Vote: Do you like ascended skins?
Haven’t really seen them (just a couple of pix), so I will wait to pass judgement when they come out.
Yeah, ill wait until they are in game before passing judgement too. The skins are irrelevant anyway since I would transmute my current look over them if i decided to get a set.
+1 on weapons
-1 armor
More variety is needed, not notjust color. Laziness in the guise of variety.
-1 for the Weapons
- The reason I dislike them is because of the “curtain” like design on most of the items. They are not terrible, but I think they’re are much better skins that are exotic/skins that outshine these weapons, and that shouldn’t be the case. Ascended should stand out from the rest (besides legendarys), and currently I don’t think they do. I also don’t care much for the blade design (re-skin from the Breath of Flame)
-1 for Armor
- From what I’ve seen of the armor, it reminds me of the late renaissance period, mainly spain or italy. We don’t know when these are being released, but if they just put these in with a patch that doesn’t fit the style of the armor, then I see it as out of place. I think armors/weapons/skins should match the content they are being released with. (Besides old re-skins of GW1 Items)
Not trying to be the Negative Nancy, this is just my opinion. I’m sure some people will overly enjoy them. If I happen to receive either, I will just transmute into a skin I prefer. I do hope to see some more norse/viking/medieval style weaps/armor though
I am not fond of the weapon skins except for the staff. The staff, in my opinion is one of their better designs.
The armor, however, is something I am kind of looking forward to. Nice that the medium isn’t a trench coat, and the light actually looks like it could be battle armor instead of scarves. I haven’t seen the heavy.
i dont care for the skins – they give my characters progression in stats and thats all for me
Who cares ? It’s not like this is going to make them change their design for armors. “It might impact future designs !” yeah…light armor finally got another pair of pants without a skirt attached to it after 15 months of complaints…oh wait.
But then again, if the pair of pants we finally get is a pair of skin tight leggings, I’d rather have a skirt without a pair of pants underneath this time.
-1 they are bad.
They made them look like crap on purpose so new players will have some incentive to want to do the other dungeons instead of crafting their way to victory.
As far as I’m concerned ascended armor is going to be the death of this game. Final nail in the coffin.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
looks ugly…
+0 for weapons (don’t really like or hate them, they’re ok. Like Tequatl ones betters)
-1 for Armor (they’re ugly as hell, especially the light and mediums. also due to them all being asymmetrical)
Please give us a keyring…
Hell no.
+1 for weapons
+1 for armors
I for one am in love with the armors. As a matter of fact the armors are what made me finally care about ascended.
+0 for weapons (don’t really like or hate them, they’re ok. Like Tequatl ones betters)
-1 for Armor (they’re ugly as hell, especially the light and mediums. also due to them all being asymmetrical)
Nooo! Do you have any idea how few asymmetrical armors are in the game? Especially light armors?
I understand some people don’t like asymmetry but I for one think asymmetry looks fantastic. I’ve been forced to stick with the completely symmetrical armors in this game for too long.
It’s a breath of fresh air having asymmetry for once, even though the light armor barely has any asymmetry anyway.
-1 for weapons (champions loot bag weapons look better)
-1 for armors
+1 weapons
+1 armor
-1 for weapons
+1 for armour
-1 for armour
I’m so disappointed.
+1 for weapons (finally a decent staff and scepter)
-1 for armor (makes me look like a clown)
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over
+1 for weapons. Especially love the staff, but all are nice.
Armor I will not judge until i see it for real. Things are much better live than in previews usually.
+1 for weapons.
Will have to see the armor in action, with a good color scheme to tell.
-1 Armor : looks hideous, i was expecting some kind of divine/angelical styled armor, not this risen on meth type of look.
-1 weapons : i don’t like it, but at least it’s not that fugly
Nothing special and much more expensive than some better skins.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
-1 on both and since I only care about skins….
actually the armours are kind of nice but not nice enough that I will craft it
+1 for the weapons, if anything is making me want to level my crafting it’s the staffskin (which will take me ages). When I saw the red ones on dulfys, I thought “oh I’ll wait until I can see the other colors before I decide which one I’m planning to make.” erm…..This is actually the sad thing about them (beside beeing ascended -.-) that the colors are bound to stats.
-1 for the armors – I don’t like them
+1 for the weapons, if anything is making me want to level my crafting it’s the staffskin (which will take me ages
). When I saw the red ones on dulfys, I thought “oh I’ll wait until I can see the other colors before I decide which one I’m planning to make.” erm…..This is actually the sad thing about them (beside beeing ascended -.-) that the colors are bound to stats.
