[????] – HoD
Villain in GW3
[????] – HoD
It’s probably going to be John Smith.
Because, it’s always John Smith.
It’s probably going to be John Smith.
Because, it’s always John Smith.
Isn’t he the guy who stopped production on the advertised content that people paid for?
[????] – HoD
It’s probably going to be John Smith.
Because, it’s always John Smith.
Isn’t he the guy who stopped production on the advertised content that people paid for?
Lol. No. You’re confusing the economy guy with the head of the game.
ANet may give it to you.
They wouldn’t have to make a whole new game to open up Cantha or Elona. Heck, those already show up in the world map on the floor in Hidden Arcana.
Kamedin, you’re mixing up ANet folks. Mike O’Brien, the company president and currently the temporary game lead, is the one that made the call on stopping legendaries. John Smith is the economist who handles material acquisition rates, trading post issues, etc.
I have no idea what they’d do in GW3. Look how much changed between 1 and 2, from game mechanics to politics to technology; it’s essentially the same universe 250 years later but vastly re imagined. So what will Tyria be in another few hundred years? A high tech urban sprawl? An apocalyptic wasteland? Floating chunks of life lost in the Mists after the world exploded? … huh … is Sky Saga: Infinite Isles a taste of Tyria’s future?
It’s probably going to be John Smith.
Because, it’s always John Smith.
Isn’t he the guy who stopped production on the advertised content that people paid for?
Lol. No. You’re confusing the economy guy with the head of the game.
Oh. No wonder the game went down the toilet, but instead of a precursor they got trash.
[????] – HoD
If they ever do make GW3, I will be worried. They watered down between 1 vs 2. GW1 all the different races had their own thinking and way of life. Norn didn’t have leaders they had heroes, asuran was smart and had more of an attitude. Now everyone thinks like humans, which makes me question why they had the other races anyway. They had more skill combos in gw1 as well with specific armor but most of them looked well on their professions. Lastly they didn’t add EVERY SINGLE NEW SKIN into the store but added convenience items and costumes.
[????] – HoD
It’s probably going to be John Smith.
Because, it’s always John Smith.
Isn’t he the guy who stopped production on the advertised content that people paid for?
Lol. No. You’re confusing the economy guy with the head of the game.
Oh. No wonder the game went down the toilet, but instead of a precursor they got trash.
I’m sure that comment made sense somewhere.
Mike O Brien is the head and founder of ANet. John Smith is one of the employees.
ANet may give it to you.
While we’re getting way ahead of ourselves here’s what I see for Guild Wars 3:
1. Scrapping the level system entirely since it’s pointless.
2.Very similar mechanics and control scheme to Phantasy Star Online 2 crossed with Team Fortress 2 (their ranger class has a decent first person shooter mode anyway) so a controller would be ideal overall and hopefully by then will be way more sensitive as a very light tap on a controller does nothing while slightly more effort makes a cursor drastically fly in another direction. Sniping in Dark Souls wasn’t fun for this reason.
3.Simplified skillsets and classes to accommodate the movement scheme. Perhaps certain classes split up and balanced accordingly. For example the Elementalist is broken up into the Pyromancer and Aquamancer. The Pyromancer knows Fire and earth magic whereas the Aquamancer knows water and air magic as one example. Within the context of the game would be balanced. Engineer would also be a split class between inventor and canoneer. One focusing on gadgets and the other on turrets. Sustain elements of the engineer would be given to both classes. Mesmers would no longer exists as the last Mesmer was killed off in between the GW2 and GW3 timelines in a noble sacrifice. She was a Pengu (or Tengu if Anet decides not to canonize the Pengu I personally think a penguin variant of the Tengu would be cool), who are a playable race this time around.
The builds and ability numbers may be simplified but the game isn’t going to be simpler per se, rather the complexity will shift more towards tactics, positioning knowledge, improvisation due to dynamic AI not following the same routines and randomized dungeons ensuring each experience is unique, and reflexes.
