Update to Silverwaste Yes? No? Maybe?
Will the Silverwastes be updated? Let me check.
ANet may give it to you.
Dry Top will need it a lot more than the Silverwastes, I think, though both will probably need to be adjusted after HoT comes out (since all of HoT’s maps will be competing with them, on top of the whole “people concentrating on the new stuff” aspects)
with the new bonus system thats u can do events to get T6 mats / giant eyes / loadstones i think they will need to update silverwastes and more work to drytop maybe :P
Dry Top will need it a lot more than the Silverwastes, I think, though both will probably need to be adjusted after HoT comes out (since all of HoT’s maps will be competing with them, on top of the whole “people concentrating on the new stuff” aspects)
I absolutely hated Dry Top when I went there. Did some exploring ect, seemed to be one area people were active the rest was just a frustrating and boring jump puzzle of a map with gimmicky temp skills to get around. After going there I sort of cringed thinking HOT will be of similar design with a focus on vertical “how can we get the camera to bug out” style of play.
I’m all for expanding SW though, or adding another similar type of map on the other side of the world perhaps. I sort of like the continual event stuff that goes on there..however with both DT and SW the maps feel so tiny and constrained. I would much rather they open them up a bit.
I dont knowwww can you repeat the question
My Answer is
noone knows out now