-1 for the armors – I don’t like them
Yes that kind of defeats the whole purpose for me- I mean many people go for looks but now you have the look tied to a stat.
Are you supposed to craft one for the looks and then craft another for that stat?
or even transmute to an exotic to get the stats?
what would be the point to go trough all that unless you really really like the skin- and you would have to like it a lot
Well, true tbh I haven’t decided yet if it’s really worth the efford. :S But – hm – I feel tempted.^^
+1 weapons
What i love about the armors especially is that they are not over the top anime weirdo crap like the legendaries are, i was very afraid the ascended armor would be done in the same manner as legendary weapons and i am very glad to be wrong.
They just need to make the armor good for every race and bodysize.
+1 for the weapons, if anything is making me want to level my crafting it’s the staffskin (which will take me ages
). When I saw the red ones on dulfys, I thought “oh I’ll wait until I can see the other colors before I decide which one I’m planning to make.” erm…..This is actually the sad thing about them (beside beeing ascended -.-) that the colors are bound to stats.
-1 for the armors – I don’t like them
Same here. For a game centered around looks, this is just bad design. It is way to hard to craft two of them to get look and stats you want. The armors will be ignored, one type of silly grinding is enough for me. I need more story, not more visiting of harvestable nodes (yes I know, armor will not even have them)
+1 weapons, though I might add not all weapons are too my liking. Most are good.
-1 to Armors. I am inclined to think, on top of all the grind they want you to do to get these, u’d need to get transmutation crystals too. :P
-1 for Weapons, -1 for Armor, basically for the same reasons others have disliked them. They don’t stand out anymore than Exotics. Especially the armor, the armor is so out there and frilly with that whole masquerade/spaniard theme, what’s their obsession with this style? I honestly think there are 10+ masks available in this game, like stupid masquerade masks. Did I miss a study where that was a cool design?
I didn’t play GW1, so maybe that look was huge in GW1, but uggggh its so bad. And for Ascended? I was so utterly disappointed.
The weapons I’ve seen just seem blah. I’ve seen FAR better Exotic weapons. FAR better.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Armor -20 horribly fugly
For the weapons -1
If I ever get ascended gear, I will be using tranny stones to change them to Cultural armor or dungeon gear.
(edited by eisberg.2379)
-1 for weapons. They’re just bland IMO. Kind of remind me of prettied up Christmas skins. There’s many Exotic, Rare even Masterwork grade weapon skins that look far better and more impressive.
-1 for armor – going on more than just pics here. Have previewed them in game using the codes that were floating around here not long ago. They’re really ugly, IMO. I’m not even sure what kind of look was being attempted……but it sure isn’t something someone would go fight dragons wearing. Unless those dragons were at some kind of Halloween Spaniard ball and the way to defeat them was to win the most flamboyantly ugly costume contest.
Anyway…they’re not going to change the skins, so you can forget that. Especially when you have the option to change the look yourself.
I’ll be changing pretty well every Ascended I get with trans crystals to Exotic/Rare skins.
I feel like ascended weapons invalidated all the work I put into getting different exotic skins. I know, transmutation stones… whatever.
The skins are there to seperate the ascended elite from the exotic casuals.
+1 for elitism and optical gearscore.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
+1 for the armor. I’ve only looked at one I saw linked in chat, and I loved it. I like it more than any of the exotic dungeon sets.
Weapons are ok on average (some are even beautiful, like the greatsword!) +1
Armour is very extremely ugly -1 (should be -10, though)
Weapons are a mix.
Armor really need to have the right dyes and the preview system makes it hard to test properly. Well that is light armor on a sylvari anyway. The medium is still ‘…’ and I forgot how the heavy looks like.
Weapons: +1, though I don’t like how colors are linked to specific stats. The stats I’d use on my guardian, for example, don’t have colors that fit him.
Armors: -1. I see myself using some pieces, but if I ever get them (BIG if, I’m barely over 450 in my first post-400 crafting profesion), I’ll probably transmute to something else.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Weapons: -1
They honestly look like ornate pieces that someone ripped out of a chandelier or other household furniture/ornaments. The staff looks like the curtain rails on my living room window, as an example..
Armor: -1
It simply makes you look like a clown, there’s no room for discussion there. It’s fairly obvious that some ascended being such as Kormir decided to troll us all by making the statistically best armor look like something a clown would wear.
Weapons are a mix.
Armor really need to have the right dyes and the preview system makes it hard to test properly. Well that is light armor on a sylvari anyway. The medium is still ‘…’ and I forgot how the heavy looks like.
