Uping dificulty to diversify builds is a trap
Honestly if you want armor diversity (IDK why you would), get rid of dodging, get rid of all forms of passive defense, make mobs have more clear-cut agro rules.
Getting rid of those things doesn’t diversity builds … it just shifts the meta to something else more healing/armor/HP focused.
Getting rid of those things is probably the first step to building a trinity, which by definition has 3 “types.”
At the end of the day this is the sort of thing these people want. It’s silly, but that’s the end result of what they’re requesting.
Well they’re changing conditions caps. With Silverwastes having high armour mobs that should be ideally killed by conditions, the meta might change depending on what boss mechanics will be.
I run a hybrid necro as my fractal toon with high health pool and I’ve yet to be one shooted by anything in as high as 49. Is the difference between 49 and 50 really that bad?
No. The only thing about 49 and 50 that is annoying is that 50’s Instability is random Agony. Its annoying but not going to one-shot you with enough AR. Honestly, I’ve very rarely been one shot by anything in Fractals, because I play Active Defense.
That is exactly my point, you dont get 1 shotted because you dodge/blind what ever, but when you miss, then they 1 shot you, that is the problem, if armor is not going to prevent that, then it is a useless stat, rising difficulty makes it only more useless.
I’ma Knight’s/Cleric’s Combo Guardian, and there are rare times when I don’t time properly and get hit and I normally don’t get one shot. It also helps that I run low Health Pool high Armor (I have just shy of 3.5k Armor). I’m all for them ramping up difficulty. Having good toughness and the like on top of properly timing your dodges and CC are all well-rounded and fun ways to play.
If the people you run with don’t wanna have fun I don’t know what what to tell you, but my groups never gripe about having me in a party ever.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
I think the point of zerker armor is not that defensive armor doesn’t work, it’s that there is no need for it.
Who cares if you have 50k toughness and 500k Health. If you play the game well it doesn’t matter if you have 20 health or 20,000 health because you can use active defenses to ignore ALL damage.
Once you are good enough at the game the only difference between full defensive armor and zerker armor is that things take 100x longer to die.
The best way to learn the game is to put on zerker armor and make yourself learn it.
The other armor types function just fine, they are just not needed.
Hardly “not needed.” Frankly if that’s your viewpoint, you arent doing game content where they ARE needed and recommended. The whole “because I dont see a use for these armor stats they must not be needed” mentality is a crippled mentality.
Besides, even active defenses run out at some point. What are you going to do then? Zerker builds pretty much have one last huzzah and then go splat. Builds with defensive stats and tweaks can withstand it and keep going.
Beyond that still, if you have crap for health, and suffer from “pug syndrome,” zerker aint gonna save you when your party starts dropping like flies. Being built the way I am, I can pick up the flies so they can keep doing damage. To that extent, their damage is my damage because I’m keeping them alive. But I suppose it’s a lost cause on people who really dont care to hear, see, or understand that they’re wrong.
It’s unfortunate that the “ZERK IS GREAT” mentality borders on religious fanaticism.
Just because you are not good enough to run zerker does not mean no one is.
Just because you are not good enough to run zerker does not mean no one is.
Ah yes, the fanatical “I’m going to insult you because I cant come up with a good defense” line. I’m sorry the truth hurts zudet. Frankly I’m not going to bother further discussing it with you since you seem to want to refuse to have a meaningful discussion. So I’ll leave it at this:
Who deals more damage? The crap zerker running “meta” that dies 10 seconds into the fight, or someone running stuff with vitality and toughness and solos the last 70-80% of the boss?
choice 3: the meta player who can dodge key tells and doesn’t die
choice 3: the meta player who can dodge key tells and doesn’t die
and that person probably runs in professional premade groups, while the population tries to emulate the meta set by him and ultimately ends up less useful than that guy in PVT.
