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Just as a reminder for myself.
I follow my own strong principl,e, that this Game would run much better balanced, if GW2 would receive finally a proper and universal rebalancing about its whole Combat System.
A very big part of Character Progression as like Combats are the Upgrades – so Sigils, Runes, Gemstones, Infusions ect. – and this part of the Combat System is something about GW2, which suffers currently on – how should I express it best – on overenrichment
The Game has way more Upgrades, than are neccessary. The game needs to be purified from all of these unneeded upgrades and upgrade types, which are mostly all those weak useless minor and major upgrades, that are useless, because the player can’t do anythign with them, not even salvage them right now, if they aren’t needed.
Another point, that would make Upgrades and Game Balance easier to handle for anet would be to remove all Stats from Gear, including Upgrades.
This would purify this game from so much obsolete things alone, that balancing the classes should become alot easier.
But first a small caption, because I will mention here some terms, which I want to describe first ,what is meant with them:
Combat Skill Relation; Actively – An Effect, which changes Effects of a Combat Skill directly when you use the Combat Skill.
Combat Skill Relation; Passively – An Effect, which is there, while a Combat Skill is reloading, or while it is active, or while you are using it passively in the background
Combat Relation; Passively – An Effect, that is there, while you do something like a Dodge Roll, a Block, switching Weapons, receiving Boons, getting/removing Conditions ect.
Combat Relation; Extension – Adds an Effect to an other Effect and extends with it the original Effect
Combat Relation; Improvement – Increases an Effect in its Efficiency/Duration
Combat Relation: Skin Unlock – Simply unlocking a Reskin for a Combat Skill, becasuse I want to see Infusions becoming more useful in the Game, other than being only AR Boosts or “Auras”
These kinds of terms can get mixed partwise into each other when you think about all kinds of possible mechanics that can be included into Upgrades to make them more interesting and fun for the overall Combat System
Now I’ll answer first a question from an other Thread that lead to this one here.
“How would my concept stop the economy from tanking, if we remove Stats from Gear?”
With this question I think the questioner means, what kind of options ANet would have, to ensure, that things, that are now valuable, aren’t valuable anymore once this big change would make alot of things obsolete (and in fact easier for all players to handle and to overview), if Anet seriously would rebalance the Game, by removing all Stats from all Gear.
Truth is, if that would have, would lose alot of things value, but mostly only those things in the game, which are used alot by tons of players…so basically everythign in this game, that is currently “Meta” while everything, that is rarely used by hardly anyone most likely won’t be affected at all by this change.
The real question is more for me – why should Anet do something against a decreasing value of materials ect.
In the end the market and its prices will regulate itself still just through demand and offer. So why should ANet interfere into this, only because some meta builds and their required items to get them will eventually lose in value, because they arenät maybe so wanted anymore as like before, so that people are able to get specific “Stats” for their Builds.
Anet can, if they want find alot of new sinks for the affected items that eventually lose too much value. They can add always new crafting recipes for somethign that will require something that has lost alot of value due to the removal of Stats from Gear and that item will instantly sky rocket again with its value high, due to the hype of people wanting to get that new thing, especially if that new recipe is for some kind of super good looking skin that requires alot of said materials that people start to buy the market empty so that they don’t have to grind for the materials.
The quality of life, and fun aspects of being able to change your attributes anytime out of combat just overweight the little con, that eventuaklly might appear from removing Stats from gear, when that con can be solved anytiem through adding new sinks for the affected items that lost value to prevent the economy from tanking this way.
With this being said so far, I will go on with the Concept and its discussion with the next posting.