound items you get in dungeons, like runes). Silly swapping around the PvP Lobby, to WvW maps etc. to get access to services, but wait … they want be to buy those service tickets on the Gem store. No way to store any town clothes or masks (points at an old game I played called Guild Wars that had an NPC for that). Being forces to play one or two builds + Cantrips with the Elementalist to be competitive in a PvP situation to other classes…
And finally – I hope that’s the change – the silly bad stats on cultural armour are restricting me enjoying those and getting them at all… so I hope you can buy the same armour as a skin and apply it to your existing armour (points at HoM skins, so it is doable)
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
I think Tuesday’s post is going to reveal the wardrobe
How about removing restrictions how we get ascended gear? This might be both the introduction of 500 Jewel crafting and making all existing ascended gear types available from all existing sources, including 1) laural merchants, 2) guild commendation merchants, 3) fractals, and 4) wvw. Maybe they might even make it so that you can buy and sell ascended gear on the TP. Now that would be cool.
Allowing superior runes and sigils to be placed in the mystic forge
The whole ‘taking class restrictions off weapons and armor’ sound familiar….oh that’s right ESO. Could it be that what finally got ANet to move is direct competition?
Or maybe something to do with conditions in pve finally
I’m hoping it is removal of the PvE condition cap.
You can now buy Gems with more methods than before?
How about Removing Defiance and Unshakable?
The biggest CC restriction and kitten you to the ones who actually want to use control skills
World-wide influence and unlocks for guilds maybe?
It will probably be about PvE and PvP gear no longer being separated.
All of those headlines are very vague.
What do I feel restricted by? Soulbound stuff I can’t swap around between my charcaters or even salvage (e.g. those soulbound items you get in dungeons, like runes).
There’ll be another blogpost on the same day, called “Account-Bound”… Let’s hope they remove the soulbound nonsense and make everything accountbound that was originally soulbound…
And finally – I hope that’s the change – the silly bad stats on cultural armour are restricting me enjoying those and getting them at all… so I hope you can buy the same armour as a skin and apply it to your existing armour (points at HoM skins, so it is doable)
I doubt they’ll ever do that, considering the Transmutation Crystals in the store. Besides, there are three levels at which Cultural Armor becomes “available”. If they were making it skins-only (which I wouldn’t say no to, naturally), the entire concept that would be flushed down the drain too… And I doubt they’ll go that far… They could at least offer multiple versions of the same skin, like they did with the WvW armour.
World-wide influence and unlocks for guilds maybe?
Think that will be part of “Facilitating Friendly Play”.
Hundred Blades will no longer require you to stay in one spot. :nods:
Seriously though.. I’m hoping this has something to do with either condition damage, or allowing weapon access to all classes.
There’ll be another blogpost on the same day, called “Account-Bound”… Let’s hope they remove the soulbound nonsense and make everything accountbound that was originally soulbound…
… and then in the next major update, they bring back “customized” items from GW1.
My guesses:
Removal of the loss of guild vaults when moving/guesting servers (a la China.)
Removal of soulbound/accountbound nonsense.
Removing character bound dye.
Removing the inability to sell/salvage/do anything with items such as fractal rings.
I’m sure I will think of more right after I post this, but good enough.
Or maybe something to do with conditions in pve finally
That would be awesome, but there’s just no way.
It’s been sixteen months without a word now, pretty sure ANet is just hoping we forget about it at this point. And they just may get their wish… as people leave for a game that treats their customers a little better.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
It will probably be about PvE and PvP gear no longer being separated.
I agree, I think it will be about PvE and PvP gear being no longer restricted to those gameplay areas.
Though, there may be other restrictions on some things removed, or lessened, as well.
It will probably be about PvE and PvP gear no longer being separated.
I agree, I think it will be about PvE and PvP gear being no longer restricted to those gameplay areas.
Though, there may be other restrictions on some things removed, or lessened, as well.
So, that would mean that all skins you have in your PvP vault will become skins you can use in PvE? (if what you say is what it is…)
Perhaps lower levels could be scaled up levels when visiting higher level zones? That’s the only thing I could think of that would make sense
It will probably be about PvE and PvP gear no longer being separated.
I agree, I think it will be about PvE and PvP gear being no longer restricted to those gameplay areas.
Though, there may be other restrictions on some things removed, or lessened, as well.
So, that would mean that all skins you have in your PvP vault will become skins you can use in PvE? (if what you say is what it is…)
Well, that’s what they been talking about for months and months. I’d guess it’s coming in this Feature Patch. And this Blog title seems apropos as any.
If it is swapable stats or account wide gear, I’m in again
“Guild wars is for everybody, freedom is ascended, zerg is strength”
~ G. Orrwell, great shaman of the new flame legion, 1984 AE.
Probably server restrictions or something along those lines. Or dungeon restrictions.