Who deals more damage? The crap zerker running “meta” that dies 10 seconds into the fight, or someone running stuff with vitality and toughness and solos the last 70-80% of the boss?
and that person probably runs in professional premade groups, while the population tries to emulate the meta set by him and ultimately ends up less useful than that guy in PVT.
Bad players are bad players no matter the gear they equip. Sure sometimes they would live longer by equipping some gear without full damage stats, but sometimes they would also deal more damage by equipping more gear with full damage stats.
I pug a lot and have experienced both situations, full zerkers dying early and often, and full tanks/healers being unnecessary even hindering or dying despite their equip. I’ve seen 2 guards running heal/tank dying early at bloomhunger, without placing one wall, another player followed soon. Managed to get it down from 50% as a zerk d/d thief with the help of a zerk gs warrior, just using dodges and the occasional smoke screen. I’ve been in groups at mai trin with people dying left and right and I was forced to solo her last 25%, once as a zerk warrior, twice as a zerk guardian. In a group consisting of a warrior, thief, ele, ranger and me as a guard I had to beg them to equip more damage gear at the grawl fractal because while we could root/cripple/freeze/stun/knockback the spawning shamans, we could not get the first one down before the second one spawned. Resulting in us being overrun when the 4th spawned while second and third were still alive. I’ve also managed to join a 4 person [KING] fractal group a few times via the lfg tool. I felt like a 5th wheel while running with them. They did not need me, they could have finished without my help. I actually had to carefully follow their lead, because they did some things differently than i was used to.
I’m not a perfect player. I still do mistakes by wasting endurance, aegis, block skills or by overlooking a tell. But since I switched from a more balanced equip to pure damage I learned a lot about the encounters: tells, target selection criteria, blockable attacks, order of attacks, even a feel for the ability cd of boss mobs. All these things can be learned and once learned will make it easier to overcome the encounters.
Equipping pure damage gear forced me to learn all that, but for me understanding an encounter is fun. For others it’s work.
The player base can not only be divided by their risk mentality but also by their willingness to invest time into the game.
Group A is the “It worked once, so i’ll continue doing it this way” group. They avoid risk and are not interested in learning about the encounter. Being part of this group is Ok.
Group B is the “It could be done faster, but better safe than sorry” group. They also avoid risk, but invest time to understand an encounter. Being part of this group is Ok.
Group C is the “So that’s how it works, can we get it done faster/better” group. They enjoy the increased risk of optimizing and invest time to understand an encounter. Being part of this group is Ok.
Group D is the “X said that’s good/ideal so i’ll use it” group. They enjoy the risk but do not want to invest time into understanding the encounter. Being part of this group is Ok.
These groups are not absolute. Some people enjoy only a certains amount of risk but stop at some point, some invest some time to understand an encounter but dont want to understand every encounter. Still these groups can be used to classify the playerbase sometimes even by looking at the meta threads on this forum:
“pure Zerker is faster” vs “a dead person deals no damage, so a tank/heal spec helps the run go faster” (C,D vs A,B) both points are correct depending on how you calculate the risk for you.
“learning an encounter makes it go smoother” vs “I only play for fun, I dont want to ‘work’ in the game” (B,C vs A,D) again both points are correct depending on your understanding of fun and work.
In some form or the other these statements have been in almost every thread on the meta and will continue to be used to refute arguments in threads yet to come. All points are correct for the corresponding groups, because the mentality of the person behind each point is different. Arguing about it is not much different than arguing about some people prefering apples over oranges (those heathens ). Just accept that they are different and want different things in life, you don’t have to play with them, just like they don’t have to play with you.
(edited by Bohantopa.5729)
and upping fractal levels
Where did you get this info from?
choice 3: the meta player who can dodge key tells and doesn’t die
and that person probably runs in professional premade groups, while the population tries to emulate the meta set by him and ultimately ends up less useful than that guy in PVT.
strange, I was able to do this just fine when I pugged
it may surprise you, but non-terrible players do actually exist while pugging.