Verbal abuse because of good drop
Report, block and move on. If it was genuinely an accident, then it is one of those things – certainly nothing of significance.
It’s an online video game where this is rampant sadly- such behaviour isn’t worth acknowledging or dignifying.
You can’t stop jerks from being jerks. Especially on the Internet. Forget about those losers and move on.
So my gf and I were exploring bloodtide Coast and Doing the “Vermin-Heart”. There we met some naked people farming candycornelementals with maize balm, I have Sometimes heard of it, but never seen it, and Im playing since Beta.
Now, we did hit a few of the candycorns and we did pick up the tot-bags, and opened them. My gf started about two or three weeks ago with gw2, and she was surprised that there were holiday related items. She opened the bags happily, and to my surprise, she did get Oontz (or whatever its called) accesory, which gives You the black Aura (poly Luminescent undulating refractor Black). Being used to ping rare drops to teammates from us playing gw1 a few weeks ago together with our friends, she basically automatically pinged her Oontz necklace of the cat. And then, the kittenstorm started, a lot of curse words that would be censored to ‘Kitten’ in the forum were written on the map Chat and whispered to her, but Hey , who cares. I dropped two precursors and one preserved bee queen, pinged them, and got mostly gz messages, and some kitten you s. However, the Thing is, the guy that threw the maize balm keeps whispering and writing to her that "Its our rule that ten percent of all drops go to me, because I bought the balm, but we were basically just passing by, and she got Lucky.
My Question now Is not “what can we do” , the reports are sent and blocks are given and screenshots kept for Future reference, but rather: what do You guys think about people like this, and his behaviour?
Yup. Block report and move on.
However, it may be that groups rule to share 10% of the loot (or loots value) but if you are not a part of that agreement, had no knowledge of that agreement, and didn’t agree to the terms of the agreement (through ignorance that such an agreement even existed), they don’t really have any right to expect anything from you, nor do you have any obligation to give anything to them.
I guess in the end they were just kittens. If they keep harassing you about it, don’t respond, just report. Those types of people aren’t really worth your time.
Good luck and grats on the drop!!
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
People like that are not worth getting upset over. I would have just laughed and said “u mad bro?”.
“I got an Oontz necklace of the cat your argument is invalid, later fellas! "
~Sincerely, Scissors
Lol, did he actually try to demand the drop from her?
Gw2 amuses me so.
Ping him 250 packets of salt.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
If you guys had been following them around and killing the elementals they spawned with the maize balm they bought, they would have has a right to complain. But since you were passing through, hit something that appeared in front of you and got a lucky drop then that’s the way it goes. You don’t owe them anything. You weren’t part of their group or their agreement and people passing by and killing the elementals while on a public, open to all map is one of the hazards of doing this type of farm.
Block, report and put it behind you.
My fee for this advice is one Oontz necklace of the cat. ^^
ANet may give it to you.
Report for harassment and block. No such rule about loot drops. So ignore and move on and enjoy the game.
Thing is, the guy that threw the maize balm keeps whispering and writing to her that "Its our rule that ten percent of all drops go to me, because I bought the balm,
This part amuses me greatly. How exactly would they monitor all that was received by other people? Sounds like he was just pulling something out of his kitten and was hoping that you’d be more gullible/passive.
Everyone here has agreed: block, report, and move on. Most of the players don’t act like that – ignore the bad apples.
There is no rule against farming other peoples candy corn elementals. They are free for all since its open world.
Block and report as people have said..
im not against swearing in MMO’s.. there is a profanity filter after all and frankly if you have the option to turn it off then frankly people have no right to complain when people use swear words lol
but abusing other players in such a manner is not acceptable so blocking them and reporting them is the way to go about it
and as for the whole 10% of drops go to me thing..