5.Very instanced and mission based.
As for story and lore:
1.The dragons were essential for maintaining order and as beings that consume magic keep a magic surplus in check. All the magic that isn’t being consumed attracts even more dangerous cosmic horrors to Tyria, original creatures with some Lovecraftian influences.
2. There are no more world governments and the “apocalypse” has come. In this post-apocalyptic Tyria the Sylvari no longer exists while the humans are in a worse off state than before with the exception of a pirate group, whose formerly rogue islands are now ironically the closest thing to a state Tyria currently has.
3. In between the GW2 and 3 timelines the Charr and Asura forged an alliance and greatly weakened human and Norn kingdoms. Now that those two races are rendered irrelevant on the world stage they no longer see a reason to ally themselves and are now therefore fighting each other.
4. Vampires and werewolves are now prominent, as the new creatures with godlike powers but are too strange to properly call “gods” or “demons” corrupt beings into those forms with their strange new magics.
5. You must work with the pirates, rogue Asura (because the Asuran councils are corrupt and power hungry the rogue Asura are good guys), and feral Charr (as warbands no longer exists due to Charr society having been wiped out with a hard reset button on their culture and now aspire to freedom) to find the root cause of this corruption, cleanse it, and fight the otherworlders one by one.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
It’s probably going to be John Smith.
Because, it’s always John Smith.
Isn’t he the guy who stopped production on the advertised content that people paid for?
Lol. No. You’re confusing the economy guy with the head of the game.
Oh. No wonder the game went down the toilet, but instead of a precursor they got trash.
I’m sure that comment made sense somewhere.
Mike O Brien is the head and founder of ANet. John Smith is one of the employees.
Oh, I accidentally thought it was the other way. So many Anet people and some don’t even have the “this is what I do” tag with their official form name that I have a hard time trying to keep them separate.
[????] – HoD
It’s probably going to be John Smith.
Because, it’s always John Smith.
Isn’t he the guy who stopped production on the advertised content that people paid for?
Lol. No. You’re confusing the economy guy with the head of the game.
Oh. No wonder the game went down the toilet, but instead of a precursor they got trash.
I’m sure that comment made sense somewhere.
Mike O Brien is the head and founder of ANet. John Smith is one of the employees.
Oh, I accidentally thought it was the other way. So many Anet people and some don’t even have the “this is what I do” tag with their official form name that I have a hard time trying to keep them separate.
They don’t too much for some reason, and I think they used to. However if you look at the thread on Legendary weapons on the first page of this forum you’ll see Mike O Brien’s post reads as
Mike O Brien
President — ArenaNet
ANet may give it to you.
Actually they are working on a new expansion for quite a while now so i dont think we will have to wait for another 3 years before we get our 2nd expansion that will , we assume be about defeating another elder dragon.
Another thing is why end gw2 when all elder dragons are dead? Theres a lot more happening in the world other than the elder dragon threats.. i mean…. its not like we killed zhaitan and got to sit on our hands for 3 years right?
Gw2 could have us move to elona …which is ruled by palawa joko for over 250 years now..however theres also a large story unfolding in the raids right now but that could be hinting of the season 3 LW.
A few more things id like to say.
Many other worse mmos lasted for more than 10-15 years.
Also lets try and not go off topic too much
Actually they are working on a new expansion for quite a while now so i dont think we will have to wait for another 3 years before we get our 2nd expansion that will , we assume be about defeating another elder dragon.
Another thing is why end gw2 when all elder dragons are dead? Theres a lot more happening in the world other than the elder dragon threats.. i mean…. its not like we killed zhaitan and got to sit on our hands for 3 years right?
Gw2 could have us move to elona …which is ruled by palawa joko for over 250 years now..however theres also a large story unfolding in the raids right now but that could be hinting of the season 3 LW.
A few more things id like to say.
Many other worse mmos lasted for more than 10-15 years.
