Video performance

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AehAZE.1867


Im running an i7 950at 3.6 ghz. Gforce 970 superclocked. 6 gig of ram and game on a samsung evo ssd.

That said. I let gfocr experience “optimize” gw2 for me and for the most part i get 60 fps in random zones. But wvw and say lions arch it will spike constantly.mostly when turning. Almost makes it feel laggy. Even if i lower the graphics.

However when i watch streamers their game runs so smooooooth and fluently. I dont know if it because they use say a 144 hz monitor. Or if something in my spec is hindering performance.

I can understand the high pop zones but itll do it in spvp etc as well…

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoul.1087


spvp is a high pop zone if you are in the lobby.
You may want to turn off high res character textures or lower field of view.

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evga.2471


I have the i7 960 @ 3.2GHz with a EVGA GTX 980 SC. I have 16 gigs of ram and GW2 is on my Adata SSD. My performance in Lions Arch is around 18-22 FPS. On average in other areas I get about 55 FPS (give or take). I know for a fact I have to set my graphics to the lowest setting when fighting some World Bosses so my game doesn’t crash (the FPS is 5-10). I might have a bottle neck somewhere but really that doesn’t bother me. For those wondering what platform I’m running it’s the X58. This is only for GW2 and not other games I play.

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildkitten.3872


It sounds like the CPU is the bottleneck. I have only a GTX 670 but an i5-3570k CPU and I get better numbers than that.

Could also be you both have bad drivers installed.

Jaina Kitten, Level 80 Elementalist, Main
Yak’s Bend – Expletus

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olli.9028


cpu single core performace < all in wvw/massive zergs
even a 60 euro/dollar gpu on max settings is cpu limited in these situations

most settings are gpu heavy just max them out, but some like char limits extremly increase cpu usage in wvw/masive zergs

gw2 only need 3-4 cores as fast as possible

best cpu´s for gw are oc´ed i5 . ht from the i7 doesn´t scale with gw and the 6-8 core have to low single core speed.

i run a 2500k on 4,8ghz and even with char limit medium i´m 100% cpu limit in massive wvw fights with a gtx 970 in 1440p with max out most of the other settings

even with all gpu only related settings maxed out in 1440 p my gpu usage drop below 50% in really heave 3 way wvw fight with 20fps in 100% cpu limit

Stab Eins [aX] Axîom
professional WvW rallybotting since 2013

(edited by Olli.9028)

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


put limit on number of shown characters. Welcome to GW2. Even NASA cannot run this game smoothly.

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Isn’t that old processor bottlenecking the 970? Could be the issue.

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Also the game looks incredible at 4k. I even run in “8k” dynamic super resolution, but it’s a slideshow and only done for screenshots.

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evga.2471


Isn’t that old processor bottlenecking the 970? Could be the issue.

My system doesn’t have a problem utilizing the GPU. Even though I have a i7 960 and a 980. On average my GPU usage is around 50-80% (give or take) with some spikes. The last time I check my CPU on a single core it hits 90% and doesn’t go over. If I put a slight OC on the CPU a single core performs a little better (of course it will).

Me and the OP are in the same boat.

Also the game looks incredible at 4k. I even run in “8k” dynamic super resolution, but it’s a slideshow and only done for screenshots.

DSR for the win.

Video performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tic Tac Toe.1482

Tic Tac Toe.1482

On my i7 4770, geforce 760 2 gig, 16 gig system ram, w/ssd, all settings cranked at 1080p I get around 50 fps, and 15-20 fps in heavy WvW and world bosses. The game is CPU bound w/dx9