Any chance of re-looking at this item’s price?
At current exchange rates, it is around 47 gold for 1. (On the individual package)
The most expensive Runes currently are Torment at 10.99 gold, and Exuberance at 10.95.
Looking as Sigils, and setting aside Generosity and Karka Slaying for the moment as those are the exception to the rule, Bursting and Torment is around 14 gold.
So, logically, trying to retrieve runes for example, it would be better to convert the gems into gold, trash the runes instead of exacting, and buying 4 for the price of one, with 7 gold change.
An inclusion of these items into BL Chests or as log-in BL rewards would be cool as well.
(Please note, all prices only valid at the creation of this post.)