Also lets try and not go off topic too much
Well they say its a problem for the entire world (the dragons) but they don’t even think of going to elona or cantha using any means or even thinking up some stupid way of getting to there. Plus the story doesn’t seem to go away from the dragons that much, sure there was scarlet but it pulled it right into the new jungle dragon and how she basicly was just a very smart minion of his. (Plus if you look at Orr, nothing changed before or after zhaitan, just another stagnate area forever bound to an old story.)
[????] – HoD
Well they say its a problem for the entire world (the dragons) but they don’t even think of going to elona or cantha using any means or even thinking up some stupid way of getting to there. Plus the story doesn’t seem to go away from the dragons that much, sure there was scarlet but it pulled it right into the new jungle dragon and how she basicly was just a very smart minion of his. (Plus if you look at Orr, nothing changed before or after zhaitan, just another stagnate area forever bound to an old story.)
The problem for the entire world was realized rather recently during the summit of the worlds leaders. Again, Elona is ruled by a undead mummy Palawa Joko for over 250 years ago. They say theres nothing but desolation there, sulfur sand,undead ofc Palawas bone palace.
Cantha is in a similar position as since the rise of orr nobody heard anything about it. The last ones that came FROM there were the tengu but we all know how friendly and chatty they are.
The story,while not the main one does branch off int other non dragon topics. The major new one is the story arc of the white mantle thats slowly revealing it self inside raids,but does however trace back waaaay before. Humans have a story arc with the white mantle and lets not forget Marjory’s suspicious ghost encounter.
As for Orr. Currently it is in its “healing” state. Traherne managed to use his Caladbolg to start a healing process of the land, and the discovery of turning a undead chicken back to its normal state (as in curing dragon corruption)is also a part of the story that isnt explored but it is still there..and frankly quite a big deal. I mean, cmon, a cure for dragon corruption?!
The only REAL problem about Orr and zhaitan is that instead of this ever changing living world that we live in, we got specific zones that are “frozen” in time just so we can experience the events and mechanics as well as places that dont have to be phased out into different instances with people who finished the zhaitan story and those who didnt.
Same thing goes with several other newer maps such as Dry Tops, Silverwaste, even Dragon’s Stand map and several other HoT maps. Modremoth is dead yet the pact still talks about him…
Ideally we would see a lush green Orr and fort trinity full of settlers (perhaps even humans that trace their lineage from Orr, yes they exist but are kinda embarrassed about it) instead of the Orr we have now…and perhaps a empty Dragon’s stand map and a “remaining modrem” counter on all the other maps in hot that is slowly dropping down as there is no more modremoth that clones corpses right?
However…even if we DO have such a ever changing dynamic world..people would whine about it and post forum posts how bad it is to have a always changing world in a mmo… we all remember living story season 1 right? Oh, make it temporary but permanent like season 2? Thats fine,except people come again and whine about how they missed it (cause they havent been playing and didnt log in for months not even once) and now they have to pay for it….
(edited by Vukorep.3081)
1: Yes, I do kind of know of the condition of Cantha or Elona, hopefully they open up other arcs over there where we help our other brothers over there. (Although my problem is that they are almost never mentioned in the story and feels like they are forgotten about.)
2: No idea about the story behind raids since I have not had the slightest urge to go raid but seems like a bad idea to hide too many major plot points behind limited content.
3:Yes I know Orr is in its healing state, but we haven’t seen anything past what the salad guy was able to do, personally I would of loved like in Tower of Nightmares or whatever that after so many runs it would “kill” zhaitan and the maps would change but hold a story version (like when LA was under siege from scarlet, you talked to an NPC to take you to an earlier point back when it wasn’t, and semi experience it there.
4: while I do see other story arcs, the fact of the matter is, a lot of them seemed unexplored until the main dragon arc is over and feels like its just “dragon dragon dragon dragons”.
PS:I thought during one of the story steps said dragons will consume all the magic in the world (or most of it), this would seem like a tip off that it will effect everyone not just a few people
[????] – HoD
The villian of GW3 will be the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.