I’ve been playing this game since beta and Gw1 since it’s debut year and I have never.. EVER.. heard about this bullcrap player rule being used in the game
my guess is the douchbag was trying to scam your girlfriend out of her item..
the fact is.. she got rewarded with that drop.. it was given to her by the RNG of the game
it’s her item to do with what she wants.. and he has no right to demand you hand it over as compensation for playing the game and joining a event
neither of you have done anything wrong here so don’t worry about it
and I hope your girlfriend enjoys her cool amulet cause Dhuum knows I want one ^^
If you guys had been following them around and killing the elementals they spawned with the maize balm they bought, they would have has a right to complain. But since you were passing through, hit something that appeared in front of you and got a lucky drop then that’s the way it goes. You don’t owe them anything. You weren’t part of their group or their agreement and people passing by and killing the elementals while on a public, open to all map is one of the hazards of doing this type of farm.
Block, report and put it behind you.
Yup, exactly that.
Report, block and move on. If it was genuinely an accident, then it is one of those things – certainly nothing of significance.
It’s an online video game where this is rampant sadly- such behaviour isn’t worth acknowledging or dignifying.
You can’t stop jerks from being jerks. Especially on the Internet. Forget about those losers and move on.
They’re absolutely worth acknowledging. They’re toxic vile that is filling up the community and must be pointed out to be taken care of and removed from the community. Ignoring them or excusing it as “just the internet” only gives the impression that their behavior is tolerated and is allowed to continue.
There is a reason why people punish a dog for peeing on the carpet and eventually dogs learn not to. Dogs that just do not learn are either put outside or taken to the pound (both being a metaphor for being banned).
Report, block and move on. If it was genuinely an accident, then it is one of those things – certainly nothing of significance.
It’s an online video game where this is rampant sadly- such behaviour isn’t worth acknowledging or dignifying.
You can’t stop jerks from being jerks. Especially on the Internet. Forget about those losers and move on.
They’re absolutely worth acknowledging. They’re toxic vile that is filling up the community and must be pointed out to be taken care of and removed from the community. Ignoring them or excusing it as “just the internet” only gives the impression that their behavior is tolerated and is allowed to continue.
There is a reason why people punish a dog for peeing on the carpet and eventually dogs learn not to. Dogs that just do not learn are either put outside or taken to the pound (both being a metaphor for being banned).
While that theory does make sense, it doesn’t take into account that acknowledging such behavior also encourages more. If they are reported and blocked, there isn’t much else you can do.
When dealing with my son. When he starts throwing a fit, he gets punished (reported) If he still continues to throw a fit, he gets ignored (blocked). The longer he throws a fit and I continue acknowledge it, it gives his fit validation. He then thinks that if he wants something, or wants my attention, all he needs to do is throw a fit. Even if it results in a punishment at the start.
Please don’t get the idea that I don’t pay attention to my son. I play with him often, and spend as much time as I can with him. But I WILL NOT put up with him being a kitten head.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I would say your comparison is inaccurate. The dog is punished by an authority, not by another dog. Reporting them is the best way to do that as it gets Arenanet to punish them. Getting into an argument or getting a rise just feeds them even further and generally just increases the level of frustration.
Block, report, move on. Never acknowledge them – and I mean directly acknowledge
Ignore them or block and report. Just because you or your gf happened to get a good drop doesn’t entitle them to anything unless you were part of the original agreement.
(edited by Enko.6123)
I would go with just blocking them. Harassment doesn’t affect the in game economy enough for Anet to do anything about it.
Bottom line is, she did nothing wrong and they were rude.
But for fun, let’s propose some scenarios.
I’m not sure exactly what the maize balm (is that what it’s called?) is going for right now, but say you dropped 5 gold on them with the intention of farming trick-or-treat bags. As you are farming, a level 80 staff guard with full berserker ascended and fire sigils shows up and steals all your kills before you can tag them.
(Note: this is NOT what happened here. I’m simply proposing a "what if.)
I would be pretty kittened off if I were him. I think that if a person spends money for an item, they should get their due rewards from that item. Or, to be more specific: say he spawned 100 candy corn elementals, then he should get 100 bags. No kill stealing.
He is entitled to his loot. He is not entitled to your loot. The reason people strip down to their underwear for these events is because it allows the maximum number of people to tag each elemental before it dies, given a far greater number of bags. Back to the example, if each person gets a bag from those 100 elementals and 15 people are participating, that’s a lot (1500) bags.