Yeah, the right dyes help a lot. I previewed it on my character and was like “Wow, that looks amazing!” (I think the armor was Mithril and the checkered part was charcoal/blue?) he looked like a noble in his “show” armor. Then I saw someone post a pic of their char with a purple/pink/black version of the armor. Not exactly the same thing.
-1 weapons
-1 armor.
disappointing all around.
+1 weapons
From what I’ve seen, they look nice enough to be better than some exotics, but not nice enough to completely ruin legendaries. The design is minimalistic enough not to overly distract while still looking nice, and the body of the weapon is streamlined and creative.
+1 Armor
I’ve seen all ascended armor previews (on an Asuran frame), and I love them. The design is interesting; I love the jester theme of the light armor. The Heavy armor is cool looking, nice asymmetrical balance and use of line. Medium armor is okay. The helm is a bit different, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. I think with the right colors the medium armor could look really nice. It has a sort of foreign look about it, which makes sense considering the whole “ascended” background in GW1.
(edited by Theundersigned.4761)
-1 weapons
-1 armor.
disappointing all around.
Agreed, unfortunately… I thought when the dev’s said that the skins for weapons were going to be something worthy of crafting yourself I can see they were looking through biased eyes. Perhaps that’s why they made them transmutable, because if something like this were to have come out in the original Guild Wars, I can’t see too many people who would be likely to invest in the crafting for them.
As for the armour, omg… I nearly went blind by what I saw with the light variants. >_<
A big -1 for both, they could have done MUCH better.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
+1 both both armor and weapons.
They’re not the most amazing skins ever in the history of anything, but they’re still nice. I can see myself using a couple of the weapons for sure (especially on my Guardian who has a crystal / gemstone theme for her weapons). I really like the medium armor and would seriously consider using it except that my 2 medium-armor characters are both Charr and unfortunately they didn’t bother adjusting the tail area at all.
I don’t think it’s quite a yes/no scenario.
I’m sure a lot of thought went into making Ascended skins intriguing while not eclipsing all of the exotic skins out there. No doubt Anet wanted to give us skins that could hold their own, but also weren’t superior to other exotic skins currently available.
That being said, I generally dislike the ascended armor skins, but I generally like that those skins aren’t better than dungeon skins. Like I said, not really a yes/no answer.
ppl who post “+” and “-” please add what type of armor you like/dislike and the sex of your character.
Some of the armor looks nice on females but gross on males so would be nice distinguish the likes/dislikes
ppl who post “+” and “-” please add what type of armor you like/dislike and the sex of your character.
Some of the armor looks nice on females but gross on males so would be nice distinguish the likes/dislikes
Ok, here goes. All my characters are male, BTW. In my case, at least, in general I don’t dislike the designs as they are… they would just not fit any character I have (note, I’m talking about armors, I like the weapons):
Heavy Armor: I dislike the helmet, first because in general I don’t like any helmet design that hides the face (even if I know it would be the most realistic for heavy armor), and I don’t like the pointy design of the left shoulder and gauntlet. The rest might work (chest, legs, feet), but I like more shiny “speculary” armor for my guardian, and this seems to be mostly mate, might look again if they change the material. My warrior in general has a “dragon warrior” style (using the helmet from dragon bash), I’d have to check on him again but doesn’t fit with the rest of his armor.
Medium Armor: Out of the ascended armor designs, I think this is the better one. I like the helmet, but personally think it would have worked better as a heavy armor piece, I definitively like how it’s assymetrical in design, and finally a medium that’s not a trenchcoat. However, the thing that kills it for me is that my medium armor character is a Charr, and while I wouldn’t wear it with it in the first place (his theme is a old rough engineer kinda guy), it doesn’t have space for the tail (or I remember it didn’t, I’ll have to check again tonight). In general I feel that the general look is that of a soldier/gladiator formal suit, and doesn’t fit the theme of any of the medium armor classes (thief, engineer or ranger).
Light Armor: This one has potential… for a mesmer… not much for other classes I’d say. It looks to me like a sort of matador/harlequin cross. Though to be honest, this is the armor that I’d say would fit one of my characters the most (male norn mesmer), but I still have to say I like his current clothes better (mostly the light heritage set).
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
+1 for weapons. They upped the look I was after for my warrior (i got a axe and shield ascended clerics). People ask me about the skins quite often cause they think they look cool on my warrior.
Not sure on armors yet. They will have to be released before I can make an accurate decision just due to the nature of my warrior being a charr.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
+1 for some weapons being good, and at worst I don’t dislike any of them
-1 for all of the armor
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