Personally im waiting until humanity is on the brink of extinction and at the final battle Balthazar appears and obliterates the evil
Elona and Cantha arent forgotten and are mentioned here and there in lots of maps specially during stories. Marjory is canthan and there are numerous references about it. Human story line with your lost sister gives you the option to decide where you both come form (even ascalon). And you also get to see her later in other story lines as well.
Divinity’s reach and the durmand priory is full of references about them both from historical events and current state of canthans and elonians.
However, nothing can be known about them since they are cut off from the tyria. Hopefully the durmand priory research team that went into the crystal desert will return shortly and share its knowledge about whats going on there.
Raids arent limited content. Its the “im too afraid to be rejected by those nasty leetists and too lazy to get ascended gear” mentality that keeps people from trying the raids out. This happends a lot even with fractals and to some degree with dungeons.
People think that dungeons,fractals and raids are reserved for just a few special min/maxed rich leetists and that if they even TRY asking them to join they will get slapped in the face and shamed and called names.
There are numerous ways to start doing raids from joining a guild that has weekly raids, that can teach you and show you the way, guide you with builds even help you get the gear. One can also simply use the LFG as well and leave a small “learning, all welcome” in the description honestly it doesnt take that much effort but people seem to be shy and afraid of it.
Another thing about raids is that it has been shown and proven that you can do them with exotic gear, that it can be done with less than 10 players, that it can be done without min maxing damage, instead there was a team that ignored the rage bar and TANKED TROUGH the guardians.
Also i believe someone mentioned they will also add a “easy” mode on raids. If they do then im sorry but there are no more excuses for not trying raids and exploring the zone with clues that give out the white mantle story (which started in brisban wildlands even before raids)
Dragons are a natural force and events. Think of them as bears, they sleep during winter ,wake up ,and eat everything and get fat so they can go back to sleep. Except these “bears” are masive huge engines of destruction that feeds on magic of all kind, magical artifacts, leyline energies ect.
However the magic doesnt disappear into thin air, it gets released appon death.It also seem to be leeking out during the time they are asleep. This is why the asura made a huge a central transfer chamber near Primordis 250 years back. Because the sleeping dragon oozed magic.
Also, magic that we use, such as mesmers, elementalists ect, is taught in schools such as the famous Nolani Academy. The only real fear of losing magical powers on a large scale is if something happens similar to what happened to the Jotun… But then again, even they can still tap into “primal” magic similar to what the grawl are using.
Once they stop making creatures target people specifically because they have a certain amount of toughness then I may give them a shot, but my play style is main dps with toughness and raids seem to counteract that and put me in a very specific role if I wish to continue with that playstyle. (that and when my guild that does raids start to take all dps professions and not just like 3)
[????] – HoD
Once they stop making creatures target people specifically because they have a certain amount of toughness then I may give them a shot, but my play style is main dps with toughness and raids seem to counteract that and put me in a very specific role if I wish to continue with that playstyle. (that and when my guild that does raids start to take all dps professions and not just like 3)
Wrong thread? Or are you predicting that all the villainy in GW3 will be in a raid format?
The villian of GW3 will be the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.
I’m holding out for the Monster Under the Bed as the next big bad. He terrorized me as a child and I think he’d make an excellent villain for gw3.
ANet may give it to you.
The villian of GW3 will be the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.
I’m holding out for the Monster Under the Bed as the next big bad. He terrorized me as a child and I think he’d make an excellent villain for gw3.
Jared Fogel it is, ascended cooking confirmed.
Nah, it will be, “The Monster At The End Of The Book.”
Spoiler note: its Grover all along. Silly monster.