Now, going off of this: since so many people are getting so much loot for free, it’s common for them to “tip” the organizer, either through a percentage of bags or through a direct monetary donation.
Is this required? No. I hesitate to even label it “good manners” because ultimately you are not entitled in any way to give someone else your loot or money. You did not exploit him or steal his loot. If nobody had shown up to join in the farm, he would still have received his 100 bags. His own personal rewards are unaffected by your involvement, thus you do not owe him anything. (Again, this is not including the kittens who kill steal)
However, a donation of bags or money is typically seen as a, “Thanks!” and this is well-received. In addition, someone with an expectation of receiving bonus rewards will be more driven to buy the maize balm, which means more free loot for you. Ergo, if giving him 10 of your 100 bags increases the chance of him coming back for a second round, then now you may find yourself with a 180 total free bag profit after a second round instead of just 100 from a single dine-and-dash.
This is why people donate: it’s nice to the one paying up front and it increases the chance of more free loot. But no, you are not required to give him anything.
Plus he was being a complete tool with his reaction. Even if you had given him 10 percent of your bags before opening, who’s to say you wouldn’t have gotten the necklace in one of the other 90? (I’m sticking with this easy base number from my example)
If someone does something like that again, just ignore him. Or, if you’re the type to do so, feel free to antagonize him in a not-truly-rude kind of way. Pinging salt, the idea mentioned above, is a funny idea.
Congrats for the drop, by the way! I opened thousands of bags last Halloween and got nada. Lots of gold from selling mats, but no big cool and/or pricey drops.
Eh, just go play Eve Online or basically any competitive FPS game for a weeks, then come back to GW2 and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, where what you’ve described above is considered unusual.
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
Any mob you see feel free to tag. The one and only point I’d add is that linking drops in mapchat is pretty lame. Many players myself included never get anything and seeing someone get something just reminds us that RNG in GW2 is completely broken.
Report the player, block him, move on. Gratz on the drop I guess….
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
And then gotten a 72 hour suspension when they reported you with the proof you were griefing them. Yah, excellent plan. (Rolls eyes).
ANet may give it to you.
People like that are not worth getting upset over. I would have just laughed and said “u mad bro?”.
“I got an Oontz necklace of the cat your argument is invalid, later fellas! "
“Oh, is it something good? I already have an ascended amulet with better stats so I salvaged this one for the mats. Got three ecto!”
The term “abuse” is, ironically, being abused a lot nowadays.
Report, block, move on.
Ping him 250 packets of salt.
Perhaps I’m just cynical, but I would have mailed him 250 packets of salt.
People like that are not worth getting upset over. I would have just laughed and said “u mad bro?”.
“I got an Oontz necklace of the cat your argument is invalid, later fellas! "
“Oh, is it something good? I already have an ascended amulet with better stats so I salvaged this one for the mats. Got three ecto!”
~Sincerely, Scissors
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
And then gotten a 72 hour suspension when they reported you with the proof you were griefing them. Yah, excellent plan. (Rolls eyes).
The person who got grief from players and abused would get a 72 hour suspension? That seems like very bad policy on anets part. I would hope that when it was addressed in review the actual bad seeds would get suspended instead. You know, all the people who reported this hypothetical person. Do you think those screen shots would have the verbal abuse on them? I bet a bunch of them would.
I also like how messed up this place is where no one is calling on anet to clean up these toxic players. Kinda like suggesting to people to just roll over and take it because the police wont do anything. If anet gets screen shots of abusive actions and words they really need to respond to it if there is proof.
I wouldn’t go verbal on something like this, but I can understand why people are frustrated when this happens, it’s like when a new player does tequatl for the first time and drops a dusk from it, while you have done it countless times and haven’t dropped a precursor yet.
RNG is a cruel element, and your GF got the better end of it, getting a 800gold? drop while the biggest drop I’ve gotten was a sacrificial blade for 70 gold, at this point I no longer care as i have what i want in the game, and I’m able to make enough gold anyway.
Still whatever the reason, verbal abuse shouldn’t be tolerated, Report/block/move on
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
And then gotten a 72 hour suspension when they reported you with the proof you were griefing them. Yah, excellent plan. (Rolls eyes).
