Upon logging in..

Upon logging in..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NYG.2568


Is it just me or does anyone else,log in and think what to do? Then shortly there after not find anything of real interest and log right back off, or do you already have a plan before logging in?
I can’t seem to find anything anymore aside from when the game was new to draw my attention(excitement of playing GW1 is to blame). I remember back with Guild Wars 1 every expansion, every special event grabbed me and made me want to play. So much so I would call off work just to play!
Im currently 14 AP’s from 9k although i never cared to seek out AP’s. I’m like why bother…
I should add here other then the LS patches,which happen to be the only thing i log in for cause I honestly do want to like and play the game! So for that reason I bare it and try and follow the story,but their are so many arc’s to it i forget one from the next because they are so far and inbetween each other.

Remember we don’t draw on cave walls anymore.Language and texts have evolved since.

(edited by NYG.2568)

Upon logging in..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Two weeks ago, I logged in, had absolutely nothing to do, lost 300G on mystic forge, didn’t care at all and logged out.
I’m at point I no longer care for better looking skins or better loot, I want new engaging replayable content.

Upon logging in..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oRx.9584


I agree with you guys, GW2 is very repetitive. That is why I only play WvW and PvE ever. 0% map completion on all characters atm with only 1.5k AP (they dont come as fast in PvP it appears) and already bored of PvE. So yeah, try to find some comfort in this, it’s the most dynamic element of the game.

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

Upon logging in..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: joshc.3129


GW2 is repetitive but what online MMO isn’t after you play for a while. GW1 was the same way. After you got done with the story’s you just have side quests, grinding for material to make new armor and other stuff. At least GW1 main missions could be replayed and actually made you put some thought into it and made you plan it out. Also GW1 missions were much longer than GW2 missions that can be beat in under 10 mins while GW1 missions could take you 15 mins or longer.

Kill stuff to unlock weapons skills, most confusing thing I ever heard of. (sarcasm)

Upon logging in..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Nope. I have an active guild where I can always find something to do. Even when I don’t have any specific goals for myself, there’s always friends who are working towards something and things like dungeons are always better with people you know. Beyond that, I also never get tired of PvP.

It sounds like you either 1) an active community to get you engaged 2) another game which can engage you to go through the content regardless of your goals or 3) another game with a fresh set of goals to aim for.

Take your time if you go away from GW2. You can always come back later when the game feels fresh again.

(edited by Dahkeus.8243)

Upon logging in..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I don’t have that problem, but I suspect it’s related to the fact that I’ve only played for just over 2,000 hours since launch and I have 5 permanent characters, which means I have a lot of stuff left to do.

When I first log in my first priority is to find a character who is in a city, log into them to get the daily reward and gather the nodes in my home instance. After that it depends on what I feel like doing because each character is working on something different.

I’m also working towards my first legendary, the Triforge amulet and Mawdrey II, but only in addition to actually playing.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”