God forbid an actual guild war breaks out
There wont be a guild wars 3, if anything, they would just use the name Guild Wars followed by some other work or title
Guild Wars: sequal
Guild Wars: New Tyria
Something along those lines
But regardless, it most likely wont happen, and if it does it wont be for at least another 10 years or more
There wont be a guild wars 3, if anything, they would just use the name Guild Wars followed by some other work or title
Guild Wars: sequal
Guild Wars: New Tyria
Something along those lines
But regardless, it most likely wont happen, and if it does it wont be for at least another 10 years or more
Guild Wars: Rebels of Cantha – goes to help our Cantha Brothers
Guild Wars: Nostalgia edition – makes a better Guild Wars 1
Guild Wars: Guild War of 2676 – actual guild wars breaks out and its up to you to end them.
Guild Wars: A Promised Hope – Anet actually makes everything that they said they would
If the same time line goes on, in about 12 years the dragons will be defeated and they can make a new game engine with better graphics/less lag and go on to the next step. (Plus things are better in 3s)
[????] – HoD
Steve mcbubbles and the krait jesus obviously
God someones thinking far ahead… but I dont think the dragons are likely to last that long. Players are rather fed up with them as it is, so at the very least I imagine they will soon be taking a nice nap, for good, along with any hope of bringing them back as a major threat on account they just havent prooven to be very interesting as antagonists.
People like human threats, they like a face to a name, Arthas to the Scourge, Illidan to the Illidari in Warcraft examples.
Valkorion to the Eternal Empire in SWTOR, and so on and so forth.
What GW2 has yet to create is an iconic villian on par with this. You could say Scarlet Briar but Scarlets role was more as a means to an end, she was just another dragon minion with some layers to her but in the end, she just served to represent the dragons once again.
What we “need” is a villian that is basically an Anti Pact, a faction of individuals that can serve as a long standing enemy even “beyond” the dragons, someone either interested in controlling the dragons for personal gain, or gaining their power, and the power of other things (the demons for example) for world ruling purposes.
See, I dont think we need a major face in GW2, as Major Face Villians dont really survive very well in this franchise, but a major FACTION offers interesting ideas, because this way, you can have an ongoing set of new threats, maybe starting with a major face, and in subsequent storylines, having minor characters within the faction rise to prominance.
The White Mantle seemed like the best candidate for this, but with the Raid I dont think they will even last beyond it sadly which makes me very downer on the matter. The Mantle really had the best chance of rising to excel its previous form, becomming something that spread its wings beyond just rule of humankind, but rule of all races, subverting the influence the Pact has over the world, and gradually taking a chunk of the worlds individuals for itself.
The Mantle felt like an ideal antagonist to the Pact due to the religion vs science elements, but…. now im not sure.
What we do need, is an iconic villian, a face, a humanoid antagonist with deep, controversial motivations weather they are simply the deepest shade of black, or something morally dark grey.
There is also the idea that I still like to explore which is, the dark path trope, aka: the pact commander (aside from sylvari to some extent) has yet to face a real personal trial of morality. That being said even the Sylvari Pact Commander has an opportunity here to have a personal moment of weakness, maybe our bond with the egg of glint lets us become tied to the dragons personally, some kind of Dragonborne, which allows the power to go to our heads.
I do want to see a moment where the pact commander at least “considers” joining the dark side, or going too far to a point there will be serious consequences. It’d be even more epic if they actually “went” over the edge and redeemed themselves later, but that level of depth isnt something I expect.
Still I do want to say this, we are not children A-net, the GW2 community has grown, its time to start maturing up the setting a bit more and being a bit more bold about decisions and storylines.
Serioesly, after all these years, personally i would never want Anet to work on a GW3…
GW1 is now 11 years old!! and is still running
i’m pretty sure that when anet made their plans up for GW2 that they had plans for the game for at least the same lifespan if not longer, hance the big amount of dragons and the huge focus permanently only on Tyria, which is why I believe we will never get to see Cantha/Elona again and all that we know about it what happened there over the last 250 yerars was nothing but flavor lore just to tell us a little bit about what the situations are there now.
Unless Anet speeds from now massively up and brings basicallly with Living World Season 3 an included Dragon Kill and continues with the next expansion then directly on the next dragon, I wont believe that anything will change on this course of the game for the next years to come.