The person who got grief from players and abused would get a 72 hour suspension? That seems like very bad policy on anets part. I would hope that when it was addressed in review the actual bad seeds would get suspended instead. You know, all the people who reported this hypothetical person. Do you think those screen shots would have the verbal abuse on them? I bet a bunch of them would.
I also like how messed up this place is where no one is calling on anet to clean up these toxic players. Kinda like suggesting to people to just roll over and take it because the police wont do anything. If anet gets screen shots of abusive actions and words they really need to respond to it if there is proof.
What I was responding to was where you said:
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
If someone abuses you, you block and report. If you turn around and do exactly as you suggested, how are you any better? Deliberately setting out to troll and grief someone else for any reason does NOT make you the better person. It’s makes you a vindictive person who trolls and griefs others for whatever reason and yes, that is against TOS. The reason why you did it is not important to ANet. You aren’t the games police. If reported you would get a 72 hour suspension for the first offense,
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
And then gotten a 72 hour suspension when they reported you with the proof you were griefing them. Yah, excellent plan. (Rolls eyes).
The person who got grief from players and abused would get a 72 hour suspension? That seems like very bad policy on anets part. I would hope that when it was addressed in review the actual bad seeds would get suspended instead. You know, all the people who reported this hypothetical person. Do you think those screen shots would have the verbal abuse on them? I bet a bunch of them would.
I also like how messed up this place is where no one is calling on anet to clean up these toxic players. Kinda like suggesting to people to just roll over and take it because the police wont do anything. If anet gets screen shots of abusive actions and words they really need to respond to it if there is proof.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Just because they griefed you does not put you in the clear if you turn around and do the same to them.
I would agree that you should not only block someone, but also report them as they can try to harm you in other ways if left unchecked. Do not fight back with them as you can look just as bad as them.
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
And then gotten a 72 hour suspension when they reported you with the proof you were griefing them. Yah, excellent plan. (Rolls eyes).
Its not griefing if you kill them for the loot.
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
And then gotten a 72 hour suspension when they reported you with the proof you were griefing them. Yah, excellent plan. (Rolls eyes).
Its not griefing if you kill them for the loot.
There were at least one or 2 people who got suspended for griefing a maize balm farm by killing the elementals even after being asked to stop.
ANet may give it to you.
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
And then gotten a 72 hour suspension when they reported you with the proof you were griefing them. Yah, excellent plan. (Rolls eyes).
Its not griefing if you kill them for the loot.
There were at least one or 2 people who got suspended for griefing a maize balm farm by killing the elementals even after being asked to stop.
No, they were suspended for killing the ambient creatures before they could be turned into an candy corn elemental. Even after a GM showed up and moved them to a empty instance (because they claimed to do it for weapon master achievements), they kept going back to the old one.
There is no rule to kill things in the open world for legitimate reasons. Even if you used your balm you do not own the candy corn elementals.
From the moment you spawn a candy corn elemental in the open world, it’s fair game for everyone. Leaving them for other players is a curtesy not an obligation.
~Sincerely, Scissors
(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)
Report, block and move on. If it was genuinely an accident, then it is one of those things – certainly nothing of significance.
It’s an online video game where this is rampant sadly- such behaviour isn’t worth acknowledging or dignifying.
You can’t stop jerks from being jerks. Especially on the Internet. Forget about those losers and move on.
They’re absolutely worth acknowledging. They’re toxic vile that is filling up the community and must be pointed out to be taken care of and removed from the community. Ignoring them or excusing it as “just the internet” only gives the impression that their behavior is tolerated and is allowed to continue.
There is a reason why people punish a dog for peeing on the carpet and eventually dogs learn not to. Dogs that just do not learn are either put outside or taken to the pound (both being a metaphor for being banned).
I guess you never really knew any internet trolls. They do things like this for the sole reason of getting a response. Its like when people post screenshots of stuff like this, and expect that the “shame” of the trolls being exposed will humiliate them, when it does nothing but gratify them.