Don’t expect major gameplay additions like new weapons and stuff like that.
Things that come to my mind:
- Opening other weapons to other classes
- Opening new skills for weapons i.e
- Multiclassing
- Removing armour restrictions for classes
- Swappable stats/sigils/runes ect on weapons and armour.
- Condition Cap fix
- Guesting to other regions
- Diminishing returns removed
Well now you’ve just increased the potential of these two words to a ridiculous level. Everybody will find something to be disappointed about.
Things that come to my mind:
- Opening other weapons to other classes
- Opening new skills for weapons i.e
- Multiclassing
- Removing armour restrictions for classes
- Swappable stats/sigils/runes ect on weapons and armour.
- Condition Cap fix
- Guesting to other regions
- Diminishing returns removed
Well now you’ve just increased the potential of these two words to a ridiculous level. Everybody will find something to be disappointed about.
They were just things that come to mind, not what I actually think it will include (which, tbh, I don’t know what to expect).
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
I think Tuesday’s post is going to reveal the wardrobe :)
Oh I’m so hoping for that. My bank is full of skins ready to be wardrobed!
It will probably be about PvE and PvP gear no longer being separated.
They did already announce that they were doing that. So possible. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/player-vs-player-rewards-roadmap/
My guesses:
Removal of the loss of guild vaults when moving/guesting servers (a la China.)
Removal of soulbound/accountbound nonsense.
Removing character bound dye.
Removing the inability to sell/salvage/do anything with items such as fractal rings.I’m sure I will think of more right after I post this, but good enough.
All likely except for dyes. Since ANet has been selling dye packs for a while now, and since players have been buying multiple dye packs for multiple characters this would A) probably not be the financially-speaking best move B) make a lot of players very unhappy.
I have high hopes for this one, as according to the known titles of upcoming blogposts, this is the only one where we have a chance to get:
*expanded weapon usage for existing classes. I want that offhand sword badly for my thief. Also a rifle / longbow, or both three.
*PvP and PvE skin system gets united via introducing a new global locker system. How PvE armor stats will work then, I have no idea. But I’d definitly welcome to change of once you get an skin, it’s forever yours without the need of transmution stones. In exchange, more armor skins appears in the gem store.
*I doubt it will happen, but crossing the armor weight lines would also create fantastic new options for everyone, especially with the global locker added at the same time. It would bring back so much life to dungeon running and PvE content in general.
*PvE and PvP exclusive armor separation finally gone to the abyss. It’s the most nonsense lame thing they ever came up with, like you can get some part of the Commando armor set in PvE, but some parts are only aviable for PvP. What’s the point of this?!
(edited by SaltyDave.7346)
I think Tuesday’s post is going to reveal the wardrobe
Oh I’m so hoping for that. My bank is full of skins ready to be wardrobed!
It will probably be about PvE and PvP gear no longer being separated.
They did already announce that they were doing that. So possible. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/player-vs-player-rewards-roadmap/
My guesses:
Removal of the loss of guild vaults when moving/guesting servers (a la China.)
Removal of soulbound/accountbound nonsense.
Removing character bound dye.
Removing the inability to sell/salvage/do anything with items such as fractal rings.I’m sure I will think of more right after I post this, but good enough.
All likely except for dyes. Since ANet has been selling dye packs for a while now, and since players have been buying multiple dye packs for multiple characters this would A) probably not be the financially-speaking best move
make a lot of players very unhappy.
Dyes will be account bound in the shortly upcoming chinese version, and since the community of US/EU asked for the same for a very long time now (as also mentioned in an ANet interview, found the link in some other topic last week), it is very likely to happen. However, the chinese version also gets a terrible new system, that will require a dye identifier (gem store item) to identify a dye you find. The only other source is crafting.
I’m hoping its thatt annoying daily crafting limit that they’re gonna talk about.
The possibilities must have something to do with Elder Scrolls Online and Everquest: Next both expected to release this year. Both of those titles escape precepts about how an mmorpg operates or how class restrictions define the characters. Guild Wars 2 has attempted to escape the “holy trinity” box. Removing restrictions is the creative momentum for this genre. Real competition in this focus area causes incentive for the competing titles to show their superiority. Guild Wars 2 will have the advantage of the free-to-play model. Players can always return to play and compare. Therefore, Guild Wars 2 has the highest incentive, of the three titles, to show its stuff.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s something as big as new weapon sets. I think it’s more something along the lines of fixing account-/ soulbound issues. The dye thing is probably the “Colorful Outlook”.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s something as big as new weapon sets. I think it’s more something along the lines of fixing account-/ soulbound issues.
But surely that would come under ‘Account Bound’?
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
It’s likely going to be account wide wvw ranks.
