Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dhraiden.9215


The armor and weapons they sell are never better than anything I pick-up or make. And there is always better stuff BLTC for less, usually.

Is there a reason for them to sell very watered-down weapons and armor, or are they just another flavor of merchant to sell junk to?

Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


they always buy my junk
I know one player who’s used parts from them for his outfit

Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

they give an option for skins.

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Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ADFX.6179


Being newish, I use them for cheap weapons and armor when starting a new character at low levels. Very helpful for opening up weapon skills on the cheap. Eventually I move on to buying everything from the trading post and only buy there stuff when the value of a TP purchase isn’t there when leveling and I need an upgrade.

Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I find the ones right at the start of the game useful sometimes. Mainly when I’m trying out a profession and I want to unlock all the weapon skills quickly instead of waiting for them to drop.

But I never use them after that because until I get to 80 I’m not worrying about my skins (it helps that I’ve always got the HoM ones to fall back on) so I’m just using whatever drops or occasionally stuff I craft.

Some people though go the other way and they like to regularly buy new weapons/armor to make sure it’s appropriate to their level so I imagine they find the vendors very useful.

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Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


They may be useful at the beginning, but they get outshined by random drops and karma vendors very, very fast.

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Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: infrequentia.3465


there just white gear, with the starter gear skin
everything is better than that.
its just like some people already pointed out to keep the starter gear skin in the game

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Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I never have used one not even at the early game stage, the skins are ugly and the weapons / Armor useless, i either use the TP or have drops, karma hearts, crafting or Story quests..

Now if they actually stocked equipment i could use and looked great id use them in a heart beat..

This is the first mmo i’ve played where weapon/armor merchants are actually pointless to use.

(edited by Dante.1508)

Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Never used em once to buy gear for use. Just to sell junk. Never really paid attention to the skins since I didn’t transmute one till I was in 70’s. Never even looked at them.

Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


Some have pretty nice skins, especially pre 80. I actually use a vendor skin for my MF set (I think it’s gladiator’s with out the helm/headpiece)

EDIT: Sorry, I thought you meant HEART vendors. Yea, those weapon vendors are there just so that you always have access to a barebone weapon of your liking.

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Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


For sell junk i supose and fancyness…long time ago people used to buy stuff from there and salvage it so they (we?) could have an extra way for get materials or sell it in the TP…which required for us to use our own gold….but apparently it wasnt as intended and now we cant salvage…vendor items…so yeah useless npcs, almost as having big bunch of unused karma…you cant even equip your alts with orr gear

I took an arrow to the knee

Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FacesOfMu.3561


EDIT: Sorry, I thought you meant HEART vendors. Yea, those weapon vendors are there just so that you always have access to a barebone weapon of your liking.

Yup, I think this is the primary function of these junk gear sellers. You’ll notice them in most games. I think they perform the function of allowing players who have (for whatever reason) have no money and weapons to at least acquire a starter weapon again. Environmental weapons give a bare-bones way of killing some creatures to get some money to get a white weapon or white armor. It’s the safety net for any player who must start again, no matter the reasons.

Without them people can become locked into a terrible situation that they might not be able to get out of.

People vary.

Useful-ness of Armor/Weapon Vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Desamos.1836


Theyre legendary weapons in my eyes with a transmutation stone.. A noobish skin can own a char with his twilight and make him cry..