Block, report as verbal abuse, and move on. It might not make these people go away, but you have a better chance of getting a precursor to drop three times in a row than you have of convincing internet trolls to change their behavior. Excusing them as “just the internet” is exactly what you should do
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
I’ll not echo everyone else since even I agree to Report, Block, and move on…
The problem is that they are Maize farming a Heart and getting belligerent with players that are completing the heart and tagging a few in the process.
Oh, Gratz on the drop.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
Screenshot the messages and report it.
I never even knew these existed. I have almost 200 of those tot bags, what are the odds ill pull one?
..scratch that.. almost 400. Gawd i love pvp
You dont come across these kind of people too often. There’s always going to be someone somewhere who appears to have over dosed on psychedelics.
(edited by Ragion.2831)
You already did everything you can do, just keep them blocked and have your girlfriend enjoy a nice pay day.
They’re just internet trolls, as long as you’re not like 12 you should be able to resist the urge to get upset from a mundane situation like that.
Best NA rallybot on EU
You already did everything you can do, just keep them blocked and have your girlfriend enjoy a nice pay day.
I agree: all you can do with trolls is ignore them (and /report if they do something egregious, such as cursing you out repeatedly in /map or /say or threatening you personally).
They’re just internet trolls, as long as you’re not like 12 you should be able to resist the urge to get upset from a mundane situation like that.
Eh, I don’t necessarily agree. It’s upsetting to be attacked and ‘yelled’ at for just playing a game, especially if you come to Tyria as a distraction from real life. To be sure, it’s not worth obsessing over, but then few things are.
What you can do is to think of those guys at a bunch of 9-year olds who stayed up past their bedtime and got cranky because they were sleepy and didn’t get exactly what they wanted for Christmas.
I also like how messed up this place is where no one is calling on anet to clean up these toxic players. Kinda like suggesting to people to just roll over and take it because the police wont do anything. If anet gets screen shots of abusive actions and words they really need to respond to it if there is proof.
Aside from Taking action on accounts, and they do, what else is Anet supposed to do?
No one is saying roll over and let it slide. Almost everyone here, and Anets response to such things, is to report them using the in game reporting system.
So should we demand bans/suspensions for those people? To what end? Anet is already going to do that when they take action. They don’t need input or encouragement from us to spur them to do what they already are going to do. So making demands to do what is already their policy to do, after they do their investigation doesn’t really make much sense.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
lol, the guy was trying to scam you.
I did maize balm farm when it was still good, in rata sum. The 10% was just for the maize balm (wich is fair) .. NOT if you get super lucky and get a nice item :P
Just to play the devil’s advocate here, but maize farm groups tend to farm naked because they want to give everyone in the group a chance to tag for credit and get loot; sometimes there are people like
You should have stayed and trolled the maize farm and messed it up for them. blocking anyone who whispered or complained.
who roll by in full gear and troll for whatever reason you’re not aware of, so there’s probably a fair bit of accumulated saltiness even before you arrive. If people perceive you as denying them loot and getting something awesome in the process, they’re going to go from annoyed to toxic really quickly.
This isn’t to defend their attitudes, mind you, but it’s probably equally toxic to instantly vilify people without trying to understand why they’re being jerks in that brief minute of their lives you happened to encounter them at.
My Question now Is not “what can we do” , the reports are sent and blocks are given and screenshots kept for Future reference, but rather: what do You guys think about people like this, and his behaviour?
Honestly? I think you had an absolutely typical, predictable, and BORING encounter with the utterly average standard-issue Mark I stupid human. Like we all do. Every. Single. Day. (unless you wisely choose to just sleep in )
Its a faintly amusing story, but not something I’d expect to generate lively discussion. An impression backed up by the dozen near-carbon copy responses of “report them and move on.”
Grats on the drop though .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
If i didn’t have better things to do, i’d go item code ping rare ToT bag items every half an hour around there just to wind the trolls up.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
You can’t stop jerks from being jerks. Especially on the Internet. Forget about those losers and move on.
This. Sometimes, you will encounter unpleasant people, and the best thing to do is ignore them and move on with your life.
The horror! The horror!
i am AMAZED OP actually cared about those haters lol wut?
Make a duel with tchem, for honor of your princess.
Seriously, block and report. Why do you even care to post this?