The huge mystery they make since game release already around the deep sea dragon and its official name and everythign else around it makes it not better.
Should GW2 ever die out, then I hope absolutely, that Anet will take everythign they have learned from GW2 over and make as next game a complete new fresh start with an absolute new franchise. A different new game made from scratch that gives them the chance to make with the start of that everythign better, what they have done with GW2 wrong from the start.
it gives them the chance to work on a completely different new lore and world, that isn#t already from release date on doomed to be always only on 1 single continent fix, due to some issues with NCSort telling them, that the game may not havy asian related content, because they dont like what ANet made out of it, cause it could give peopel maybe a wrogn impression fro mthe asian culture and what not all for other issues that lead to the destructino of the original canthan district of divinity reach….
A fresh new game means also fresh new wind in regard of technology, better advanced technolgy that is up to date which would allow them to do alot more great thigns, which would be all for GW2 impossible.
I think also that there are surely also some developers under anet ,which would love by now to work on a completely new and different game, than to work always on the gw franchise, be it game 1 or 2…. hwen you think about it that they are working now for over 10 years conmstantly on the same franchise, never on anythign else.
I believe, that working always on the same stuff makes the creativity of people over the years dull.
But if you give them somewhen a new project for a complete new game, this revitalizes massively creativity.
mmmhmmmmmmmmmmmm.. I can just smell the sweet fragrance of the blooms in the trees, on the savanna in Elona, under the golden sun…
I can hear the whispers (heh see what I did thar?) of the corrupted Sun Spears in the Great Hall under Palowa Joko’s banner…
I can see the great ships of the Corsair, crossing into Kryta to escape the tyranny of an undead ruler…
OMG make it so!
I have a pet- I am a Ranger.
I have Avatar of Balthazar- I am a Dervish.
Or we will get an evil clown with a horde of Flying Monkeys.
Most important thing would be totally open world. Im tired of instanced maps in every game. :/
So at the rate of the game is going with 2 Elder Dragons defeated (maybe one dead in a lore sense), we seem to have 4 more dragons left. If this rate of time is to be expected, it will be about 12 more years before we defeat the other dragons, and I don’t think the game is going to last 15 years, so I wonder what the villain is going to be in GW3. Personally I hope it is related to Cantha or Elona which could be easy to do since they would have to make an entire new game for that, or maybe after all the Elder Dragons are defeated there could be a giant event that would make people migrate south to those other continents or die in Tyria.
Assuming we will be killing all the dragons…
I personally don’t like the giant world ending monster type foes. Enemies like Scarlet briar or the White Mantle are far more interesting.
One of the human gods.
Hopefully bandits and crime syndicates.
I really hope they never need to make a Guild Wars 3. The only reason we have a Guild Wars 2 is because the original engine was far too restrictive for what they wanted to do. We went from a 90% instanced world to a 90% open-world (not counting story instances). Humans only got traded in for 5 races (and it might sadly stay that way). Let’s not make a new game until this engine has to give up the ghosts.
As for the world, who’s to say that we’ll stop at 6 dragons? We already know that killing 2 of them makes the others far worse. Maybe there are other dragons out there. Maybe there’s some bigger bad that the dragons were actually protecting us from. Maybe we’ll actually get to go beyond the Tyrian continent and see some of the lands teased at us from the Hidden Archive’s floor. The map we can see is huge, and we’ve only explored a tiny sliver of it.
What are any of you newcomers talking about?? Just because this game has a number 2 in it and because gw1 was too outdated, it doesn’t mean we will ever get a 3. In fact when asked this question they said that this game will never have a part 3, but instead they want to make gw2 continue on for a very long time. There will never be a gw3 unless some form of technology gets invented that would make all previous games obsolete and unplayable.
I have no idea what they’d do in GW3.
DX11 support confirmed guys! For GW3!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
4 month necro post… Move along.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.