Just like an entire blog was dedicated to the crit damage change.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s something as big as new weapon sets. I think it’s more something along the lines of fixing account-/ soulbound issues.
But surely that would come under ‘Account Bound’?
Hmm, true. Still, the posts are released the same day, so I somehow feel that it’s related. Then again, my guess for “Art of Combat” was completely off (that turned out to be sigils). xD
It will probably be about PvE and PvP gear no longer being separated.
This, I think.
The things I think yould be done and by things I mean, staying realistic and minimalistic together, because they definetely won’t brign with the Feature Patch huge system overhauls that would be more fitting for Expansions.
if this blog would bring many changes, than rather many QoL changes of small scale I guess.
But first – Restriction – by definition means, we talk here about gameplay mechanics, that don’t allow us to do something in the game, by blocking off something that we could theoretically do, or by not allowing us to do somethign in the game, what would be theoretically possible any time by game design, but were restricted due to various reasons, which maybe aren’t neccessary anymore due to some changes of gameplay systems and mechanics.
So I guess, we might see somethign out of these 5 things:
- Adding of more already existing Weapons to the Classes, like giving Thiefs Offhand-Swords and Longbows, like giving Engineers Maces and Hammers, like giving Rangers Staffs and Offhand-Swords, like giving Necromancers Greatswords and Offhand-Axes, like giving Elementalists Swords and Shields, like giving Warriors Shortbows and Staffs, like giving Guardians Offhand-Swords and Longbows.
- Merging PvP Equipment with PvE Equipment letting us completely use all of our Equipment everywhere (Skin Wardrobe)
- Giving us more access to choose, which Overflow we want to play on, improvign the Overflow System more into how Districts worked in GW1, where we were able to basically choose our “Overflow” out manually, as long it wasn’t full
- Guesting and Server Transfers into other Regions due to the improvements of the Overflow System
- Allowing us to put alot more things than possible before into the Mystic Forge to receive something, that will be in the end more useful for us, like:
- Superior Sigils/Runes
- Ascended Rings/amulets/Earrings
- Transmutation Stones to make out of them somehow finally Transmutation Crystals
- Minipets of Exotic Rarity to have a chance to get an other one that we still need (us this maybe as introduction for ascended/legendary minipets??)
- Removing in general the RNG out of the Mystic Toilet, pardon..Forge and make its recipes more guaranteed results for bringign the four different items that are equired to make somethign new out of them …
I think stuff like this has the biggest chances to be made, anythign else is in my optionion absolutely unrealistic, or just requires way too much effort and resssources for that patch, where I’d clearly say, that is somethign for an expansion
Removing all races besides asura, removing the restriction of viewing the world. We are tired of seeing butts!
The whole ‘taking class restrictions off weapons and armor’ sound familiar….oh that’s right ESO. Could it be that what finally got ANet to move is direct competition?
this might be awesome, I could have a dual dagger warrior or a great sword thief or a dual pistol guardian
I also assume they would not have the same skills as the original profession that employs those weapons.
I could never understand why Rangers can not equip rifles but armored Warriors can? Really!
Anet use words weirdly, I wouldn’t count on anything, let it be a surprise.
The whole ‘taking class restrictions off weapons and armor’ sound familiar….oh that’s right ESO. Could it be that what finally got ANet to move is direct competition?
Having tried ESO I’ll just say lets not go as far as to call it competition
other ideas noone is posting here could be:
- dungeon story accountbound (once done can open dungeon with all characters)
- 1 character can use ALL crafting proffesions and not only 2
- gear scaling – so can use on lvl 1 characters lvl 80 items and they scale down
- window for endless crafting tools like finisher window
- minis(pets) bank visible from everywhere on all characters
(edited by Romek.4201)
While i have no idea what exactly will be in this blog post, i did notice that it’s paired with one named “Account bound”. Both will likely cover closely related topics – one of which is propably moving WvW xp from character to account based system.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
- I hope that the wardrobe + the title of that blogpost means we get an accountwide wardrobe where you can click to get an unlimited number of copies for any character you like. Kinda like the ach skins now.
- If we push it a bit further you could get the option of account wind unlimited gathering tools, salvageomatic and most importantly dyes <- this one is very likely.
- And ofc the abbilitie to use PvE skins in PvP and vice versa (but this was confirmed allready).
- What could happen aswell is that they make all items accountbound instead of soulbound in some cases.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
- What could happen as well is that they make all items account bound instead of soulbound in some cases.
that makes sense, since having alts is kind of pointless with all the account wide stuff going on in the game and some of the high level aesthetic stuff is grindy as hell to get, having them be account bound instead would be awesome indeed.
what I wish for is a bag you equip on your character that is accessible to all characters so I can place all my account wide tonics, salvage o matic and whatever else in there, and not have to worry about transferring them from character to character all the time if decide to play a specific character more than others.