Victory of death story
Depending on how well you know the mission, it takes between 20 and 40 minutes. You are talking about the last part where you meet up with Destiny’s Edge in order to defeat Zhaitan?
This happens to me in a lot of instances that take a moderate amount of time. I get kicked fairly often from the final Mordremoth fight trying to get the Migraine achievement with friends, among a good number of other instances.
It can depend. If it’s just you and it’s your first time. Maybe 30 mins to an hour. Depending on what you know and the class. I had trouble even when I did it twice with my elementalist when I was alone. Took me about 40 mins.
Check your connection, use a traceroute to make sure you don’t have packet loss between your computer and the instance/map address reported by typing the /ip command into the chat box in the game.
Even a single lost packet can result in a disconnect. It is usually a sign of a bad connection (WIFI), bad router (very common) or bad ISP (remote areas, congestion, playing at bad times of day like when everyone is getting off work).
ArenaNet really needs to add the ability to resume from disconnects in story.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
Check your connection, use a traceroute to make sure you don’t have packet loss between your computer and the instance/map address reported by typing the /ip command into the chat box in the game.
Even a single lost packet can result in a disconnect. It is usually a sign of a bad connection (WIFI), bad router (very common) or bad ISP (remote areas, congestion, playing at bad times of day like when everyone is getting off work).
ArenaNet really needs to add the ability to resume from disconnects in story.
they really do. it’s one of the things FFXIV got right, disconnecting during a long story instance kills all my motivation to keep going thru that story instance since i dunno when my net’s gonna act up and mess up again. they do the open world content flawlessly (aside from well… losing meta&event progress if you dc… there should be a grace period for that too…)