(edited by Greymelken.1892)
Veteran Players get too much.
Knowing where the best farming spots are is a legitimate concern, but it’s only a symptom of a much larger problem. The problem being that farming is required in order to achieve a competitive ground between players with the addition of ascended gear.
The birthday gifts have honestly not been important to the game at all, with the exception of the birthday blaster, which I believe is acquired from the very first one. But I do agree that it should be more accessible to new players
Nothing achievement points give you is important, with the exception of laurels, which are again a symptom of the problem that is Ascended Gear.
There’s no advantage in SPvP besides knowing how to play. It’s actually the only aspect of the game that’s still completely fair. Being beaten by players that play better is normal, and in fact is counteracted by learning to play better.
World v World’s problem is Ascended Gear and statistical advantages. Social connections and understanding of strategies are just built naturally in the course of playing and learning.
Cosmetics are completely cosmetic, they’re not important.
Brilliant OP. Just brilliant. Made me giggle.
@sosen I think you missed the point. lol
Hahaha. Pretty well written.
This is bad satire. The point of the complaints is that vets deserve more for being vets. An inversion doesn’t work because there’s no reasoning at all for noobs deserving more for being noobs.
1/10 trollin aint as easy as you think.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
This is bad satire. The point of the complaints is that vets deserve more for being vets. An inversion doesn’t work because there’s no reasoning at all for noobs deserving more for being noobs.
1/10 trollin aint as easy as you think.
So it’s not what people claimed that veterans want the same as newcomers? We actually think we deserve more? Wow… Actually i don’t think that way. Don’t generalize.
I have to agree with Linnael. While I appreciate satire, I didn’t care for this. It reads more flame bait than anything. As if we need more to irk the masses. But that’s just my opinion.
It’s partly satirical, but it certainly has a point to it that is easy to agree with.
/10char op LuLs
Im calling kittens,
As a veteran i earned al that stuf by putting in many hours of my time
LOL probably the best thread I’ve read since the pre-order of HoT was announced
On a side note, the 23rd is all the trait changes so the meta will be changing at an alarming rate
And yet none of those are free but hard earned.
i think those veterans payed gw2 vanilla separately and supported game by buying part of gems with real money,so they pay for opportunity for that experience.
OP, don’t bring common sense, please. It hurts the nerdrage.
Shame all those newbs don’t use google…
The biggest advantage veteran players have is AP, cuz most parties dont want noobs doing fractals or dungeons runs. Most parties searching 7k+AP players, because more AP, more experience you are, faster and smoother it will go (ofc its only my opinion and it could be debatable). More advantages could be skins, nothing more.. You can learn how to play PVP in few weeks, you can google good farm spots at any time..
Got to agree with the view that this is more flame bait than anything else. I’m not quite a vet and certainly don’t think vets are owed more than any other person who bought the game, but doesn’t change the fact. Recognized this as satire and flame bait the moment I clicked the thread.
Random question: Are the numbers after our forum name determined by how early we bought the game?
(edited by Kury.8210)
And yet none of those are free but hard earned.
Yes, logging into the game on a semi-regular basis is exhausting.
I propose they make a “new player pack” which will include:
10.000 AP.
A T3 cultural set of your choice.
2-3 Old black lion skins from at least a year ago.
A personal “meta trainer” to get you on your path to speed running.
This way new players can catch up to those “entitled veterans”.
All your points are invalid because veterans invested time in doing those things. Time that should have been spent working somewhere to afford that overpriced expansion…
At first I was excited to learn I woud get the core game for free, if I bought the HoT expansion. but then I realized Veteran players were treated so much better then new players.
Veterans are going to know where all the best farming spots are, where all the bag farm spawn locations are, I wont even be able to get a single hit in because they have commander tags and can summon minions to scale up events for them.
Veteran players will have so many more achievement points then I will, they will get so much more free rewards, they even get birthday gifts. I wont get the gifts they get for three years, and by then they will be getting even better gifts.
Wvteran players are already going to have 5 level 80 characters, they can do events with every day, they will have so much game-currency earning potential then I will as a new player. It will take me 3 years to get to the point the veteran players are at today, and by then they will be 6 year veterans!
Veteran players are going to obliterate me in pvp because they know the maps better, the meta builds and strategies, team compositions. In wvw they will have all the social connections to form the best riot squads, the best zergs.
Oh, how I wish this game was fair to new players, but as it stands new players dont have a chance to compete with veterans.
Veterans will look so much cooler then I will. I really like the Aetherized weapon skins, they are so steampunk awesome, but they were around during Scarlet’s invasion when they were offered for a single ticket, now the Aetherized staff skin costs more on the trading post then the Bifrost!!! Such injustice!! I want a free bifrost for being a new player! I want access to all the previously available skins at the same price these most fortunate veteran players had. I want those cool black feather wings that were only on sale for a single day in March. I want bunny ears.
All I want is for new players to be treated with a tiny bit of what anet has treated these veterans with, is that too much to ask?
the stuff that you list , you know , the stuff that we “got”. Those aint for free. We spent time and effort to get to know things, to farm, to grind. That’s not “entitlement”, that’s fruit of labor. Don’t come around my mansion and complain I got a mansion. Well, maybe because I worked my kitten out for 10 years for it. Stop complain and start playing , kid.
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.
15/15 satire enjoyed popcorn.
Brilliant thread, everyone should read this.