Video: Is this intended content?

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dulu.8607


13:20 it starts…

This is level 80 gameplay footage. Is this the “End Game Reimagined”?

Please, don’t attack me, I’m genuinely curious.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gave.9408


Welcome to level 80! I see you’ve noticed one of us participating in some revolutionary end-game content. You, too, can look forward to grinding on mobs day-after-day for that much desired piece of vanity gear you’ve had your eye on. Not only that, but you also get to enjoy the “super-mega-revolutionary” diminishing returns of farming WHILE you’re farming, so that you can enjoy more lengthy, and pleasurable farming.

Better get out your shovel and straw hat!

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The end zones so far are way over populated with risen. They respawn quickly, stun/slow that beat crap outta you and repop fast. These end zones are not fun.

I am not sure if ArenaNet thought that as more people hit 80 there would be more people out there to help or what. But people don’t want to stay out there since there are so many mobs!. (IMO).

There are tons of other things to do at 80 tho…..

From a post I saw earlier today on the forums:

80 Things to Do At Level 80
Complete your personal story
Defeat Zhaitan
Unlock all available skills for your profession / race
Raise your crafting disciplines to skill level 400
Earn enough gold to purchase a racial armor set
Earn enough karma to purchase an exotic armor set
Play through all dungeons in story mode
Complete all dungeons in explorable mode
Complete all 33 possible explorable mode dungeon paths
Earn enough dungeon tokens to purchase a set of armor
Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the game
Start a petition to make the Undead Orrian Chicken a new necro minion
Earn enough karma to purchase a racial weapon
Craft an exotic weapon for your character
Craft an exotic armor set for your character
Purchase a Dragon’s Deep weapon
Earn all possible PvE titles
Experiment with new builds for your profession
Discover all possible recipes for your crafting disciplines
Master all crafting disciplines
Experiment with the Mystic Forge
Create a Mystic weapon in the Mystic Forge
Craft a legendary weapon in the Mystic Forge
Explore all areas in the game
Find and use a vial of black dye
Find a vial of black dye and give it to a friend
Create or purchase a full set of 20 slot bags
Give Logan a wedgie
Participate in the Norn Keg Brawl
Unlock all Keg Brawl achievements
Create a new character to experience a different profession / race
Participate in structured PvP
Raise your sPvP rank
Achieve the rank of Ascendant in sPvP
Complete your favorite sPvP cosmetic armor set
Collect new cosmetic weapon skins for sPvP
Unlock all possible cosmetic weapon and armor skins in sPvP
Earn all sPvP titles
Find and complete all 31 jumping puzzles
Complete the current Monthly achievements
Help your guild earn influence to unlock additional perks
Outrun a centaur
Charm all possible pets as a Ranger
Create an all-ranger guild called Team Rocket, lose constantly in sPvP
Collect all 101 types of cooking materials
Fill every collection slot in the bank with at least one item
Participate in World versus World
Help your world win in WvW
Defeat enough enemy players in WvW to complete the medal
Complete the awesome Yakslapper achievement in WvW
Complete all WvW achievements
Build and use all siege weapon types in WvW
Earn all possible WvW Titles
Play the organ in Caledon forest, and party with the Quaggan
Earn enough gold to purchase a Commander Tome
Visit the monument to Killeen and pay your respects
Defeat the Shatterer
Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
Add new friends to your friend’s list
Organize an in-game event for your guild
Complete every map in the game
Participate in meta events
Discover and participate in new dynamic events
Collect stacks of butter and butter prank your friends
Learn the ins and outs of the Trading Post
Get rich selling Globs of Ectoplasm
Buy a Box o’ Fun and throw a party in Lion’s Arch
Complete an armor set for your character’s Order
Read all of the books in Divinity’s Reach
Read the story of how Ebonhawke was founded
Complete all possible weapon achievements for your character
Defeat the Champion of Grenth and purchase the exotic armor set
Write about your level 80 experience, have it published on GW2Hub
Purchase a set of armor from the guild armorsmith
Purchase a set of weapons from the guild weaponsmith
Complete all Slayer achievements
Complete the Lifetime Survivor achievement
Go skydiving in Arah after defeating Zhaitan
Have fun!

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dulu.8607


Are you a robot?

All of that stuff you listed is boring.

If I wanted to “read”, I wouldn’t be playing a video game, I’d go to the library.

My personal story is already done, my crafting is maxed (Hunts/JC) and I have to tell you, the end game is non-existent. It’s the most boring MMO I’ve ever played, and I played many-a-boring-MMO’s.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manifoldgodhead.2356


I don’t understand a max toon in max gear killing regular mobs. In most games top tier gear lets you near one-shot regular mobs. Not mention he’s like: I can just auto-attack then clicks one of his other attacks and then his heal skill plus dodging whenever its up. I just don’t get it, they are regular mobs.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dulu.8607


Except there is about 6 minutes of the video at the end where he just kills mobs endlessly and never uses an ability.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gave.9408


Are you a robot?

