Valentines in Divinity's Reach and Christmas in Hoelbrak
As you said they are empty, so it would be probably the waste on resources. I go very rarely to Hoelbrak, and when I do there are 2-3 people there.
They are empty, so it would be nice to see them populated again. It’s a kitten shame that big, beautiful cities like that get ignored.
Just place randomly a Rich vein of xy material/ore in them and they will populate very quickly
It would be even better if they let the holiday events be active in every city. That would help also to spread out the population of the server.
I mean yesterday in Lions Arch people keep disappearing an appearing out of nowhere just 1 m ahead of me. I know that this isn’t WvWvW. But the brawl event in this way is totaly laying on sheer luck to have "stable targets " on their screens (read as target that didn’t disappear from their screen cause they moved a couple of mt away and the server don’t render them anymore)
And all of the above.
Have it in each city, with different things in each city so people have a reason to visit them all.
Art wise that’s a little daunting though lol.
I suspect that other pieces of the halloween event will take you through racial regions and possibly to the main cities(cant see them making new halloween themed artwork for the hometown load screens if they dont at least stop by briefly.
Halloween, Christmas etc. are only once a year….but everyday is meatoberfest day for the Charr
I’d love to see some Xmas in Hoelbrak.
I’d love to see some Xmas in Hoelbrak.
Hoelbrak is my favourite place in the entire game and I appreve your message.
There simply aren’t enough snow areas!
I’d love to see Christmas Hoelbrack, as well as promontory divine! Parties and even discover specific races! Imagine a Christmas Asura not necessarily at the same time as humans! =D
Yes please! Hoelbroek and Divinitys reach for example, are quite empty, but I’m preeeeeeetty sure they would be quite full if there were special events in them.
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