All of that stuff you listed is boring.

If I wanted to “read”, I wouldn’t be playing a video game, I’d go to the library.

My personal story is already done, my crafting is maxed (Hunts/JC) and I have to tell you, the end game is non-existent. It’s the most boring MMO I’ve ever played, and I played many-a-boring-MMO’s.

I like you, and agree that most the crap on that list is more artificial lengthening: such as “Buy a box from the gem store and host a party in Lion’s Arch!”

Yes, lets waste more REAL money on a game so we can entertain strangers for five minutes. Great idea! Such a marvelous thing to do at level 80!

Truth be told, the end-game is all grind. Don’t let the fanboys fool you. You either grind rank in sPVP, badges in WvWvW, or tokens in dungeons.

Unlike most MMO’s, the content itself does not reward you; instead, grinding it mercilessly for turn-ins does. Unfortunately, on top of ALL the grinding required to get new gear in this game, the developers have also installed anti-grind codes to reduce rewards after certain periods of playtime. So, either way you’re up a creek without a paddle – hope you like this game, you’ll be here a while if you want anything significant.

Pick your poison, hombre.

(edited by Gave.9408)

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manifoldgodhead.2356


Also I get the feeling all this “end-game” anger is just cover for typical MMO regulars wanting typical MMO content. The grindy kitten is there for you guys, its not there for me. I hate tiered content. For two expansions in a row in WoW I hit level cap and lost interest almost immediately. Finally, a game for me to just fart around in so stop trying to bring it down, your typical content will be out next week.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dulu.8607


I’d settle for a fun MMO.

GW1 was fun. WoW was fun. DAoC, EQ, were fun. Even the “grindy kitten” (whatever the * that is) parts.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Are you a robot?

All of that stuff you listed is boring.

If I wanted to “read”, I wouldn’t be playing a video game, I’d go to the library.

My personal story is already done, my crafting is maxed (Hunts/JC) and I have to tell you, the end game is non-existent. It’s the most boring MMO I’ve ever played, and I played many-a-boring-MMO’s.

I like you, and agree that most the crap on that list is more artificial lengthening: such as “Buy a box from the gem store and host a party in Lion’s Arch!”

Yes, lets waste more REAL money on a game so we can be entertained for five minutes. Great idea! Such a marvelous thing to do at level 80!

Truth be told, the end-game is all grind. Don’t let the fanboys fool you. You either grind rank in sPVP, badges in WvWvW, or tokens in dungeons.

Unlike most MMO’s, the content itself does not reward you; instead, grinding it mercilessly for turn-ins does. Pick your poison, hombre.

You can use gold and turn it into gems. Don’t have to use real money. :P

All MMO’s are a grind, except I don’t have to buy anything to do and see all the content with GW2.

I payed $60 for GW2 which gave me over 150 hours of play time. Thats a hell of a lot more time than most $60 games that I have bought. And I have only 1 character and a tons more to do yet.

Plus most of these posts sound like you want raids, I understand that. But GW2 does not have raids and won’t ever have raids. We have known this long before launch and this is nothing new….

It all comes down to, if you are having fun or not. And if you are not, then move on!

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


I don’t understand why ANET doesn’t merge this kind of threads. This is by far ridiculous… people saying over and over again the same stuff without even read the rest of post.

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manifoldgodhead.2356


And another thing, how the kitten is gating everything off into endless raid tiers that can only be completed so many times a week NOT artificial lengthening?

I mean you want to complain about diminishing returns? The typical end game scenario is do this amount then kitten off till next week. That is the ultimate diminished return. You can literally only accomplish so much each week after which your reward drops to 0!

This game lets you grind as much or as little as you want and like a child let loose in a candy store you gorge yourselves then complain about the stomach ache.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dulu.8607


I don’t think you’ve ever played WoW.

I’m certain you have never seriously raided, and before you claim you have, link an armory profile. As it is right now, you fundamentally misunderstand how raiding works in WoW, so I won’t waste another moment of my time talking about it with you until you prove otherwise.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I don’t think you’ve ever played WoW.

I’m certain you have never seriously raided, and before you claim you have, link an armory profile. As it is right now, you fundamentally misunderstand how raiding works in WoW, so I won’t waste another moment of my time talking about it with you until you prove otherwise.

Stopped playing shortly after Cata.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manifoldgodhead.2356


Only raided in first bit of Cata. Boring, boring boring. Then came back for Deathwing. Beat him in the Raid Finder, said well I guess thats it…. and left

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Martin Kerstein.3071

Martin Kerstein.3071

Head of Global Community

I think we already have a couple of similar threads, so no need for another one.